cdb.admin.MapOptionsDropdown = cdb.ui.common.Dropdown.extend({ className: 'dropdown map_options_dropdown', defaults: { speedOut: 90, speedIn: 90 }, events: { "click" : "killEvent" }, desktopOverlays: ["shareable", "zoom", "share"], initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, "open", "hide", "_handleClick", "_keydown"); // Extend options _.defaults(this.options, this.defaults); this.collection.on("reset", this._setupOptions, this); this.collection.on("change:description", this._setupOptions, this); this.disabledCartodbLogo = this.options.user.featureEnabled("disabled_cartodb_logo"); this.mapOptions = new cdb.core.Model({ title: false, description: false, search: false, layer_selector: false, fullscreen: false, share: true, logo: this.disabledCartodbLogo, zoom: true, scrollwheel: false, legends: true }); // Dropdown template this.template_base = cdb.templates.getTemplate(this.options.template_base); this.options.canvas.bind("change:mode", this._onChangeDevice, this); this.mapOptions.bind("change", this._onMapOptionsChange, this); // Bind to target $({ "click": this._handleClick}); $({ "dblclick": this.killEvent}); // Bind ESC key $(document).bind('keydown', this._keydown); // Is open flag this.isOpen = false; this._setupOptions(); }, _onMapOptionsChange: function(model, changes) { _.each(changes.changes, function(value, option) { var $el = this.$el.find("li." + option); if ($el.find("a").hasClass("enabled")) $el.addClass("active"); else $el.removeClass("active"); }, this); }, _enableDesktopOverlays: function() { _.each(this.desktopOverlays, function(overlay) { var $overlay = this.$el.find("." + overlay); $overlay.removeClass("inactive"); $overlay.find(".form_switch").removeClass("inactive"); }, this); }, _disableDesktopOverlays: function() { _.each(this.desktopOverlays, function(overlay) { var $overlay = this.$el.find("." + overlay); $overlay.addClass("inactive"); $overlay.find(".form_switch").addClass("inactive"); }, this); }, _onChangeDevice: function() { var device = this.options.canvas.get("mode"); if (device === 'mobile') { this._disableDesktopOverlays(); } else { this._enableDesktopOverlays(); } }, _setupOptions: function() { var self = this; var overlays = this.collection.models; var simpleOverlays = ["search", "shareable", "zoom", "share", "fullscreen", "layer_selector", "logo"]; // If user has set the diable cartodb logo FF then remove the logo if(this.disabledCartodbLogo) { simpleOverlays.pop(); } this.mapOptions.set({ scrollwheel: !!"scrollwheel") }); this.mapOptions.set({ legends: !!"legends") }); _.each(simpleOverlays, function(overlay_type) { if (!_.contains(self.collection.pluck("type"), overlay_type)) { self.mapOptions.set(overlay_type, false); } }) _.each(overlays, function(overlay) { var extra = overlay.get("extra"); var type = overlay.get("type"); if (type === "header") { var show_title = extra.show_title; var show_description = extra.show_description; self.mapOptions.set({ title: show_title, description: show_description }); if (show_title) { self.$(".title").removeClass("disabled"); } if (show_description) { self.$(".description").removeClass("disabled"); } else { self.$(".description").addClass("disabled"); } } else if (_.contains(simpleOverlays, type)) { var display = overlay.get("display"); self.mapOptions.set(type, display); if (display) { self.$("." + type).removeClass("disabled"); } } }); }, /* Check if the dropdown is visible to hiding with the click on the target */ _handleClick: function(ev) { if (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } // If visible if (this.isOpen){ this.hide(); } else{; } }, show: function() { var dfd = $.Deferred(); var self = this; //sometimes this dialog is child of a node that is removed //for that reason we link again DOM events just in case this.delegateEvents(); this.$el .css({ marginTop: self.options.vertical_position == "down" ? "-10px" : "10px", opacity:0, display:"block" }) .animate({ margin: "0", opacity: 1 }, { "duration": this.options.speedIn, "complete": function(){ dfd.resolve(); } }); this.trigger("onDropdownShown", this.el); return dfd.promise(); }, open: function(ev, target) { // Target var $target = target && $(target) ||; = $target; this.