var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var BaseModel = require('./query-base-model'); var STATUS = require('./query-base-status'); /* eslint-disable */ var template = _.template("" + "SELECT CASE LOWER(ST_GeometryType(<%= geom_column %>)) " + " WHEN 'st_polygon' THEN 'polygon' " + " WHEN 'st_multipolygon' THEN 'polygon' " + " WHEN 'st_multilinestring' THEN 'line' " + " WHEN 'st_linestring' THEN 'line' " + " WHEN 'st_multipoint' THEN 'point' " + " WHEN 'st_point' THEN 'point' " + " ELSE '' " + " END AS the_geom FROM (<%= sql %>) __wrapped WHERE <%= geom_column %> IS NOT NULL" /* eslint-enable */ ); var THE_GEOM_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 'column \"the_geom\" does not exist'; var PARAMS = { sort_order: 'asc', rows_per_page: 40, page: 0 }; var GEOMETRIES = { LINE: 'line', POINT: 'point', POLYGON: 'polygon' }; /** * Model to represent a schema of a SQL query. */ module.exports = BaseModel.extend({ defaults: { query: '', status: STATUS.initial, simple_geom: '', // , 'point', 'polygon', 'line' ready: false // until true there's no data available on the table(s) used in the query }, initialize: function (attrs, opts) { if (!opts.configModel) throw new Error('configModel is required');, attrs, opts); this._configModel = opts.configModel; this._addChangeListener(); }, url: function () { return this._configModel.getSqlApiUrl(); }, fetch: function (opts) { if (!this.canFetch()) return; this.set('status', STATUS.fetching); opts = opts || {}; opts.errorCallback = opts && (opts.originalError || opts.error); var successCallback = opts && (opts.success || opts.complete); = _.extend( || {}, { api_key: this._configModel.get('api_key'), q: this._getSqlApiQueryParam(opts.geomColumnName) }, PARAMS ); opts.method = this._httpMethod(); opts.success = function (model, response) { this._resetRepeatedError(); if (successCallback) { successCallback(response); } }.bind(this); opts.error = function (model, response) { if (response && response.statusText !== 'abort') { var error = response.responseText ? JSON.parse(response.responseText).error : []; // in case we get an error of the_geom does not exists try with the_geom_webmercator to get the geometry type if (error.length === 1 && error[0] === THE_GEOM_NOT_FOUND_ERROR) { this.fetch(_.extend({}, _.omit(opts, 'success'), { originalError: opts.errorCallback, geomColumnName: 'the_geom_webmercator' })); } else { this._incrementRepeatedError(); this.set({ simple_geom: '', query_errors: error, status: this.hasRepeatedErrors() ? STATUS.errored : STATUS.unavailable }); if (opts.errorCallback) { opts.errorCallback({ status: response.status || 'Unknown', error: error }); } } } }.bind(this); return, opts); }, parse: function (r) { var simpleGeom; _.some(r.rows, function (row) { return !!(simpleGeom = row.the_geom); // to stop when found a valid simple geom }); return { status: STATUS.fetched, simple_geom: simpleGeom || '' }; }, hasValue: function () { throw new Error('QueryGeometryModel.hasValue() is an async operation. Use `.hasValueAsync` instead.'); }, hasValueAsync: function () { var self = this; if (this.isFetched()) { return Promise.resolve(!!this.get('simple_geom')); } else { return new Promise(function (resolve) { self.listenToOnce(self, 'inFinalStatus', function () { resolve(!!self.get('simple_geom')); }); }); } }, _onChange: function () { this._removeChangeListener(); if (!this.hasChanged('status') && this.get('status') === STATUS.fetching) { // If it is already fetching just redo the fetch with latest attrs // in case the query has changed if (this.hasChanged('query')) { this.fetch(); } } else if (this.hasChanged('query') || this.hasChanged('ready')) { this.set('status', this.get('query') ? STATUS.unfetched : STATUS.unavailable, { silent: true }); } this._addChangeListener(); }, _getSqlApiQueryParam: function (geomColumnName) { return template({ geom_column: geomColumnName || 'the_geom', sql: this.get('query') }); }, isPolygon: function () { return this.get('simple_geom') === GEOMETRIES.POLYGON; } });