var Backbone = require('backbone'); var syncAbort = require('./backbone/sync-abort'); /** * State definition model. * Used to persist the dashboard state at any time */ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ /** * @override {Backbone.prototype.sync} abort ongoing request if there is any */ sync: syncAbort, url: function () { return this._visDefinitionModel.stateURL(); }, isNew: function () { return false; }, initialize: function (attrs, opts) { if (!attrs.json) throw new Error('state json is required'); if (!opts.visDefinitionModel) throw new Error('visDefinitionModel is required'); this._visDefinitionModel = opts.visDefinitionModel; }, toJSON: function () { return { json: this.get('json') }; }, updateState: function (state) {{ json: state }); }, setBounds: function (bounds) { this.trigger('boundsSet', bounds); }, getZoom: function () { return this.get('json').map.zoom; }, getCenter: function () { return this.get('json'); } });