var CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); var template = require('./sync-info.tpl'); var moment = require('moment'); var TipsyTooltipView = require('builder/components/tipsy-tooltip-view'); var SyncOptionsModalView = require('builder/components/modals/sync-options/sync-options-modal-view'); var checkAndBuildOpts = require('builder/helpers/required-opts'); var REQUIRED_OPTS = [ 'modals', 'syncModel', 'tableModel', 'userModel' ]; module.exports = CoreView.extend({ className: 'SyncInfo SyncInfo--separator', events: { 'click .js-options': '_openSyncOptions' }, initialize: function (opts) { checkAndBuildOpts(opts, REQUIRED_OPTS, this); }, render: function () { var runAt = this._syncModel.get('run_at'); var d = { canSyncNow: this._syncModel.canSyncNow(), fromExternalSource: this._syncModel.get('from_external_source'), ranAt: moment(this._syncModel.get('ran_at') || new Date()).fromNow(), runAt: moment(runAt).fromNow(), state: this._syncModel.get('state'), errorCode: this._syncModel.get('error_code'), errorMessage: this._syncModel.get('error_message'), isOwner: this._tableModel.isOwner(this._userModel) }; // Due to the time we need to polling, we have to display to the user // that the sync will be in a moment if (!runAt || (new Date(runAt) <= new Date())) { d.runAt = _t(''); } this.$el.html(template(d)); if (d.errorCode || d.errorMessage) { var tooltip = new TipsyTooltipView({ el: this.$('.js-tooltip'), title: function () { return _t('dataset.sync.error-code', { errorCode: d.errorCode }) + ':' + d.errorMessage; } }); this.addView(tooltip); } return this; }, _openSyncOptions: function () { var self = this; this._modals.create(function (modalModel) { return new SyncOptionsModalView({ syncModel: self._syncModel, modalModel: modalModel, tableName: self._tableModel.getUnquotedName() }); }); } });