var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var BaseModel = require('./query-base-model'); var QueryRowsCollection = require('./query-rows-collection'); var SQLUtils = require('builder/helpers/sql-utils'); var STATUS = require('./query-base-status'); var DEFAULT_TABLE_QUERY_TEMPLATE = _.template('SELECT * FROM <%= tableName %>'); var WRAPPED_SQL_QUERY_TEMPLATE = _.template('SELECT * FROM (<%= sql %>) __wrapped'); /** * Model to represent a schema of a SQL query. */ module.exports = BaseModel.extend({ defaults: { query: '', sort_order: 'asc', rows_per_page: 0, page: 0, status: STATUS.initial, ready: false // until true there's no data available on the table(s) used in the query }, initialize: function (attrs, opts) { if (!opts.configModel) throw new Error('configModel is required');, attrs, opts); this._configModel = opts.configModel; this.columnsCollection = new Backbone.Collection([]); this.rowsCollection = new QueryRowsCollection([]); if (this.get('status') === STATUS.initial) { this._setStatusPerQueryValue(); } this._addChangeListener(); }, url: function () { return this._configModel.getSqlApiUrl(); }, fetch: function (opts) { if (!this.canFetch()) return; this.set('status', STATUS.fetching); opts = opts || {}; opts.errorCallback = opts && (opts.originalError || opts.error); var successCallback = opts && (opts.success || opts.complete); = _.extend( || {}, { sort_order: this.get('sort_order'), rows_per_page: this.get('rows_per_page'), page: this.get('page'), api_key: this._configModel.get('api_key'), q: this._getSqlApiQueryParam() } ); opts.method = this._httpMethod(); opts.success = function (model, response) { this._resetRepeatedError(); successCallback && successCallback(response); }.bind(this); opts.error = function (model, response) { if (response && response.statusText !== 'abort') { var error = response.responseText ? JSON.parse(response.responseText).error : []; this._incrementRepeatedError(); this.set({ query_errors: error, status: this.hasRepeatedErrors() ? STATUS.errored : STATUS.unavailable }); opts.errorCallback && opts.errorCallback({ status: response.status || 'Unknown', error: error }); } }.bind(this); return, opts); }, parse: function (r) { this.rowsCollection.reset(r.rows); this.columnsCollection.reset(, function (d, name) { return { name: name, type: d.type }; }) ); return { status: STATUS.fetched }; }, hasDefaultQueryFor: function (tableName) { if (!this.hasQuery()) { return false; } var defaultQueryForTableName = DEFAULT_TABLE_QUERY_TEMPLATE({ tableName: tableName }); return SQLUtils.isSameQuery(this.get('query'), defaultQueryForTableName); }, getColumnNames: function () { return this.columnsCollection.pluck('name'); }, getColumnType: function (columnName) { return this.isFetched() ? this.columnsCollection.findWhere({ name: columnName }).get('type') : undefined; }, _onChange: function () { this._removeChangeListener(); if (!this.hasChanged('status') && this.get('status') === STATUS.fetching) { this.fetch(); // If is already fetching just redo the fetch with latest attrs } else { if (this.hasChanged('query')) { this.columnsCollection.reset(); this._setStatusPerQueryValue(); } } this._addChangeListener(); }, _setStatusPerQueryValue: function () { this.set('status', this.get('query') ? STATUS.unfetched : STATUS.unavailable, { silent: true }); }, setError: function (error) { var queryErrors = this.get('query_errors'); if (queryErrors && queryErrors.length) { return; } this._incrementRepeatedError(); this.set({ query_errors: error, status: this.hasRepeatedErrors() ? STATUS.errored : STATUS.unavailable }); }, // Basically checks if an schema is different than the current one hasDifferentSchemaThan: function (schemaArray) { return !_.every(schemaArray, function (columnObj) { var columnModel = this.columnsCollection.findWhere({ name: }); return columnModel && (columnModel.get('type') === columnObj.type || columnObj.type == null); }, this); }, resetDueToAlteredData: function () { this.set('status', STATUS.unfetched); this.trigger('resetDueToAlteredData'); this.fetch(); }, _getSqlApiQueryParam: function () { return WRAPPED_SQL_QUERY_TEMPLATE({ sql: this.get('query') }); } });