$el.css({ bottom: 40, left: this.options.horizontal_offset }) .addClass( // Add vertical and horizontal position class (this.options.vertical_position == "up" ? "vertical_top" : "vertical_bottom" ) + " " + (this.options.horizontal_position == "right" ? "horizontal_right" : "horizontal_left" ) + " " + // Add tick class "border tick_" + this.options.tick ); // Show it; this._recalcHeight(); // Dropdown open this.isOpen = true; }, hide: function(done) { if (!this.isOpen) { done && done(); return; } var self = this; this.isOpen = false; this.$el.animate({ marginTop: self.options.vertical_position == "down" ? "10px" : "-10px", opacity: 0 }, this.options.speedOut, function(){ // And hide it self.$el.hide(); }); this.trigger("onDropdownHidden",this.el); }, _recalcHeight: function() { var $ul = this.$el.find("ul.special"); // Resets heights $ul.height("auto"); $ul.parent().height("auto"); var special_height = $ul.height(); var dropdown_height = $ul.parent().height(); // Sets heights if (special_height < dropdown_height) $ul.css("height", dropdown_height); else $ul.parent().height(special_height); }, _addSwitches: function(switches) { _(switches).each(this._addSwitch, this); }, _addSwitch: function(prop) { var className = '.' + prop; var sw = new cdb.forms.Switch({ model: this.mapOptions, property: prop }) .bind("switched", this._onSwitchSwitched, this); this._renderSwitch(sw, className); if (!this.mapOptions.attributes[prop]) { this.$(className); } }, _renderSwitch: function(sw, className) { this.addView(sw); this.$("li" + className).append(sw.render().el); }, _onSwitchSwitched: function(property, value) { if (property === 'scrollwheel') { value ? :;; this.options.table.globalError.showError("Scrollwheel " + (value ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'), 'info', 3000); } else if (property === 'legends') {, value); this.options.table.globalError.showError("Legends " + (value ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'), 'info', 3000); } else if (property === "zoom" || property === 'search' || property === 'fullscreen' || property === 'share' || property === 'layer_selector' || property === 'logo') { this._toggleOverlay(property); } else if (property === 'title' || property === 'description') { var overlay = this.collection.filter(function(m) { return m.get("type") == "header" })[0] if (!overlay) { this.trigger("createOverlay", "header", property); return; } var show_property = this.mapOptions.get(property); overlay.set("show_" + property, show_property);; if ( (!overlay.get("show_title") && !overlay.get("show_description") ) || !overlay.get("show_title") && !overlay.get("description")) this.options.collection.remove(overlay); } value ? this.$("li." + property).removeClass("disabled") : this.$("li." + property); }, _toggleOverlay: function(property) { var overlay = this.collection.filter(function(m) { return m.get("type") === property; })[0]; if (overlay) { this.options.collection.remove(overlay); } else if (!overlay) { this.trigger("createOverlay", property); } }, /* * Renders the dropdown */ render: function() { var switches = ['title', 'description', 'search', 'zoom', 'fullscreen', 'share', 'scrollwheel', 'layer_selector', 'legends']; this.clearSubViews(); this.$el.html(this.template_base(this.options)); // Show the logo switch if user is allowed and disabled_cartodb_logo FF is not set if (this.options.user.get('actions').remove_logo && !this.disabledCartodbLogo) { switches.push('logo'); } else { this.$('.logo').remove(); } this._addSwitches(switches); _.each(this.mapOptions.attributes, function(value, option) { var $el = this.$el.find("li." + option); if ($el.find("a").hasClass("enabled")) $el.addClass("active"); else $el.removeClass("active"); }, this); return this; }, clean: function() { $(document).unbind('keydown', this._keydown);; } });