// cartodb.js version: <%= version %> // uncompressed version: cartodb.uncompressed.js // sha: <%= sha %> (function() { var define; // Undefine define (require.js), see https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/issues/543 var root = this; if(!<%= load_jquery %>) { if(root.jQuery === undefined) { throw "jQuery should be loaded before include cartodb.js"; } } // save current libraries var __prev = { jQuery: root.jQuery, $: root.$, L: root.L, Mustache: root.Mustache, Backbone: root.Backbone, _: root._ }; <%=CDB_DEPS%> // mustache does no defined a global var, defines a var Mustache instead // so add it to root root.Mustache = Mustache; (function() { var $ = root.$; var jQuery = root.jQuery; var L = root.L; var Mustache = root.Mustache; var Backbone = root.Backbone; var _ = root._; <%=CDB_LIB%> cdb.$ = $; cdb.L = L; cdb.Mustache = Mustache; cdb.Backbone = Backbone; cdb._ = _; })(); ; for(var i in __prev) { // keep it at global context if it didn't exist if(__prev[i]) { window[i] = __prev[i]; } } })();