cdb.admin.overlays.Annotation = cdb.geo.ui.Annotation.extend({ className: "annotation overlay", template_name: 'table/views/overlays/annotation', events: { "mouseenter .text": "_onMouseEnter", "mouseup": "_onMouseUp", "click .close": "_close", "click .content": "_onClickEdit", "click .text": "_onClickEdit", "dblclick .content": "_onDblClick", "dblclick .text": "_onDblClick", "keyup .text": "_onKeyUp", "paste .text": "_onPaste" }, initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, "_close", "_onChangeMode", "_onKeyDown"); this.vis = this.options.vis; this.canvas = this.options.canvas; this.mapView = this.options.mapView; this._bindMap(); this.template = this.getTemplate(this.template_name); this._setupModels(); // zoom level config var minZoomLevel ="minZoom"); var maxZoomLevel ="maxZoom"); this.form_data = [{ name: 'Text', form: { 'font-size': { type: 'simple_number', value: 12, min: 5, max: 50, inc: 2, disable_triggering: true }, 'color': { type: 'color', value: '#FFF', extra: { tick: "left", picker_horizontal_position: "left", picker_vertical_position: "down" }}, 'font-family-name': { type: 'select', value: "Helvetica", extra: ["Helvetica", "Droid Sans", "Vollkorn", "Roboto", "Open Sans", "Lato", "Graduate", "Gravitas One", "Old Standard TT"] }, 'text-align': { type: 'text_align', value: 'left', alignments: { left: true, right: true, center: false } }, } }, { name: 'Box', form: { 'box-color': { type: 'color', value: '#000', extra: { tick: "left", picker_horizontal_position: "left", picker_vertical_position: "down" }}, 'box-opacity': { type: 'simple_opacity', value: .7, min:0, max:1, inc: .1, disable_triggering: true }, 'box-padding': { type: 'simple_number_with_label', value: 5, min: 5, max: 50, inc: 1, label: "P", disable_triggering: true } } }, { name: 'Line', form: { 'line-color': { type: 'color', value: '#000', extra: { tick: "left", picker_horizontal_position: "left", picker_vertical_position: "down" }}, 'line-width': { type: 'simple_number_with_label', value: 50, min: 5, max: 100, inc: 1, label: 'W', disable_triggering: true }, } } , { name: 'Zoom (min-max)', form: { 'min-zoom': { type: 'simple_number', value: minZoomLevel, min: minZoomLevel, max: maxZoomLevel, inc: 1, classes: "margin-min", disable_triggering: true }, 'max-zoom': { type: 'simple_number_with_label', value: maxZoomLevel, min: minZoomLevel, max: maxZoomLevel, inc: 1, label: '↔', disable_triggering: true }, } }]; }, _bindMap: function() {'change', this._place, this);'change:zoom', this._applyZoomLevelStyle, this); this.mapView.bind('zoomstart', this._hideOverlay, this); this.mapView.bind('zoomend', this._showOverlay, this); }, _unbindMap: function() {'change', this._place, this);'change:zoom', this._applyZoomLevelStyle, this); this.mapView.unbind('zoomstart', this._hideOverlay, this); this.mapView.unbind('zoomend', this._showOverlay, this); }, // Setup the internal and custom model _setupModels: function() { var self = this; var extra = this.extra = this.model.get("extra"); this.model.set({ text: extra.text }, { silent: true }); var applyStyle = function() { self._applyStyle();; }; // Binding this.model.bind('remove', this.hide, this); this.model.bind('change:style', applyStyle, this); this.model.bind('change:text', this._setText, this); this.model.bind('change:display', this._onChangeDisplay, this); this.model.bind('change:extra', this._onChangeExtra, this); this.model.bind('change:selected', this._onChangeSelected, this); // Internal model to store the editing state this.editModel = new cdb.core.Model({ mode: "" }); this.editModel.bind('change:mode', this._onChangeMode, this); this.add_related_model(this.editModel); }, // Element events _onKeyUp: function(e) { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } this.model.set({ text: this.$text.html() }, { silent: true }); }, _onClickEdit: function(e) { this.killEvent(e); $(document).bind('keydown', this._onKeyDown); this.trigger("clickEdit", this.model, this.form_data); this.model.set("selected", true); }, _onKeyDown: function(e) { var selected = this.model.get("selected"); if (selected) { var editable = this.editModel.get("mode") !== "editable"; var focus = this.