const _ = require('underscore'); const $ = require('jquery'); const Backbone = require('backbone'); const SQL = require('internal-carto.js').SQL; const safeTableNameQuoting = require('dashboard/helpers/safe-table-name-quoting'); const cartoMetadataStatic = require('./carto-table-metadata-static'); const checkAndBuildOpts = require('builder/helpers/required-opts'); const CartoTableData = require('dashboard/data/table/carto-table-data'); const ColumnModel = require('dashboard/data/table/column-model'); const RowModel = require('dashboard/data/table/row-model'); const PermissionModel = require('dashboard/data/permission-model'); const ImportModel = require('dashboard/data/import-model'); const TableSynchronizationModel = require('dashboard/data/table-synchronization-model'); const getSimpleGeometryType = require('builder/data/get-simple-geometry-type'); const retrigger = require('dashboard/helpers/retrigger'); const REQUIRED_OPTS = [ 'configModel' ]; const Base = Backbone.Model.extend({ columnNames: function () { return'schema'), function (c) { return c[0]; }); }, columnName: function (idx) { return this.columnNames()[idx]; } }); const CartoTableMetadata = Base.extend({ currentLoading: 0, // class variable (shared). I'm still not sure if this is messy as hell or powerfull as a transformer _TEXTS: { columnDeleted: 'Your column has been deleted', columnDeleting: 'Deleting your column', columnAdded: 'Your column has been added', columnAdding: 'Adding new column' }, hiddenColumns: [ 'the_geom', 'the_geom_webmercator', 'cartodb_georef_status', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'cartodb_id' ], initialize: function (attrs, opts) { checkAndBuildOpts(opts, REQUIRED_OPTS, this); _.bindAll(this, 'notice'); this.readOnly = false; this.bind('change:schema', this._prepareSchema, this); this._prepareSchema(); this.sqlView = null; this.synchronization = new TableSynchronizationModel({ configModel: opts.configModel }); this.synchronization.linkToTable(this); this.synchronization.bind('change:id', function isSyncChanged () { this.trigger('change:isSync', this, this.synchronization.isSync()); }, this); if (this.get('no_data_fetch')) { this.no_data_fetch = true; delete this.attributes.no_data_fetch; }; this.bind('error', function (e, resp) { this.error('', resp); }, this); this._data.bind('error', function (e, resp) { this.notice('error loading rows, check your SQL query', 'error', 5000); }, this); this._data.bind('reset', function () { var view = this._data; this.set({ schema: view.schemaFromData(this.get('schema')), geometry_types: view.getGeometryTypes() }); }, this);, 'change', this._data, 'data:changed');, 'saved', this._data, 'data:saved'); this.bind('change:table_visualization', function () { this.permission = new PermissionModel(this.get('table_visualization').permission, { configModel: this._configModel }); this.trigger('change:permission', this, this.permission); }, this); // create permission if permission is set this.permission = new PermissionModel(this.get('permission'), { configModel: this._configModel }); }, url: function (method) { var version = this._configModel.urlVersion('table', method); var base = '/api/' + version + '/tables'; if (this.isNew()) { return base; } return base + '/' +; }, // use the name as the id since the api works // in the same way to table name and id parse: function (resp, xhr) { if ( { =; } // move geometry_types to stats one // geometry_types from backend are not reliable anymore and it can only be used // for non editing stuff (showing icons, general checks on table list) resp.stats_geometry_types = resp.geometry_types; delete resp.geometry_types; delete resp.schema; return resp; }, notice: function (msg, type, timeout) { this.trigger('notice', msg, type, timeout); }, setReadOnly: function (_) { var trigger = false; if (this.readOnly !== _) { trigger = true; } this.readOnly = _; if (trigger) { this.trigger('change:readOnly', this, _); } }, isReadOnly: function () { return this.readOnly || || this.synchronization.isSync(); }, isSync: function () { return this.synchronization.isSync(); }, getUnqualifiedName: function () { var name = this.get('name'); if (!name) return null; var tk = name.split('.'); if (tk.length == 2) { // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq return tk[1]; } return name; }, // "user".table -> user.table getUnquotedName: function () { var name = this.get('name'); return name && name.replace(/"/g, ''); }, sortSchema: function () { this.set('schema', CartoTableMetadata.sortSchema(this.get('schema'))); }, error: function (msg, resp) { let err = ''; try { err = resp && resp.responseText && JSON.parse(resp.responseText).errors[0]; } catch (e) { } finally { this.trigger('notice', msg + ': ' + err, 'error'); } }, _prepareSchema: function () { this._columnType = {}; _(this.get('schema')).each((schema) => { this._columnType[schema[0]] = schema[1]; }); if (!this.isInSQLView()) { this.set('original_schema', this.get('schema')); } }, columnNames: