var _ = require('underscore'); var CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); var template = require('./share-with.tpl'); var checkAndBuildOpts = require('builder/helpers/required-opts'); var REQUIRED_OPTS = [ 'visDefinitionModel', 'userModel' ]; module.exports = CoreView.extend({ className: 'Share-with u-flex u-alignCenter', events: { 'click': '_onClick' }, initialize: function (opts) { checkAndBuildOpts(opts, REQUIRED_OPTS, this); this.separationClass = opts.separationClass || ''; this.avatarClass = opts.avatarClass || ''; if (this.options.clickPrivacyAction) { this._clickPrivacyAction = this.options.clickPrivacyAction; } this._acl = this._visDefinitionModel.getPermissionModel().acl; this._initBinds(); }, render: function () { var people = this._getPeople(); this.clearSubViews(); this.$el.html(template({ avatar: this._userModel.get('avatar_url'), people: people, avatarClass: this.avatarClass, separationClass: this.separationClass, hasAction: !!this._clickPrivacyAction })); this.$el.toggleClass('is-pointer', !!this._clickPrivacyAction); return this; }, _getPeople: function () { var types = this._acl.pluck('type'); if (types.indexOf('org') > -1) { return this._userModel.getOrganization().get('user_count') - 1; } else { var users = []; // Grab all ids from every group _.each(this._acl.where({type: 'group'}), function (group) { var entity = group.get('entity'); Array.prototype.push.apply(users, entity.users.pluck('id')); }, this); // Grab all ids from every user _.each(this._acl.where({type: 'user'}), function (group) { var entity = group.get('entity'); users.push(entity.get('id')); }, this); // remove current user id because it can be part of a group users = _.without(users,; // counts unique ids return _.unique(users).length; } }, _initBinds: function () { this._acl.on('fetch', this.render, this); this.add_related_model(this._acl); }, _onClick: function () { this._clickPrivacyAction && this._clickPrivacyAction(); } });