const CartoTableMetadata = require('dashboard/views/public-dataset/carto-table-metadata'); const VisualizationsCollection = require('dashboard/data/visualizations-collection'); const VisualizationModel = require('dashboard/data/visualization-model'); const UserModel = require('dashboard/data/user-model'); const ConfigModelFixture = require('fixtures/dashboard/config-model.fixture'); // ================================================== // // // // THOSE TEST ARE **REALLY** IMPORTANT SO IF SOME // OF THEM IS BROKEN, PLEASE, TAKE CARE OF IT // // Visualization model specs // // ================================================== describe('Visualization model', function () { var vis, map_id; beforeEach(function () { // cdb.admin.CartoDBLayer.updateCartoCss = function () {}; map_id = 96; // Visualization model vis = new VisualizationModel({ map_id: map_id, active_layer_id: null, name: 'test_table', description: 'Visualization description', tags: ['jamon', 'probando', 'test'], privacy: 'PUBLIC', updated_at: '2013-03-04T18:09:34+01:00', type: 'table', permission: { owner: { username: 'rambo', base_url: '' }, acl: [ { type: 'user', access: 'r', entity: { username: 'charly', base_url: '' } } ] }, transition_options: { action: 'click', time: 40 }, table: { name: '"rambo".test_table' } }, { configModel: ConfigModelFixture }); }); describe('transition_options', function () { it('should load transition_options', function () { expect(vis.transition.get('action')).toEqual('click'); }); it('should serailize transition_options', function () { vis.transition.set('time', 50); expect(vis.toJSON().transition_options).toEqual({ action: 'click', time: 50 }); }); }); describe('permission', function () { it('should load permissions', function () { expect(vis.permission.owner.get('username')).toEqual('rambo'); expect(vis.permission.acl.length).toEqual(1); }); }); /* defaults & config */ describe('> defaults & config', function () { it('should define a number of ITEMS_PER_PAGE', function () { expect(VisualizationsCollection.prototype._ITEMS_PER_PAGE).toBeDefined(); }); it('should define a number of PREVIEW_ITEMS_PER_PAGE', function () { expect(VisualizationsCollection.prototype._PREVIEW_ITEMS_PER_PAGE).toBeDefined(); }); it('should setup map bindings by default', function () { expect(vis.get('bindMap')).toBeTruthy(); expect('id')).toEqual(map_id); }); it("shouldn't setup map bindings when bindMap is false", function () { vis = new VisualizationModel({ map_id: map_id, bindMap: false }, { configModel: ConfigModelFixture }); expect(vis.get('bindMap')).toBeFalsy(); expect('id')).toEqual(undefined); }); }); /* map_id specs */ describe('> map_id', function () { it('should set bindMap to false for all visualizations on parse/fetch', function () { var visualizations = new VisualizationsCollection({ type: 'derived' }, { configModel: ConfigModelFixture }); var v = visualizations.parse({total_entries: 1, visualizations: [{ id: 1 }]}); expect(v[0].bindMap).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('.sharedWithEntities', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.sharedWithEntities = function () { return vis.sharedWithEntities(); }; }); describe('given at least shared with one other user', function () { beforeEach(function () { // the permission object is set in the top-most beforeEach this.sharedWithEntities = this.sharedWithEntities(); }); it('should return an array containing the entities the visualization is shared with', function () { expect(this.sharedWithEntities.length).toEqual(1); expect(this.sharedWithEntities[0].get('username')).toEqual('charly'); }); }); describe('given that model is not shared with anyone', function () { beforeEach(function () { vis.permission.acl.reset([], { silent: true }); }); it('should return an empty array', function () { expect(this.sharedWithEntities()).toEqual([]); }); }); }); describe('.tableMetadata', function () { beforeEach(function () { vis.set({ table: { foo: 'bar' } }, { silent: true }); this.tableMetadata = vis.tableMetadata(); }); it('should return a Table metadata object', function () { expect(this.tableMetadata instanceof CartoTableMetadata).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should return a single instance if called several times', function () { expect(this.tableMetadata).toBe(vis.tableMetadata()); }); it('should created the tableMetadata object with the table attributes', function () { expect(this.tableMetadata.get('foo')).toEqual('bar'); }); }); describe('.privacyOptions', function () { describe('given a derived visualization (map)', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.vis = new VisualizationModel({ type: 'derived' }, { configModel: ConfigModelFixture }); this.privacyOptions = this.vis.privacyOptions(); }); it('should return all privacy options', function () { expect(this.privacyOptions.length).toEqual(4); expect(this.privacyOptions).toContain('PUBLIC'); expect(this.privacyOptions).toContain('PRIVATE'); expect(this.privacyOptions).toContain('LINK'); expect(this.privacyOptions).toContain('PASSWORD'); }); }); describe('given a table', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.vis = new VisualizationModel({ type: 'table' }, { configModel: ConfigModelFixture }); this.privacyOptions = this.vis.privacyOptions(); }); it('should return all privacy options but the password', function () { expect(this.privacyOptions.length).toEqual(3); expect(this.privacyOptions).toContain('PUBLIC'); expect(this.privacyOptions).toContain('PRIVATE'); expect(this.privacyOptions).toContain('LINK'); expect(this.privacyOptions).not.toContain('PASSWORD'); }); }); describe('given a kuviz', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.vis = new VisualizationModel({ type: 'kuviz' }, { configModel: ConfigModelFixture }); this.privacyOptions = this.vis.privacyOptions(); }); it('should return public and password options', function () { expect(this.privacyOptions.length).toEqual(2); expect(this.privacyOptions).toContain('PUBLIC'); expect(this.privacyOptions).not.toContain('PRIVATE'); expect(this.privacyOptions).not.toContain('LINK'); expect(this.privacyOptions).toContain('PASSWORD'); }); }); }); describe('.viewUrl', function () { describe('when vis is a dataset', function () { beforeEach(function () { vis.set('type', 'table'); }); it('should return a new dataset URL', function () { expect(vis.viewUrl().toString()).toEqual(''); }); describe('when given a current user', function () { it('should return the URL from perspective of owner', function () { expect(vis.viewUrl(vis.permission.owner).toString()).toEqual(''); }); it('should return the URL from the perspective of shared user', function () { var userSharingVis = vis.permission.acl.first().get('entity'); expect(vis.viewUrl(userSharingVis).toString()).toEqual(''); }); it('should return the URL from the perspective of owner if do not have read access', function () { var otherUser = new UserModel({ id: 123, base_url: '', username: 'current-user' }); expect(vis.viewUrl(otherUser).toString()).toEqual(''); }); }); }); describe('when vis is a map', function () { beforeEach(function () { vis.set('type', 'derived'); vis.set('id', 'abc-123'); }); it('should return a new map URL', function () { expect(vis.viewUrl().toString()).toEqual(''); }); describe('when the type is not available', function () { it("should assume it's a map and thus return a new map URL", function () { vis.set('type', undefined); expect(vis.viewUrl().toString()).toEqual(''); }); }); describe('when given a other current user (e.g. a shared map)', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.userSharingVis = vis.permission.acl.first().get('entity'); this.userSharingVis.set('id', '123'); }); it('should return the URL from the perspective of the current user', function () { expect(vis.viewUrl(this.userSharingVis).toString()).toEqual(''); }); }); }); describe('when vis is a kuviz', function () { beforeEach(function () { vis.set('type', 'kuviz'); vis.set('id', 'abc-123'); vis.set('url', ''); }); it('should return the kuviz URL', function () { expect(vis.viewUrl().toString()).toEqual(''); }); }); }); });