describe('Sublayers', function() { var layerDefinition, sublayer; beforeEach(function() { var layer_definition = { version: '1.0.0', stat_tag: 'vis_id', layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: 'select * from ne_10m_populated_places_simple', cartocss: '#layer { marker-fill: red; }', interactivity: ['test', 'cartodb_id'] } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: "select * from european_countries_export", cartocss: '#layer { polygon-fill: #000; polygon-opacity: 0.8;}', cartocss_version : '2.0.0', interactivity: [' test2 ', 'cartodb_id2'] } } ] }; _.extend(LayerDefinition.prototype, Backbone.Events); layerDefinition = new LayerDefinition(layer_definition, {}); sublayer = layerDefinition.getSubLayer(0); }); describe('SubLayerFactory', function() { it('should return a CartoDBSublayer', function() { var sublayer = SubLayerFactory.createSublayer('', layerDefinition, 0); expect(sublayer instanceof CartoDBSubLayer).toBeTruthy(); var sublayer = SubLayerFactory.createSublayer('mapnik', layerDefinition, 0); expect(sublayer instanceof CartoDBSubLayer).toBeTruthy(); var sublayer = SubLayerFactory.createSublayer('cartodb', layerDefinition, 0); expect(sublayer instanceof CartoDBSubLayer).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should return an HttpSublayer', function() { var sublayer = SubLayerFactory.createSublayer('http', layerDefinition, 0); expect(sublayer instanceof HttpSubLayer).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should be case insensitive', function() { var sublayer = SubLayerFactory.createSublayer('cARToDB', layerDefinition, 0); expect(sublayer instanceof CartoDBSubLayer).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should throw an error if type is not supported', function() { expect(function() { SubLayerFactory.createSublayer('unsupported type'); }).toThrow('Sublayer type not supported'); }) }); describe('SublayerBase', function() { describe('.remove', function() { it('should throw and error if layer was already removed', function() { sublayer.remove() // Try to remove again expect(function() { sublayer.remove(); }).toThrow('sublayer was removed'); }); it('should remove itself from the layer', function() { sublayer.remove() expect(layerDefinition.getSubLayerCount()).toEqual(1); expect(layerDefinition.getSubLayer(0)).not.toEqual(sublayer); }); it('should unbind the interaction', function() { spyOn(sublayer, '_unbindInteraction'); sublayer.remove(); expect(sublayer._unbindInteraction).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should trigger a "remove" event', function(done) { var callback = function(subl) { expect(subl).toEqual(sublayer); done(); }; sublayer.on('remove', callback); sublayer.remove(); }); }); describe('.toggle', function() { it('should show or hide the sublayer', function() { sublayer.set('hidden', false); sublayer.toggle(); expect(sublayer.get('hidden')).toEqual(true); sublayer.toggle(); expect(sublayer.get('hidden')).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('.show', function() { it('should show the layer', function() { sublayer.set('hidden', true);; expect(sublayer.get('hidden')).toBeUndefined(); }) }); describe('.hide', function() { it('should hide the layer', function() { sublayer.set('hidden', false); sublayer.hide(); expect(sublayer.get('hidden')).toEqual(true); }) }); describe('.isVisible', function() { it('should return true if sublayer is visible', function() { sublayer.set({'hidden': undefined}); expect(sublayer.isVisible()).toBeTruthy(); sublayer.set({'hidden': false}); expect(sublayer.isVisible()).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should return false if sublayer is hidden', function() { sublayer.set({'hidden': true}); expect(sublayer.isVisible()).toBeFalsy(); }); }) describe('.set', function() { it('should throw an error if the sublayer was removed', function() { sublayer.remove(); expect(function() { sublayer.set({ wadus: true }); }).toThrow('sublayer was removed'); }); it('should set the attribute', function() { sublayer.set({ wadus: true }); expect(sublayer.get('wadus')).toEqual(true); }); it('should trigger a "change:visibility" event if the visibility has changed', function(done) { var callback = function(subl, hidden) { expect(subl).toEqual(sublayer); expect(hidden).toEqual(true); done(); } sublayer.on('change:visibility', callback); sublayer.set({ hidden: true }); }); }); describe('.unset', function() { it('should delete an attribute', function() { sublayer.set({ wadus: true }); expect(sublayer.get('wadus')).toEqual(true); sublayer.unset('wadus'); expect(sublayer.get('wadus')).