require_relative '../../acceptance_helper' feature "API 1.0 queries management" do before(:all) do Capybara.current_driver = :rack_test @user = create_user({:username => 'test'}) end before(:each) do bypass_named_maps delete_user_data @user @table = create_table :user_id => end after(:all) do bypass_named_maps @user.destroy end scenario "Get the results of a SELECT query" do 50.times do |i| @table.insert_row!({:name => "Row number #{i}", :description => String.random(50), :the_geom => %Q{\{"type":"Point","coordinates":[40.392949,-3.69084]\}}}) end get_json api_queries_url(:sql => "SELECT * FROM #{} ORDER BY cartodb_id ASC LIMIT 10", :rows_per_page => 2) do |response| response.status.should be_success response.body[:rows].size.should == 2 response.body[:rows][0]["name"].should == "Row number 0" response.body[:rows][1]["name"].should == "Row number 1" end end scenario "Get the results of a UPDATE query" do 50.times do |i| @table.insert_row!({:name => "Row number #{i}", :description => String.random(50), :the_geom => %Q{\{"type":"Point","coordinates":[40.392949,-3.69084]\}}}) end get_json api_queries_url(:sql => "UPDATE #{} SET description = NULL WHERE cartodb_id < 13", :rows_per_page => 2) do |response| response.status.should be_success response.body[:rows].size.should == 0 response.body[:affected_rows].should == 12 end end scenario "Get the results of a DELETE query" do 50.times do |i| @table.insert_row!({:name => "Row number #{i}", :description => String.random(50), :the_geom => %Q{\{"type":"Point","coordinates":[40.392949,-3.69084]\}}}) end get_json api_queries_url(:sql => "DELETE FROM #{} WHERE cartodb_id < 13", :rows_per_page => 2) do |response| response.status.should be_success response.body[:rows].size.should == 0 response.body[:affected_rows].should == 12 end end scenario "Get the results of a query involving system tables" do get_json api_queries_url(:sql => "SELECT datname FROM pg_database;", :rows_per_page => 2) do |response| response.status.should == 400 response.body[:errors].should == ["System tables are forbidden"] end end end