cdb.admin.GeometryEditor = cdb.core.View.extend({ className: "editing", MAX_VERTEXES: 2000, events: { 'click .done': 'finish', 'click .discard': 'discard', 'click .cancel': 'discard', 'mousedown': 'killEvent' }, TEXTS: { 'invalid geometry': _t('Overlapping polygons is not supported for same record') }, initialize: function() { this.add_related_model(this.model); this.geomBeingEdited = null; this.drawer = null; }, isEditing: function() { return this.geomBeingEdited ? true: false; }, /** * finish the editing if there is some geometry being edited and save it * triggers editFinish */ finish: function(e) { this.killEvent(e); if ((this.drawer && this.drawer.canFinish()) || this.isEditing()) { var self = this; if(this.geomBeingEdited) { this.geomBeingEdited.destroy(); this.geomBeingEdited = null; } if(this.drawer) { this.row.set('the_geom', JSON.stringify(this.drawer.getGeoJSON())); this.drawer.clean(); this.drawer = null; } var isNew = this.row.isNew() this.model.notice('Saving ... ', 'load'); $.when( { if(isNew){ self.trigger('geomCreated', self.row); } self.trigger('editFinish') self.model.notice('Saved', 'info', 5000); self.row = null; }).fail(function(e) { self.trigger('editFinish'); var err = 'Something has failed'; try { err = JSON.parse(e.responseText || e.response).errors[0]; } catch(e) {} err = self.TEXTS[err.toLowerCase()] || err; self.model.notice(err , 'error', 5000); self.row = null; }); this.hide(); } }, /** * finish the editing and undo the changes done. * triggers 'editDiscard' */ discard: function(e) { this.killEvent(e); if(this.geomBeingEdited) { this.geomBeingEdited.destroy(); this.geomBeingEdited = null; this.row.set('the_geom', this.originalGeom); this.originalGeom = null; this.row = null; this.trigger('editDiscard'); } if(this.drawer) { this.drawer.clean(); this.drawer = null; this.trigger('editDiscard'); } this.mapView.unbind(null, null, this); this.hide(); }, _getGeomCount: function(geojson) { var count = 0; _.each(geojson.coordinates, function(pol1, i){ _.each(pol1, function(pol2, j) { count = count + pol2.length; }) }); return count; }, /** * edits the row geometry * the row should contain the_geom attribute. * When the edit is finish the row is saved */ editGeom: function(row) { var self = this; //fetch to get the geometry row.fetch({ success: function() { var geojson = JSON.parse(row.get('the_geom')); if (self._getGeomCount(geojson) > self.MAX_VERTEXES) { self._showStopEdit(row); return false; } else { self._startEdition(row); } } }); }, _startEdition: function(row) { this.trigger('editStart'); this.discard(); var geo = new cdb.geo.Geometry({ geojson: JSON.parse(row.get('the_geom')), // Supporting leaflet and gmaps styles, overrriding them style: { fillColor: "white", fillOpacity: 0.4, weight: 4, color:"#397DBA", opacity: 1, strokeColor: "#397DBA", clickable: false } }); this.row = row; this.originalGeom = row.get('the_geom'); this.geomBeingEdited = geo; // when model is edited the model changes geo.bind('change:geojson', function() { row.set({the_geom: JSON.stringify(geo.get('geojson'))}); });; var geoView = this.mapView.geometries[geo.cid]; geoView.edit(true); this.$('.finish_editing .tooltip').hide(); this.$el.fadeIn(); }, _showStopEdit: function(row) { var dlg = cdb.editor.ViewFactory.createDialogByTemplate('common/dialogs/confirm_edit_geom'); // If user confirms, app removes the row var self = this; dlg.ok = function() { self._startEdition(row); }; dlg .appendToBody() .open(); }, /** * create geometry * @param row a row model, normally empty * @param type can be 'point', 'polygon', 'line' */ createGeom: function(row, type) { var self = this; this.discard(); this.row = row; this.geomType = type; this.trigger('editStart'); var editors = { 'point': PointDrawTool, 'polygon': PolygonDrawTool, 'line': PolylineDrawTool }; this.drawer = new editors[type]({ mapview: this.mapView }); this.drawer.start(); var c; this.mapView.bind('click', c = function() { if(self.drawer.canFinish()) { this.mapView.unbind('click', c); self.$('.finish_editing .tooltip').fadeOut(); self.$('.finish_editing .done').removeClass("disabled"); } }, this); this.render(); this.$('.finish_editing .done').addClass("disabled"); this.$('.finish_editing .tooltip').show(); this.$el.fadeIn(); }, render: function() { this.$el.html(this.getTemplate('table/views/geom_edit')({ geom_type: this.geomType})); return this; } });