var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var ModalView = require('./modal-view'); var ModalViewModel = require('./modal-view-model'); var DESTROYED_MODAL_EVENT = 'destroyedModal'; /** * Top-level API to handle modals. * Is intended to be instantiated and registered in some top-level namespace to be accessible within the lifecycle of * an client-side application. * * Example: * // In some entry-point: * cdb.modals = new ModalsServiceModel(); * * // Later, in any view, calling create will create a new modal viewModel * var modalView = cdb.modals.create(fn) * * You will probably see the name of "Dialog" here and there, it's the old nomenclature for the concept of Modal. */ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ /** * Creates a new modal view * * @param {Function} createContentView * @return {View} the new modal view */ create: function (createContentView, options) { if (!_.isFunction(createContentView)) throw new Error('createContentView is required'); if (!this._modalView) { this.trigger('willCreateModal'); this._modalView = this._newModalView(options); this.trigger('didCreateModal', this._modalView); document.body.appendChild(this._modalView.el); } this._modalView.model.set('createContentView', createContentView); this._modalView.render(); return this._modalView; }, /** * Convenience method to add a listener when current modal is destroyed * * This is the same as doing * modals.create(function (model) { * model.once('destroy', callback, context); // <-- same as modals.onDestroyOnce(callback, context); * return new MyView({ … }); * }); * * @param {Function} callback * @param {Object} [context = undefined] */ onDestroyOnce: function (callback, context) { this.once(DESTROYED_MODAL_EVENT, callback, context); }, destroy: function () { if (this._modalView) { this._modalView.model.destroy(); } }, keepOpenOnRouteChange: function () { return this._modalView && this._modalView.keepOpenOnRouteChange(); }, _newModalView: function (options) { var viewModel = new ModalViewModel({ keepOpenOnRouteChange: options && options.keepOpenOnRouteChange }); this._handleBodyClass(viewModel); var escapeOptionsDisabled = options && options.escapeOptionsDisabled; var breadcrumbsEnabled = options && options.breadcrumbsEnabled; if (!escapeOptionsDisabled) { this._destroyOnEsc(viewModel); } this.listenToOnce(viewModel, 'destroy', function () { this._modalView = null; this.trigger.apply(this, [DESTROYED_MODAL_EVENT].concat(; this.stopListening(viewModel); }); return new ModalView({ model: viewModel, escapeOptionsDisabled: escapeOptionsDisabled, breadcrumbsEnabled: breadcrumbsEnabled }); }, _destroyOnEsc: function (viewModel) { var destroyOnEsc = function (ev) { if (ev.keyCode === 27) { ev.stopPropagation(); viewModel.destroy(); } }; document.addEventListener('keydown', destroyOnEsc); this.listenToOnce(viewModel, 'destroy', function () { document.removeEventListener('keydown', destroyOnEsc); }); }, /** * TL;DR this method manages document.body class state, to enable scroll inside of an open modal. * * Some modal content have too much content that can be displayed in the viewport the scroll needs to be enabled. * Since the modal is implemented as a fixed positioned element the body needs to be fixated too, for the scroll to * be enabled inside the modal instead. */ _handleBodyClass: function (viewModel) { var bodyClass = 'is-inDialog'; document.body.classList.add(bodyClass); this.set('open', true); this.listenTo(viewModel, 'change:show', function (m, show) { document.body.classList[show ? 'add' : 'remove'](bodyClass); this.set('open', show); }); this.listenToOnce(viewModel, 'destroy', function () { document.body.classList.remove(bodyClass); this.set('open', false); }); }, isOpen: function () { return this.get('open') === true; } });