$(".overlay_text").is(":focus"); // hitting the backspace removes the overlay if ($("overlay_text") || $("cartodb-map")) { if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.BACKSPACE && (editable || !focus)) { this.killEvent(e); this._close(); } } if (editable && !focus) { if (e.which == 67 && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { this.trigger('duplicate', this.model, this); } } } if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) { this.editModel.set("mode", ""); } }, _onPaste: function(e) { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { var text = cdb.Utils.stripHTML(self.model.get("text")); self.model.set("text", text) }, 200); }, _onDblClick: function(e) { this.killEvent(e); this.editModel.set("mode", "editable"); }, _onMouseUp: function() { var editable = (this.editModel.get("mode") == "editable"); if (!editable) { this._savePosition(); } }, _savePosition: function() { var extra = this.model.get("extra"); var x = this.model.get("x"); var y = this.model.get("y"); var oldX = this.$el.position().left; var oldY = this.$el.position().top; var height = this.$el.height(); if (x == oldX && y == oldY) return; var x = this.$el.position().left; var y = this.$el.position().top; var style = this.model.get("style"); var lineWidth = style["line-width"]; var textAlign = style["text-align"]; y = y + Math.ceil(this.$el.outerHeight(true)/2); if (textAlign === "right") { x = x + this.$el.width() + lineWidth + this.$(".ball").width(); } else { x = x - lineWidth; } var latlng = this.mapView.pixelToLatLon([x , y]); extra.latlng = [, latlng.lng]; if (!this.model.isNew()) { // avoid saving it if the model was removed{ extra: extra }); } }, _onMouseDown: function() {}, _onMouseEnter: function() { this.$el.addClass("hover"); if (this.editModel.get("mode") === "editable") { if (this.timeout) clearTimeout(this.timeout); } }, _onMouseLeave: function() { this.$el.removeClass("hover"); var self = this; if (this.editModel.get("mode") === "editable") { this.timeout = setTimeout(function() { self.editModel.set("mode", ""); }, 250); } }, _hideOverlay: function() { this.$el.fadeOut(150); }, _showOverlay: function() { if (!this._belongsToCanvas()) return; var self = this; this.$el.stop().delay(500).fadeIn(150, function() { self.$el.css({ display: "inline-table" }); // trick so we don't need to set the width }); }, // canonical show method for the overlay show: function(animated) { if (!this._belongsToCanvas()) return; this.$; this.$el.css({ display: "inline-table "}); if (true) this.$el.addClass('animated bounceIn'); var self = this; this.$'webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function() { self.$el.removeClass("animated bounceIn"); }); }, // canonical hide (= destroy) method for the overlay hide: function(callback) { var self = this; this.unbind("mouseenter", this._onMouseEnter, this); this.unbind("mouseup", this._onMouseUp, this); $(document).unbind('keydown', this._onKeyDown, this); this.$el .removeClass('animated bounceIn') .addClass('animated bounceOut') callback && _.isFunction(callback) && callback(); this._unbindMap(); cdb.god.unbind("closeDialogs", this._onCloseDialogs, this); // Give it some time to complete the animation setTimeout(function() { self.clean(); }, 550); }, _close: function(e) { this.killEvent(e); var self = this; this.hide(function() { self.trigger("remove", self); }); }, _place: function() { var mode = this.editModel.get("mode"); if (mode === "editable") return; var style = this.model.get("style"); var lineWidth = style["line-width"]; var textAlign = style["text-align"]; var pos = this.mapView.latLonToPixel(this.model.get('extra').latlng); var size = this.mapView.getSize(); var top = pos.y - Math.ceil(this.$el.outerHeight(true)/2); var left = pos.x + lineWidth; if (textAlign === "right") { left = pos.x - this.$el.width() - lineWidth - this.$(".ball").width(); } this.$el.css({ top: top, left: left }); }, _belongsToCanvas: function() { return this.model.get("device") === this.canvas.get("mode"); }, _onChangeDisplay: function() { var display = this.model.get("display"); if (display && this._belongsToCanvas()) {; } else { this._hideOverlay(); } }, _onChangeExtra: function() { var extra = this.model.get("extra"); extra.text = this.model.get("text"); this.model.set({ extra: extra }, { silent: true }); }, _getStyleProperty: function(property) { var style = this.model.get("style"); return style[property]; }, /* * Applies style to the content of the widget */ _applyStyle: function() { var style = this.model.get("style"); var textAlign = style["text-align"]; var boxColor = style["box-color"]; var boxOpacity = style["box-opacity"]; var boxPadding = style["box-padding"]; var lineWidth = style["line-width"]; var lineColor = style["line-color"]; var fontFamily = style["font-family-name"]; if (boxOpacity === 0) { this.$el.addClass("border-dark"); } else { this.$el.removeClass("border-dark"); } if (boxColor === "#FFFFFF") { this.$el.addClass("white-box"); } else { this.$el.removeClass("white-box"); } this.$text.css(style); this.