cdb.admin.ConfigureCanvasDropdown = cdb.ui.common.Dropdown.extend({ className: 'dropdown canvas_setup_dropdown', defaults: { speedOut: 100, speedIn: 100 }, events: { "click" : "killEvent" }, initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, "open", "hide", "_handleClick", "_keydown"); // Extend options _.defaults(this.options, this.defaults); // Dropdown template this.template_base = cdb.templates.getTemplate(this.options.template_base); // Bind to target $({ "click": this._handleClick}); // Bind ESC key $(document).bind('keydown', this._keydown); // Is open flag this.isOpen = false; }, /* Check if the dropdown is visible to hiding with the click on the target */ _handleClick: function(ev) { if (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); } // If visible if (this.isOpen){ this.hide(); } else{; } }, show: function() { var dfd = $.Deferred(); var self = this; //sometimes this dialog is child of a node that is removed //for that reason we link again DOM events just in case this.delegateEvents(); this.$el .css({ marginTop: "-10px", opacity:0, display:"block" }) .animate({ margin: "0", opacity: 1 }, { "duration": this.options.speedIn, "complete": function(){ dfd.resolve(); } }); this.trigger("onDropdownShown", this.el); return dfd.promise(); }, open: function(ev, target) { cdb.god.trigger("closeDialogs"); // Target var $target = target && $(target) ||; = $target; this.$el.css({ top: 40, left: 0 }) .addClass( // Add vertical and horizontal position class (this.options.vertical_position == "up" ? "vertical_top" : "vertical_bottom" ) + " " + (this.options.horizontal_position == "right" ? "horizontal_right" : "horizontal_left" ) + " " + // Add tick class "border tick_" + this.options.tick ); // Show it; this._recalcHeight(); // Dropdown open this.isOpen = true; }, hide: function(done) { if (!this.isOpen) { done && done(); return; } var self = this; this.isOpen = false; this.$el.animate({ marginTop: self.options.vertical_position == "down" ? "10px" : "-10px", opacity: 0 }, this.options.speedOut, function(){ // And hide it self.$el.hide(); }); this.trigger("onDropdownHidden",this.el); }, _recalcHeight: function() { var $ul = this.$el.find("ul.special"); // Resets heights $ul.height("auto"); $ul.parent().height("auto"); var special_height = $ul.height(); var dropdown_height = $ul.parent().height(); // Sets heights if (special_height < dropdown_height) $ul.css("height", dropdown_height); else $ul.parent().height(special_height); }, _addButton: function(title, icon_name, active, callback) { var button = new cdb.admin.OverlaysDropdownItem({ template_name: 'table/views/overlays/canvas_dropdown_item', text: title, active: active, className: title.toLowerCase() }).on("click", callback, this); this.$el.find("ul").append(button.render().$el); return button; }, _switchToDesktop: function() { this.desktopButton.model.set("active", true); this.mobileButton.model.set("active", false); this.options.canvas.set("mode", "desktop"); }, _switchToMobile: function() { this.desktopButton.model.set("active", false); this.mobileButton.model.set("active", true); this.options.canvas.set("mode", "mobile"); }, /* * Renders the dropdown */ render: function() { this.clearSubViews(); this.$el.html(this.template_base(this.options)); this.desktopButton = this._addButton("Desktop", "desktop", true, this._switchToDesktop); this.mobileButton = this._addButton("Mobile", "mobile", false, this._switchToMobile); return this; }, clean: function() { $(document).unbind('keydown', this._keydown);; } });