var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var syncAbort = require('./backbone/sync-abort'); /** * Analysis definition model. * Points to a node that is the head of the particular analysis. */ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ /** * @override {Backbone.prototype.sync} abort ongoing request if there is any */ sync: syncAbort, initialize: function (attrs, opts) { if (!opts.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection) throw new Error('analysisDefinitionNodesCollection is required'); this.USER_SAVED = false; // flag to indicate if the user saved the node and avoid triggering the onboarding model if they didn't this._analysisDefinitionNodesCollection = opts.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection; }, parse: function (r, opts) { // If parse is called on a new model it have not yet called initialize and thus don't have the collection var nodesCollection = this._analysisDefinitionNodesCollection || opts.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection; // Merge and parse are used to sync all nodes in a definition with the backend response nodesCollection.add(r.analysis_definition, {silent: true, merge: true, parse: true}); var attrs = _.omit(r, 'analysis_definition'); attrs.node_id =; return attrs; }, toJSON: function () { return { id:, analysis_definition: this.getNodeDefinitionModel().toJSON() }; }, containsNode: function (other) { var nodeDefModel = this.getNodeDefinitionModel(); return !!(nodeDefModel && nodeDefModel.containsNode(other)); }, getNodeDefinitionModel: function () { return this._analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get(this.get('node_id')); } });