$(".content").css("padding", boxPadding); this.$text.css("font-size", style["font-size"] + "px"); this.$el.css("z-index", style["z-index"]); this.$(".stick").css({ width: lineWidth, left: -lineWidth }); var fontFamilyClass = ""; if (fontFamily == "Droid Sans") fontFamilyClass = "droid"; else if (fontFamily == "Vollkorn") fontFamilyClass = "vollkorn"; else if (fontFamily == "Open Sans") fontFamilyClass = "open_sans"; else if (fontFamily == "Roboto") fontFamilyClass = "roboto"; else if (fontFamily == "Lato") fontFamilyClass = "lato"; else if (fontFamily == "Graduate") fontFamilyClass = "graduate"; else if (fontFamily == "Gravitas One") fontFamilyClass = "gravitas_one"; else if (fontFamily == "Old Standard TT") fontFamilyClass = "old_standard_tt"; this.$el .removeClass("droid") .removeClass("vollkorn") .removeClass("roboto") .removeClass("open_sans") .removeClass("lato") .removeClass("graduate") .removeClass("gravitas_one") .removeClass("old_standard_tt"); this.$el.addClass(fontFamilyClass); if (textAlign === "right") { this.$el.addClass("align-right"); this.$(".stick").css({ left: "auto", right: -lineWidth }); } else { this.$el.removeClass("align-right"); } this._place(); this._applyZoomLevelStyle(); }, _applyZoomLevelStyle: function() { var style = this.model.get("style"); var extra = this.model.get("extra"); var boxColor = style["box-color"]; var boxOpacity = style["box-opacity"]; var lineColor = style["line-color"]; var minZoom = style["min-zoom"]; var maxZoom = style["max-zoom"]; var currentZoom ="zoom"); var textOpacity = 1; if (currentZoom >= minZoom && currentZoom <= maxZoom) { textOpacity = 1; var rgbaLineCol = this._getRGBA(lineColor, 1); var rgbaBoxCol = this._getRGBA(boxColor, boxOpacity); } else { textOpacity = .5; var rgbaLineCol = this._getRGBA(lineColor, .2); var rgbaBoxCol = this._getRGBA(boxColor, .2); } this.$(".text").animate({ opacity: textOpacity }, 150); this.$el.css("background-color", rgbaBoxCol); this.$(".stick").css("background-color", rgbaLineCol); this.$(".ball").css("background-color", rgbaLineCol); }, _onChangeSelected: function() { var selected = this.model.get("selected"); if (selected) { this.$el.addClass("selected"); if (this._getStyleProperty("box-opacity") === 0) { this.$el.addClass("border-dark"); } if (this._getStyleProperty("box-color") === "#FFFFFF") { this.$el.addClass("white-box"); } } else { this.$el .removeClass("selected") .removeClass("border-dark") .removeClass("white-box"); this._disableEditingMode(); } }, _onChangeMode: function() { var mode = this.editModel.get("mode"); this.trigger('editing', mode === 'editable', this); if (mode == "editable") { this._enableEditingMode(); } else { this._disableEditingMode(); } }, _enableEditingMode: function() { this.$el .addClass("editable") .addClass("disabled"); this.$text.attr("contenteditable", true).focus(); var style = this.model.get("style"); var width = style["box-width"]; var text = this.model.get("text"); this.$el.css("width", "auto"); this.$el.css("max-width", width); this.$text.html(text); this.$(".hint").fadeIn(150); }, _disableEditingMode: function() { $(document).unbind('keydown', this._onKeyDown); var text = this._transformToMarkdown(this.model.get("text")); this.editModel.set("mode", ""); if (text) { var self = this; self.$(".hint").fadeOut(150, function() { self.$el .removeClass("editable") .removeClass("disabled"); self.$text.attr("contenteditable", false); }); self.$text.html(text); self._savePosition(); } else { this._close(); } }, _setText: function() { var text = this.model.get("text"); var rendered_text = this._transformToMarkdown(text); var extra = this.model.get("extra"); extra.text = text; extra.rendered_text = rendered_text{ extra: extra }); if (rendered_text) this.$text.html(rendered_text); }, _transformToMarkdown: function(text) { text = markdown.toHTML(text) text = text.replace(/</g, "<"); text = text.replace(/>/g, ">"); text = text.replace(/

/g, ""); text = text.replace(/&nbsp;/g, " "); text = text.replace(/<\/p>/g, ""); return text; }, _onCloseDialogs: function() { if (this.model.get("selected") !== undefined) this.model.set("selected", false); }, _setupText: function() { this.$text = this.$(".content div.text"); this.$text.html(this._transformToMarkdown(this.model.get("text"))); }, render: function() { this.$el.append(this.template(this.model.attributes)); this.$el.addClass(this.model.get("device")); this._setupText(); var self = this; setTimeout(function() { self._applyStyle(); self._place();; }, 500); cdb.god.unbind("closeDialogs", this._onCloseDialogs, this); cdb.god.bind("closeDialogs", this._onCloseDialogs, this); return this; } });