function (sc) { sc = sc || 'schema'; return _(this.get(sc)).pluck(0); }, containsColumn: function (name) { return _.contains(this.columnNames(), name); }, columnNamesByType: function (type, sc) { sc = sc || 'schema'; var t = _(this.get(sc)).filter(function (c) { return c[1] == type; // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq }); return _(t).pluck(0); }, // return geometry columns calculated backend stats // use geomColumnTypes if you need something reliable (but slower and async) statsGeomColumnTypes: function (geometryTypes) { return this.geomColumnTypes(this.get('stats_geometry_types')); }, // return the current column types in an array // the values inside the array can be: // 'point', 'line', 'polygon' geomColumnTypes: function (geometryTypes) { var types = geometryTypes || this.get('geometry_types'); var geomTypes = []; if (!_.isArray(types)) { return []; } var _map = { 'st_multipolygon': 'polygon', 'st_polygon': 'polygon', 'st_multilinestring': 'line', 'st_linestring': 'line', 'st_multipoint': 'point', 'st_point': 'point' }; for (var t in types) { var type = types[t]; // when there are rows with no geo type null is returned as geotype if (type) { var a = _map[type.toLowerCase()]; if (a) { geomTypes.push(a); } } } return _.uniq(geomTypes); }, /** * Adding a new geometry type to the table * @param geom type {st_polygon, st_point,...} * @param set options */ addGeomColumnType: function (t, opts) { if (!t) return; var types = _.clone(this.get('geometry_types')) || []; if (!_.contains(types, t)) { types.push(t); this.set({ 'geometry_types': types }, opts); } }, nonReservedColumnNames: function () { return _.filter(this.columnNames(), (columnName) => { return !this.isReservedColumn(columnName); }); }, columnTypes: function () { return _.clone(this._columnType); }, _getColumn: function (columnName) { if (this._columnType[columnName] === undefined) { return; // throw "the column does not exists"; } var c = new ColumnModel({ table: this, name: columnName, type: this._columnType[columnName], configModel: this._configModel }, { configModel: this._configModel }); return c; }, getColumnType: function (columnName, sc) { sc = sc || 'schema'; var t = _(this.get(sc)).filter(function (c) { return c[0] == columnName;// eslint-disable-line eqeqeq }); if (t.length > 0) { return t[0][1]; } }, addColumn: function (columnName, columnType, opts) { var c = new ColumnModel({ table: this, _name: columnName, type: columnType || 'string', configModel: this._configModel }, { configModel: this._configModel }); this.notice(this._TEXTS.columnAdding, 'load', 0);, { success: (model, obj) => { this.notice(this._TEXTS.columnAdded, 'info'); this.trigger('columnAdd', columnName);; opts && opts.success && opts.success(model, obj); }, error: (error, resp) => { this.error('error adding column', resp); opts && opts.error && opts.error(error); }, wait: true }); }, deleteColumn: function (columnName, opts) { var c = this._getColumn(columnName); if (c !== undefined) { this.notice(this._TEXTS.columnDeleting, 'load', 0); c.destroy({ success: () => { this.trigger('columnDelete', columnName); this.notice(this._TEXTS.columnDeleted, 'info');; opts && opts.success && opts.success(); }, error: (e, resp) => { this.error('error deleting column', resp); opts && opts.error && opts.error(); }, wait: true }); } }, renameColumn: function (columnName, newName, opts) { if (columnName == newName) return; // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq var c = this._getColumn(columnName); var oldName = c.get('name'); c.set({ new_name: newName, old_name: c.get('name') }); this.notice('renaming column', 'load', 0);, { success: (mdl, data) => { this.notice('Column has been renamed', 'info'); this.trigger('columnRename', newName, oldName);; opts && opts.success && opts.success(mdl, data); }, error: (e, resp) => { console.error("can't rename column"); this.error('error renaming column', resp); opts && opts.error && opts.error(e, resp); }, wait: true }); }, isTypeChangeAllowed: function (columnName, newType) { var deactivateMatrix = { 'number': ['date'], 'boolean': ['date'], 'date': ['boolean'] }; var c = this._getColumn(columnName); if (!c) { return true; } var type = c.get('type'); var deactivated = deactivateMatrix[type] || []; deactivated = deactivated.concat([type]); return !