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('.get', function() { it('should throw and error if layer was already removed', function() { sublayer.remove() // Try to remove again expect(function() { sublayer.get('wadus'); }).toThrow('sublayer was removed'); }); }); }); describe('CartoDBSubLayer', function() { describe('toJSON', function() { it('should serialize the sublayer', function() { expect(sublayer.toJSON()).toEqual({ type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: 'select * from ne_10m_populated_places_simple', cartocss: '#layer { marker-fill: red; }', cartocss_version: '2.1.0', interactivity: ['test', 'cartodb_id'] } }); }); it('should include the cartocss_version if present', function() { sublayer.set({ cartocss_version: 'X.X.X', }); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.cartocss_version).toEqual('X.X.X'); }), it('should set the default cartocss_version if not present', function() { expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.cartocss_version).toEqual('2.1.0'); }), it('should include attributes option if interactivity is present', function() { sublayer.set({ interactivity: [], attributes: ['column1', 'column2'] }); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.attributes).toBeUndefined(); sublayer.set({ interactivity: ['column1'], attributes: ['column1', 'column2'] }); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.attributes).toEqual({ id: 'cartodb_id', columns: ['column1', 'column2'] }); }); it('should include attributes option when there are attributes', function() { sublayer.set({ interactivity: ['column1'], attributes: undefined }); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.attributes).toBeUndefined(); }) it('should include geometry options if raster option is true', function() { sublayer.set({raster: true}); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.geom_column).toEqual("the_raster_webmercator"); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.geom_type).toEqual("raster"); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.cartocss_version).toEqual('2.3.0'); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.raster_band).toEqual(0); }); it('should include geometry options with a given cartocss_version if raster option is true', function() { sublayer.set({ raster: true, raster_band: 2, cartocss_version: '2.4.0' }); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.geom_column).toEqual("the_raster_webmercator"); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.geom_type).toEqual("raster"); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.cartocss_version).toEqual('2.4.0'); expect(sublayer.toJSON().options.raster_band).toEqual(2); }); }); describe('isValid', function() { it('should return true if the required options are present', function() { expect(sublayer.isValid()).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should return false if any of the required options are not present', function() { var cartocss = sublayer.get('cartocss'); sublayer.set({ cartocss: undefined }); expect(sublayer.isValid()).toBeFalsy(); sublayer.set({ sql: undefined, cartocss: cartocss, }); expect(sublayer.isValid()).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('event binding', function() { var events = [ ['featureOver'], ['featureOut'], ['featureClick'], ['layermouseover', 'mouseover'], ['layermouseout', 'mouseout'] ]; events.forEach(function(event) { var signal = event[0]; var alias = event[1] || signal; it("should respond to " + signal + " events on the layer if the position matches", function(done) { sublayer.on(alias, function(index) { expect(index).toEqual(0); done(); }); layerDefinition.trigger(signal, 0); }); it("should NOT respond to " + signal + " events on the layer if the position doesn't match", function() { var callback = jasmine.createSpy('callback'); sublayer.on(alias, function(){ callback(); }); layerDefinition.trigger(signal, 1); expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('.infowindow', function() { it('should be a Backbone model with the infowindow', function() { var fields = [ { position: 1, name: "city", title: true } ]; layerDefinition.layers[0].infowindow = { fields: fields } // Force the initialization of the sublayer layerDefinition.layers[0].sub = undefined; var sublayer = layerDefinition.getSubLayer(0); expect(sublayer.infowindow instanceof Backbone.Model).toBeTruthy(); expect(sublayer.infowindow.get('fields')).toEqual(fields); }); it('should