var CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); var _ = require('underscore'); var Ps = require('perfect-scrollbar'); var emptyTemplate = require('./custom-list-empty.tpl'); var addTemplate = require('./custom-list-add.tpl'); var template = require('./custom-list.tpl'); var Utils = require('builder/helpers/utils'); var ARROW_DOWN_KEY_CODE = 40; var ARROW_UP_KEY_CODE = 38; var ENTER_KEY_CODE = 13; module.exports = CoreView.extend({ module: 'components:custom-list:custom-list-view', options: { size: 3 }, className: 'CDB-Text CDB-Size-medium CustomList-listWrapper', tagName: 'div', events: { 'click .js-add-custom-value': '_onClickAddCustomValue', 'mouseover': '_onMouseOver', 'mouseout': '_onMouseOut' }, initialize: function (opts) { this.options = _.extend({}, this.options, opts); this._onKeyDownBinded = this._onKeyDown.bind(this); this._needsMaxSize = true; if (this.options.mouseOverAction) { this._mouseOverAction = this.options.mouseOverAction; } if (this.options.mouseOutAction) { this._mouseOutAction = this.options.mouseOutAction; } this._initBinds(); }, render: function () { this.clearSubViews(); this._removeArrowBinds(); this._destroyCustomScroll(); this.$el.empty(); var query = this.model.get('query'); var items =; this.$el.append(template()); var allowFreeTextInput = this.options.allowFreeTextInput; if (allowFreeTextInput && query && !Utils.isBlank(query)) { if (!this.collection.containsValue(query)) { this.$el.prepend( addTemplate({ query: query, typeLabel: this.options.typeLabel }) ); } } if (items.size() > 0) { items.each(this._renderItem, this); this._applyArrowBinds(); // Perfect-scroll needs to have the element in the DOM in order to // style/positionate the scroll properly, small trick setTimeout(this._applyCustomScroll.bind(this), 0); } else if (!allowFreeTextInput || Utils.isBlank(query)) { this.$el.append( emptyTemplate({ query: query, typeLabel: this.options.typeLabel }) ); } return this; }, _renderItem: function (model) { if (model.get('hidden')) return; var ItemViewClass = this.options.itemView; var itemView = new ItemViewClass({ model: model, typeLabel: this.options.typeLabel, template: this.options.itemTemplate }); this.$('.js-list').append(itemView.render().el); this.addView(itemView); itemView.bind('customEvent', function (eventName, item) { this.trigger('customEvent', eventName, item, this); }, this); }, _initBinds: function () { this.model.bind('change:query', this._onQueryChanged, this); }, _applyArrowBinds: function () { document.addEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDownBinded); }, _removeArrowBinds: function () { document.removeEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDownBinded); }, _getSelected: function () { var selectedModel = this.collection.getSelectedItem(); var selectedValue; if (selectedModel) { selectedValue = selectedModel.getValue(); return this.$("[data-val='" + selectedValue + "']"); } return null; }, _highlightSelected: function (item) { var itemHeight = item.outerHeight(); item.addClass('is-highlighted'); this.$('.js-list').scrollTop(item.index() * itemHeight); }, _onClickAddCustomValue: function (event) { this.killEvent(event); var query = this.model.get('query'); var model = this.collection.add({ val: query, label: '“' + query + '”', dirty: true }); this.collection.sortByKey('val'); model.set('selected', true); }, _onKeyDown: function (event) { if (this.model.get('visible') === false) { return; } var key = event.which; var $listItems = this.$('.js-listItem'); var $highlighted = $listItems.filter('.is-highlighted'); var $current; var model; $highlighted.removeClass('is-highlighted'); if (key === ARROW_DOWN_KEY_CODE) { if (!$highlighted.length || $highlighted[0] === $listItems.last()[0]) { $current = $listItems.eq(0); } else { $current = $; } } else if (key === ARROW_UP_KEY_CODE) { if (!$highlighted.length || $highlighted[0] === $listItems.first()[0]) { $current = $listItems.last(); } else { $current = $highlighted.prev(); } } else if (key === ENTER_KEY_CODE) { event.preventDefault(); if ($highlighted && $highlighted.length) { model = _.first(this.collection.where({ val: $'val') })); if (model) { model.set('selected', true); } return false; } } $current && this._highlightSelected($current); }, _onQueryChanged: function () { var prevQuery = this.collection.findWhere({ val: this.model.previous('query'), dirty: true }); this.collection.remove(prevQuery); this.render(); }, _applyCustomScroll: function () { Ps.initialize(this._wrapperContainer().get(0), { wheelSpeed: 2, wheelPropagation: true, stopPropagationOnClick: false, minScrollbarLength: 20 }); }, _destroyCustomScroll: function () { if (this._wrapperContainer().length > 0) { Ps.destroy(this._wrapperContainer().get(0)); } }, _wrapperContainer: function () { return this.$('.js-list'); }, clean: function () { this._removeArrowBinds(); this._destroyCustomScroll(); CoreView.prototype.clean.apply(this); }, highlight: function () { var selected = this._getSelected(); selected && this._highlightSelected(selected); }, _onMouseOver: function () { this._mouseOverAction && this._mouseOverAction(); }, _onMouseOut: function () { this._mouseOutAction && this._mouseOutAction(); } });