_.contains(deactivated, newType); }, isTypeChangeDestructive: function (columnName, newType) { var columnType = this.getColumnType(columnName); var destructiveMatrix = { 'string': { 'string': false, 'number': true, 'date': true, 'boolean': true }, 'number': { 'string': false, 'number': false, 'date': true, 'boolean': true }, 'date': { 'string': false, 'number': true, 'date': false, 'boolean': true }, 'boolean': { 'string': false, 'number': false, 'date': true, 'boolean': false } }; return destructiveMatrix[columnType][newType]; }, changeColumnType: function (columnName, newType, opts) { var c = this._getColumn(columnName); if (this.getColumnType(columnName) == newType) { // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq opts && opts.success && opts.success(); return; } this.saveNewColumnType(c, newType, opts); }, saveNewColumnType: function (column, newType, opts) { column.set({ type: newType }); this.notice('Changing column type', 'load', 0);, { success: () => { this.notice('Column type has been changed', 'info'); this.trigger('typeChanged', newType); // to make it testable; opts && opts.success && opts.success(); }, error: (e, resp) => { this.trigger('typeChangeFailed', newType, e); // to make it testable this.error('error changing column type', resp); opts && opts.error && opts.error(e, resp); }, wait: true }); }, /** * returns the original data for the table not the current applied view */ originalData: function () { return this._data; }, data: function () { if (this._data === undefined) { this._data = new CartoTableData(null, { table: this, configModel: this._configModel }); this.bindData(); } if (this.sqlView) { return this.sqlView; } return this._data; }, bindData: function (data) { if (this._data && !this._data.bindedReset) {, 'sync', this._data, 'dataLoaded');, 'add', this._data, 'dataAdded'); this._data.bindedReset = true; } if (this.sqlView && !this.sqlView.bindedReset) {, 'sync', this.sqlView, 'dataLoaded');, 'add', this.sqlView, 'dataAdded'); this.sqlView.bindedReset = true; } }, useSQLView: function (view, options) { if (!view && !this.sqlView) return; options = options || {}; if (this.sqlView) { this.sqlView.unbind(null, null, this); this.sqlView.unbind(null, null, this._data); } // reset previous if (!view && this.sqlView) { this.sqlView.table = null; } this.sqlView = view; this.bindData(); if (view) { view.bind('sync reset', function () { if (!view.modify_rows) { this.set({ schema: view.schemaFromData(this.get('schema')), geometry_types: view.getGeometryTypes() }); } }, this); // listen for errors view.bind('error', function (e, resp) { this.notice('error loading rows, check your SQL query', 'error', 5000); }, this); view.bind('loading', function () { // this.notice(_t('loading query'), 'load', 0); }, this); view.bind('reset loaded', function () { if (view.modify_rows) { this.notice(view.affected_rows + ' rows affected'); this.useSQLView(null); } else { this.notice(_t('loaded')); } }, this); // swicth source data this.dataModel = this.sqlView; view.table = this; } else { this.dataModel = this._data; // get the original schema this.set({ 'schema': this.get('original_schema') });/// *, { silent: true });; } this.trigger('change:dataSource', this.dataModel, this); }, isInSQLView: function () { return !!this.sqlView; }, /** * replace fetch functionally to add some extra call for logging * it can be used in the same way fetch is */ fetch: function (opts) { const silent = opts ? opts.silent : false; if (!silent) { this.notice('loading table', 'load', this, 0, 0); } var xhr =, opts); $.when(xhr).done(() => { opts && opts.success && opts.success.old_success && opts.success.old_success(); if (!silent) { this.notice('loaded'); } }).fail(() => { if (!silent) { this.notice('error loading the table'); } }); return xhr; }, isReservedColumn: function (c) { return RowModel.isReservedColumn(c); }, /** * when a table is linked to a infowindow each time a column * is renamed or removed the table pings to infowindow to remove * or rename the fields */ linkToInfowindow: function (infowindow) { this.bind('columnRename', function (newName, oldName) { if (infowindow.containsField(oldName)) { infowindow.removeField(oldName); infowindow.addField(newName); } }, infowindow); this.bind('columnDelete', function (oldName, newName) { infowindow.removeField(oldName); }, infowindow); this.bind('change:schema', function () { var columns = _(this.columnNames()).filter(function (c) { return !_.contains(infowindow.SYSTEM_COLUMNS, c); }); function _hash (str) { var hash = 0; var c; var i; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { c = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = c + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash; } return hash; } if (this.isInSQLView()) { if (!infowindow.has('defaul_schema_fields')) { infowindow.saveFields('defaul_schema_fields'); } var current_schema_key = 'schema_' + _hash(this.columnNames().sort().join('')); var previous_schema_key = 'schema_' + _hash( _(this.previous('schema')).pluck(0).sort().join('') ); if (!infowindow.has(previous_schema_key)) { infowindow.saveFields(previous_schema_key); } if (infowindow.has(current_schema_key)) { infowindow.restoreFields(null, current_schema_key); } } else { infowindow.restoreFields(null, 'defaul_schema_fields'); } if (infowindow.get('template')) { // merge fields checking actual schema infowindow.mergeFields(columns); } else { // remove fields that no longer exist infowindow.removeMissingFields(columns); } }, this); }, embedURL: function () { return '/tables/' + this.get('name') + '/embed_map'; }, /** * @deprecated use vis.viewUrl() or vis.viewUrl(currentUser) instead. */ viewUrl: function () { return this._configModel.prefixUrl() + '/tables/' + this.getUnqualifiedName(); }, hasTheGeom: function () { var currentSchema = this.get('schema'); // if we have "the_geom" in our current schema, returnstrue for (var n in currentSchema) { if (currentSchema[n][0] === 'the_geom') { return true; } } return false; }, /** * Checks the server to see if the table has any georeferenced row, independently of the applyed query * @return {promise} */ fetchGeoreferenceStatus: function () { var dfd = $.Deferred(); var username = (this.options && this.options.user_data) ? this.options.user_data.username : (window.user_data ? window.user_data.username : window.user_name); var api_key = (this.options && this.options.user_data) ? this.options.user_data.api_key : (window.user_data ? window.user_data.api_key : window.api_key); this.sqlApi = new SQL({ user: username, version: 'v1', api_key: api_key, sql_api_template: this._configModel.getSqlApiBaseUrl() }); var sql = 'SELECT the_geom FROM ' + this.get('name') + ' WHERE the_geom is not null'; this.sqlApi.execute(sql).done(function (data) { if (data.rows.length > 0) { dfd.resolve(true); } else { dfd.resolve(false); } }); return dfd.promise(); }, /** * Checks the current loaded records to see if they are georeferenced * @return {boolean} */ isGeoreferenced: function () { var geoColumns = this.geomColumnTypes(); if (geoColumns && geoColumns.length > 0) { return true; } else { if (!this.isInSQLView()) { // sometimes the columns are changed in the frontend site // and the geocolumns are not updated. // check the columns in local return this._data.any(function (row) { return row.hasGeometry(); }); } } return false; }, /** * this function can only be called during change event * returns true if the geometry type has changed * for this method multipolygon and polygon are the same geometry type */ geometryTypeChanged: function () { if (!('geometry_types' in this.changed)) return false; var geoTypes = this.get('geometry_types'); var prevGeoTypes = this.previousAttributes().geometry_types; function normalize (e) { e = e.toLowerCase(); if (e === 'st_multipolygon') { return 'st_polygon'; } if (e === 'st_multilinestring') { return 'st_linestring'; } if (e === 'st_multipoint') { return 'st_point'; } return e; } if (!geoTypes || geoTypes.length === 0 || !prevGeoTypes || prevGeoTypes.length === 0) { return true; } var n = normalize(geoTypes[0]); var o = normalize(prevGeoTypes[0]); return n !== o; }, /** * Get necessary data create a duplicated dataset from this table. * * @param {Object} newName name of new dataset. * @param {Object} callbacks * @returns {Object} */ duplicate: function (newName, callbacks) { callbacks = callbacks || {}; // Extracted from duplicate_table_dialog var data = { table_name: newName }; // Set correct data object, depending on if the app has a query applied or not if (this.isInSQLView()) { var query =; data.sql = (!query || query == '') ? 'SELECT * FROM ' + safeTableNameQuoting(this.get('name')) : query; // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq } else { data.table_copy = this.get('name'); } var importModel = new ImportModel();, { error: callbacks.error, success: (model, changes) => { var checkImportModel = new ImportModel({ item_queue_id: changes.item_queue_id }); checkImportModel.bind('importComplete', () => { checkImportModel.unbind(); // So import is done, create new table object from the new table and fetch, callback once finished. var newTable = new CartoTableMetadata({ id: checkImportModel.get('table_id') }, { configModel: this._configModel }); newTable.fetch({ success: function () { callbacks.success(newTable); }, error: callbacks.error }); }); checkImportModel.bind('importError', function () { checkImportModel.unbind(); callbacks.error.apply(this, arguments); }); checkImportModel.pollCheck(); } }); }, /** * Get the visualizations that are using this table dataset. * Note! a .fetch() is required to be sure the data to be available. * @return {Array} */ dependentVisualizations: function () { // dependent = visualizations with a single layer // non-dependant = have more than this dataset as a layer return _.chain(this.get('dependent_visualizations')) .union(this.get('non_dependent_visualizations')) .compact() .value() || []; }, getGeometryType: function () { var types = this.get('geometry_types'); var geomTypes = []; if (!_.isArray(types)) { return []; } for (var t in types) { var type = types[t]; // when there are rows with no geo type null is returned as geotype if (type) { var a = getSimpleGeometryType(type.toLowerCase()); if (a) { geomTypes.push(a); } } } return _.uniq(geomTypes); } }, { /** * creates a new table from query * the called is responsable of calling save to create * the table in the server */ createFromQuery: function (name, query, configModel) { return new CartoTableMetadata({ sql: query, name: name }, { configModel }); }, ...cartoMetadataStatic }); module.exports = CartoTableMetadata;