describe("common.ui.Table", function() { var cols; var tableMetadata; describe("Row", function() { beforeEach(function() { }); // it("", function() { // }); }); describe("TableData", function() { beforeEach(function() { cols = new cdb.ui.common.TableData(); cols.reset([ {'id': 1, 'col1': 1, 'col2': 2, 'col3': 3}, {'id': 2, 'col1': 4, 'col2': 5, 'col3': 6} ]); }); it("should return the value for cell", function() { expect(cols.getCell(0, 'col1')).toEqual(1); }); it("should return null for non existing cell", function() { expect(cols.getCell(10, 'col1')).toEqual(null); }); }); describe("RowView", function() { it("should render in a row", function() { var row = new cdb.ui.common.Row({test0: 'a', test1: 'b'}); var r = new cdb.ui.common.RowView({model: row}); expect(r.render().$('td').length).toEqual(3); // two rows plus one blank row before them }); it("should render in order", function() { var row = new cdb.ui.common.Row({test0: 'a', test1: 'b'}); var r = new cdb.ui.common.RowView({model: row, order: ['test1', 'test0']}); r.render(); expect($(r.$('td')[1]).html()).toEqual('b'); expect($(r.$('td')[2]).html()).toEqual('a'); r = new cdb.ui.common.RowView({model: row, order: ['test0', 'test1']}); r.render(); expect($(r.$('td')[1]).html()).toEqual('a'); expect($(r.$('td')[2]).html()).toEqual('b'); }); it("should render row header", function() { var row = new cdb.ui.common.Row({test0: 'a', test1: 'b'}); var r = new cdb.ui.common.RowView({ model: row, row_header: true }); r.render(); expect(r.$('td').length).toEqual(3); }); it("should return cell x", function() { var row = new cdb.ui.common.Row({test0: 'a', test1: 'b'}); var r = new cdb.ui.common.RowView({model: row}); r.render(); expect(r.getCell(2).html()).toEqual('b'); }); }); describe("Table", function() { var table; beforeEach(function() { cdb.ui.common.Row.url = 'test'; cols = new cdb.ui.common.TableData(); cols.url = 'test'; tableMetadata = new cdb.ui.common.TableProperties({ schema: [ ['id', 'number'], ['col1','number'], ['col2','number'], ['col3','number'] ] }); cols.reset([ {'id': 1, 'col1': 1, 'col2': 2, 'col3': 3}, {'id': 2, 'col1': 4, 'col2': 5, 'col3': 6} ]); table = new cdb.ui.common.Table({ dataModel: cols, model: tableMetadata }); this.server = sinon.fakeServer.create(); }); it("should render a table", function() { expect(table.render().$'table')).toEqual(true); }); it("should render a header", function() { expect(table.render().$('thead')).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should have 2 rows and the header", function() { expect(table.render().$('tr').length).toEqual(3); }); it("should have 6 cells and header", function() { expect(table.render().$('th').length).toEqual(5); expect(table.render().$('td').length).toEqual(2*5); }); it("each row has an id", function() { expect($(table.render().$('tr')[1]).attr('id')).toEqual('row_' +; }); it("should change value when model changes", function() { table.render();'col1', 10); expect(table.$('#cell_1_col1').html()).toEqual('col1').toString()); }); it("should rerender on data reset", function() { expect(table.render().$('tr').length).toEqual(3); cols.reset([ {'id': 1, 'col1': 1, 'col2': 2, 'col3': 3} ]); expect(table.$('tr').length).toEqual(2); }); it("should remove rows on remove", function() { table.render();; expect(table.$('tr').length).toEqual(2); expect(table.rowViews.length).toEqual(1); }); it("should add rows", function() { table.render(); cols.add({'id': 4, 'col1': 1, 'col2': 2, 'col3': 3}); expect(table.$('tr').length).toEqual(4); }); it("should add rows at index", function() { table.render(); cols.add({'id': 10, 'col1': 11, 'col2': 12, 'col3': 13}, {at: 1}); expect(table.$('tr').length).toEqual(4); var cell = table.getCell(1, 1); expect(cell.html()).toEqual('10'); expect(cell.parent().attr('data-y')).toEqual('1'); expect(table.getCell(1, 2).parent().attr('data-y')).toEqual('2'); }); it("should update cell indexes when remove a column", function() { table.render(); cols.add({'id': 10, 'col1': 11, 'col2': 12, 'col3': 13}, {at: 1}); expect(table.$('tr').length).toEqual(4); cols.remove(; var cell = table.getCell(0, 1); expect(cell.parent().attr('data-y')).toEqual('1'); /* var cell = table.getCell(0, 1); expect(cell.html()).toEqual('10'); expect(cell.parent().attr('data-y')).toEqual('1'); expect(table.getCell(0, 2).parent().attr('data-y')).toEqual('2'); */ }); it("should remove rows", function() { table.render(); cols.remove(; expect(table.$('tr').length).toEqual(2); }); it("should return cell x,y", function() { //$('#foo').trigger('click'); var cell = table.render().getCell(1, 1); expect(cell.html()).toEqual('2'); cell = table.getCell(2, 1); expect(cell.html()).toEqual('4'); }); it("should trigger cell clicked on click and dblclick", function() { var cell = table.render().getCell(0, 1); spy = { click: function() {}, dblClick: function() {} }; spyOn(spy, 'click'); spyOn(spy, 'dblClick'); table.bind('cellClick',, spy); cell.trigger('click'); expect(; expect([1][0]).toEqual(cell[0]); expect([2]).toEqual(0); expect([3]).toEqual(1); table.bind('cellDblClick', spy.dblClick, spy); cell.trigger('dblclick'); expect(spy.dblClick).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spy.dblClick.calls.mostRecent().args[1][0]).toEqual(cell[0]); expect(spy.dblClick.calls.mostRecent().args[2]).toEqual(0); expect(spy.dblClick.calls.mostRecent().args[3]).toEqual(1); }); it("should render new data on change data source", function() { cols = new cdb.ui.common.TableData(); table.setDataSource(cols); cols.reset([ {'id': 100, 'col1': 1, 'col2': 2, 'col3': 3} ]); cell = table.getCell(1, 0); expect(cell.html()).toEqual('100'); }); it("should clear rows after a reset", function() { expect(table.render().$('tr').length).toEqual(3); cols.reset([]); expect(table.$('tr').length).toEqual(1); // only the header }); it("should call renderEmpty after an error", function() { spyOn(table, '_renderEmpty'); cols.reset([], { silent: true }); cols.trigger('error'); expect(table._renderEmpty).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should render faster than light", function() { var NCOLUMNS = 100; var NROWS = 260; var schema = [] var rows = []; _(NCOLUMNS).times(function(n) { schema.push(['column_' + n, 'string']); }); _(NROWS).times(function(n) { var row = {} _(schema).each(function(c) { row[c[0]] = "testestestest" }) rows.push(row); }); tableMetadata = new cdb.ui.common.TableProperties({ schema: schema }); cols.reset(rows); table = new cdb.ui.common.Table({ dataModel: cols, model: tableMetadata }); var mean = 0; var count = 5; for(var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var t0 = new Date().getTime(); table.render(); var t1 = new Date().getTime(); mean += t1 - t0; } // God please, forgive me. expect(mean/count).toBeLessThan(10000); }); }); });