var _ = require('underscore'); var PROXY_URL = ''; var PROXY_TILES = ''; var METHOD_TO_URL = { 'read': '/check', 'create': '/add' }; var SUPPORTED_MATRIX_SETS = [ 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:4258' ]; function WMSService () { this._wms_url = null; } WMSService.prototype.generateURL = function (opts) { var req = PROXY_URL + METHOD_TO_URL[opts.method]; var url = this._wms_url; var parser = document.createElement('a'); parser.href = url; var params ='&'); var hasCapabilities = _.find(params, function (p) { return p.toLowerCase().indexOf('request=getcapabilities') !== -1; }); var hasService = _.find(params, function (p) { return p.toLowerCase().indexOf('service=wms') !== -1; }); // If the user didn't provided the necessary params, let's add them if (!hasCapabilities) { params.push('request=GetCapabilities'); } if (!hasService) { params.push('service=WMS'); } url += '?' + params.join('&'); req += '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url); var isWMTS = opts.type === 'wmts'; req += '&type=' + (isWMTS ? 'wmts' : 'wms'); if (opts.method === 'create') { if (opts.layer && opts.srs) { req += '&layer=' + opts.layer; req += '&srs=EPSG:' + opts.srs[0].split(':')[1]; } else if (isWMTS && opts.layer && opts.matrix_sets.length > 0) { req += '&layer=' + opts.layer; req += '&matrix_set=' + this.supportedMatrixSets(opts.matrix_sets || [])[0]; } } return req; }; WMSService.prototype.getFetchLayersURL = function () { return this.generateURL({ method: 'read' }); }; WMSService.prototype.saveLayerURL = function (opts) { var createOpts = _.extend({ method: 'create' }, opts); return this.generateURL(createOpts); }; WMSService.prototype.supportedMatrixSets = function (matrixSets) { return _.intersection(matrixSets, SUPPORTED_MATRIX_SETS); }; WMSService.prototype.getProxyTilesURL = function () { return PROXY_TILES; }; WMSService.prototype.setUrl = function (url) { this._wms_url = url; }; module.exports = WMSService;