update the infowindow in the layer definition if the infowindow changes', function() { sublayer.infowindow.set({fields: 'wadus'}); expect(sublayer._parent.getLayer(sublayer._position).infowindow).toEqual({ fields: 'wadus' }); }); }); describe('.setSQL', function() { it('should set the SQL attribute', function() { sublayer.setSQL('wadus'); expect(sublayer.get('sql')).toEqual('wadus'); expect(sublayer.getSQL()).toEqual('wadus'); }); }); describe('.setCartoCSS', function() { it('should set the cartocss attribute', function() { sublayer.setCartoCSS('wadus'); expect(sublayer.get('cartocss')).toEqual('wadus'); expect(sublayer.getCartoCSS()).toEqual('wadus'); }); }); describe('.setInteractivity', function() { it('should set the interactivity attribute', function() { sublayer.setInteractivity('wadus'); expect(sublayer.get('interactivity')).toEqual('wadus'); }) }); describe('.getInteractivity', function() { it('should return undefined when no interactivity is present', function() { sublayer.setInteractivity(undefined); expect(sublayer.getInteractivity()).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should convert string with fields to array', function() { sublayer.setInteractivity('field1, field2'); expect(sublayer.getInteractivity()).toEqual(['field1', 'field2']); }); it('should remove whitespaces from field names', function() { sublayer.setInteractivity([' field1 ', ' field2']); expect(sublayer.getInteractivity()).toEqual(['field1', 'field2']); }); }); describe('.getAttributes', function() { it('should return the attributes from the definition if present and remove whitespaces from columns', function() { sublayer.set({ attributes: [' field1 ', 'field2'] }); expect(sublayer.getAttributes()).toEqual(['field1', 'field2']); }); it('should return the attributes from the infowindow fields', function() { sublayer.infowindow.set('fields', [ { name: 'field1 '}, { name: ' field2 '}]); expect(sublayer.getAttributes()).toEqual(['field1', 'field2']); }); }); describe('.setInteraction', function() { it('should set the interactivity attribute', function() { sublayer.setInteractivity('wadus'); expect(sublayer.get('interactivity')).toEqual('wadus'); }) }); }); describe('HttpSubLayer', function() { beforeEach(function() { var layer_definition = { version: '1.0.0', stat_tag: 'vis_id', layers: [ { type: 'http', options: { urlTemplate: "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", subdomains: ['a', 'b', 'c'], tms: false }, } ] }; layerDefinition = new LayerDefinition(layer_definition, {}); sublayer = layerDefinition.getSubLayer(0); }); describe('toJSON', function() { it('should serialize the sublayer', function() { expect(sublayer.toJSON()).toEqual({ type: 'http', options: { urlTemplate: "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", subdomains: ['a', 'b', 'c'], tms: false } }) }) it('should not include optional params if not present', function() { sublayer.set({ subdomains: undefined, tms: undefined }); expect(sublayer.toJSON()).toEqual({ type: 'http', options: { urlTemplate: "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" } }) }); }); describe('isValid', function() { it('should return true if the required options are present', function() { expect(sublayer.isValid()).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should return false if any of the required options are not present', function() { sublayer.set({ urlTemplate: undefined }); expect(sublayer.isValid()).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('event binding', function() { it("should NOT respond to events on the layer", function() { var callback = jasmine.createSpy('callback'); sublayer.on('featureOver', function(){ callback(); }); layerDefinition.trigger('featureOver', 0); expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('.setURLTemplate', function(){ it('should set the urlTemplate attribute', function() { sublayer.setURLTemplate('template'); expect(sublayer.get('urlTemplate')).toEqual('template'); expect(sublayer.getURLTemplate()).toEqual('template'); }); }); describe('.setSubdomains', function() { it('should set the subdomains attribute', function() { sublayer.setSubdomains('subdomains'); expect(sublayer.get('subdomains')).toEqual('subdomains'); expect(sublayer.getSubdomains()).toEqual('subdomains'); }); }); describe('.setTms', function() { it('should set the tmps attribute', function() { sublayer.setTms('tms'); expect(sublayer.get('tms')).toEqual('tms'); expect(sublayer.getTms()).toEqual('tms'); }); }); }); });