var Backbone = require('backbone'); var QueryRowModel = require('./query-row-model'); var syncAbort = require('./backbone/sync-abort'); var _ = require('underscore'); var STATUS = require('./query-base-status'); var MAX_GET_LENGTH = 1024; var WRAP_SQL_TEMPLATE = 'select <%= selectedColumns %> from (<%= sql %>) __wrapped'; var MAX_REPEATED_ERRORS = 3; module.exports = Backbone.Collection.extend({ defaults: { empty: true }, DEFAULT_FETCH_OPTIONS: { rows_per_page: 40, sort_order: 'asc', page: 0 }, // Due to a problem how Backbone checks if there is a duplicated model // or not, we can't create the model with a function + its necessary options model: QueryRowModel, sync: syncAbort, url: function () { return this._configModel.getSqlApiUrl(); }, initialize: function (models, opts) { opts = opts || {}; this._repeatedErrors = 0; this._tableName = opts.tableName; this._querySchemaModel = opts.querySchemaModel; this._configModel = opts.configModel; this.statusModel = new Backbone.Model({ status: STATUS.initial }); this._initBinds(); }, _initBinds: function () { this.listenTo(this._querySchemaModel, 'change:query', this._onQuerySchemaQueryChange); if (this._querySchemaModel && this._querySchemaModel.columnsCollection) { this.listenTo(this._querySchemaModel.columnsCollection, 'reset', this._onColumnsCollectionReset); } this.listenTo(this.statusModel, 'change:status', this._onStatusChanged); }, _onColumnsCollectionReset: function () { this._onQuerySchemaQueryChange(); if (this.shouldFetch()) { this.fetch(); } }, getStatusValue: function () { return this.statusModel.get('status'); }, isInInitialStatus: function () { return this.getStatusValue() === STATUS.initial; }, isFetched: function () { return this.getStatusValue() === STATUS.fetched; }, isErrored: function () { return this.getStatusValue() === STATUS.errored; }, isFetching: function () { return this.getStatusValue() === STATUS.fetching; }, isDone: function () { return this.isFetched() || this.isErrored(); }, isInFinalStatus: function () { var finalStatuses = [STATUS.unavailable, STATUS.fetched, STATUS.errored]; return _.contains(finalStatuses, this.getStatusValue()); }, isUnavailable: function () { return this.getStatusValue() === STATUS.unavailable; }, canFetch: function () { var hasQuery = !!this._querySchemaModel.get('query'); var isReady = this._querySchemaModel.get('ready'); var isFetched = this._querySchemaModel.isFetched(); var isErrored = this._querySchemaModel.isErrored(); return hasQuery && isReady && isFetched && !isErrored; }, shouldFetch: function () { return !this.isFetched() && !this.isFetching() && this.canFetch() && !this.isErrored(); }, resetFetch: function () { this.statusModel.set('status', STATUS.unfetched); }, isEmpty: function () { throw new Error('QueryRowsCollection.isEmpty() is an async operation. Use `.isEmptyAsync` instead.'); }, isEmptyAsync: function () { if (this.isInFinalStatus()) { return Promise.resolve(this.size() === 0); } else { return new Promise(function (resolve) { this.listenToOnce(this, 'inFinalStatus', function () { resolve(this.size() === 0); }); }.bind(this)); } }, _onStatusChanged: function () { if (this.isInFinalStatus()) { this.trigger('inFinalStatus'); } }, _onQuerySchemaQueryChange: function () { this.statusModel.set('status', 'unfetched'); this.reset([], { silent: true }); }, _geometryColumnSQL: function (column) { /* eslint-disable */ return [ "CASE", "WHEN GeometryType(" + column + ") = 'POINT' THEN", "ST_AsGeoJSON(" + column + ",8)", "WHEN (" + column + " IS NULL) THEN", "NULL", "ELSE", "GeometryType(" + column + ")", "END " + column ].join(' '); /* eslint-enable */ }, // return wrapped SQL removing the_geom and the_geom_webmercator // to avoid fetching those columns. // So for a sql like // select * from table the returned value is // select column1, column2, column3... from table _getWrappedSQL: function (excludeColumns) { var self = this; var schema = this._querySchemaModel.columnsCollection.toJSON(); var selectedColumns = _ .chain(schema) .omit(function (item) { return _.contains(excludeColumns,; }) .map(function (item, index) { if (item.type === 'geometry') { return self._geometryColumnSQL(; } return '"' + + '"'; }) .value() .join(','); return _.template(WRAP_SQL_TEMPLATE)({ selectedColumns: selectedColumns, sql: this._querySchemaModel.get('query') }); }, _httpMethod: function (query) { return query.length > MAX_GET_LENGTH ? 'POST' : 'GET'; }, _incrementRepeatedError: function () { this._repeatedErrors++; }, _resetRepeatedError: function () { this._repeatedErrors = 0; }, hasRepeatedErrors: function () { return this._repeatedErrors >= MAX_REPEATED_ERRORS; }, fetch: function (opts) { if (this.isFetching()) return; opts = opts || {}; var previousStatus = this.getStatusValue(); this.statusModel.set('status', STATUS.fetching); var excludeColumns = ( && || []; var query = this._getWrappedSQL(excludeColumns); opts = opts || {}; = _.extend( {}, this.DEFAULT_FETCH_OPTIONS, && _.omit(, 'exclude') || {}, { api_key: this._configModel.get('api_key'), q: query } ); opts.method = this._httpMethod(query); var errorCallback = opts.error; opts.error = function (coll, resp) { if (previousStatus === STATUS.unavailable) { this._incrementRepeatedError(); } if (resp && resp.error) { this._querySchemaModel.setError(resp.error); } this.trigger('fail', coll, resp); this.statusModel.set('status', this.hasRepeatedErrors() ? STATUS.errored : STATUS.unavailable); errorCallback && errorCallback(coll, resp); }.bind(this); var successCallback = opts.success; opts.success = function (coll, resp, options) { if (resp && resp.error) { return opts.error.apply(this, arguments); } this._resetRepeatedError(); this.statusModel.set('status', STATUS.fetched); successCallback && successCallback(coll, resp); }.bind(this); // Needed to reset the whole collection when a fetch is done opts.reset = true; return, opts); }, parse: function (r) { return this._parseWithID(r.rows); }, reset: function (result, opts) { var items = []; if (result && result.rows) { // If reset comes from a fetch, we need to parse the rows items = result.rows; } else { // If it comes directly from a simple reset function items = result; } Backbone.Collection.prototype.reset.apply(this, [this._parseWithID(items)]); }, _parseWithID: function (array) { return, function (attrs) { attrs.__id = _.uniqueId(); return attrs; }); }, addRow: function (opts) { opts = opts || {}; this.create( { __id: _.uniqueId() }, _.extend( opts, { wait: true, parse: true } ) ); }, setTableName: function (name) { if (!name) return; if (this._tableName) { this._tableName = name; this.each(function (rowModel) { rowModel._tableName = name; }); } } });