var _ = require('underscore'); var CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); var formatter = require('../../formatter'); var HistogramTitleView = require('./histogram-title-view'); var HistogramChartView = require('./chart'); var placeholder = require('./placeholder.tpl'); var template = require('./content.tpl'); var DropdownView = require('../dropdown/widget-dropdown-view'); var TipsyTooltipView = require('../../../builder/components/tipsy-tooltip-view'); var AnimateValues = require('../animate-values.js'); var animationTemplate = require('./animation-template.tpl'); var layerColors = require('../../util/layer-colors'); var analyses = require('../../data/analyses'); var escapeHTML = require('../../util/escape-html'); var TABLET_VIEWPORT_BREAKPOINT = 1200; /** * Widget content view for a histogram */ module.exports = CoreView.extend({ className: 'CDB-Widget-body', defaults: { chartHeight: 48 + 20 + 4 }, events: { 'click .js-clear': '_resetWidget', 'click .js-zoom': '_zoom' }, initialize: function () { this._dataviewModel = this.model.dataviewModel; this._layerModel = this.model.layerModel; this._originalData = this._dataviewModel.getUnfilteredDataModel(); this.filter = this._dataviewModel.filter; this.lockedByUser = false; this._numberOfFilters = 0; this._initStateApplied = false; if (this._originalData.get('hasBeenFetched')) { this._initBinds(); } else { this.listenToOnce(this._originalData, 'change:hasBeenFetched', function () { this._initBinds(); }); } window.addEventListener('resize', this._onWindowResized.bind(this), { passive: true }); }, render: function () { this.clearSubViews(); this._unbinds(); this.$el.toggleClass('is-collapsed', !!this.model.get('collapsed')); var data = this._dataviewModel.getData(); var hasNulls = this._dataviewModel.hasNulls(); var originalData = this._originalData.getData(); var isDataEmpty = !_.size(data) && !_.size(originalData); var sourceId = this._dataviewModel.get('source').id; var letter = layerColors.letter(sourceId); var sourceColor = layerColors.getColorForLetter(letter); var sourceType = this._dataviewModel.getSourceType() || ''; var isSourceType = this._dataviewModel.isSourceType(); var layerName = isSourceType ? this.model.get('table_name') : this._layerModel.get('layer_name'); this.$el.html( template({ title: this.model.get('title'), sourceId: sourceId, sourceType: analyses.title(sourceType), isSourceType: isSourceType, showStats: this.model.get('show_stats'), showNulls: hasNulls, showSource: this.model.get('show_source') && letter !== '', itemsCount: !isDataEmpty ? data.length : '-', isCollapsed: !!this.model.get('collapsed'), sourceColor: sourceColor, layerName: escapeHTML(layerName) }) ); if (isDataEmpty) { this._addPlaceholder(); this._initTitleView(); } else { this._setupBindings(); this._initViews(); } return this; }, _initViews: function () { this._initTitleView(); this._initDropdownView(); this._renderMiniChart(); this._renderMainChart(); this._renderAllValues(); }, _onWindowResized: function () { if (window.innerWidth < TABLET_VIEWPORT_BREAKPOINT) { this.histogramChartView && this.histogramChartView.forceResize(); } }, _initDropdownView: function () { var dropdown = new DropdownView({ model: this.model, target: '.js-actions', container: this.$('.js-header'), flags: { normalizeHistogram: true } }); this.addView(dropdown); }, _toggleTooltip: function (event) { if (!event || ! { return this._clearTooltip(); } this._showTooltip(event); }, _showTooltip: function (event) { if (this.tooltip && event && this.tooltip.getElement() === { return; } this._clearTooltip(); this.tooltip = new TipsyTooltipView({ el:, title: 'data-tooltip', trigger: 'manual' }); this.tooltip.showTipsy(); this.addView(this.tooltip); }, _clearTooltip: function () { if (!this.tooltip) return; this.tooltip.hideTipsy(); this.removeView(this.tooltip); this.tooltip = undefined; }, _initTitleView: function () { var titleView = new HistogramTitleView({ widgetModel: this.model, dataviewModel: this._dataviewModel, layerModel: this._layerModel }); this.$('.js-title').append(titleView.render().el); this.addView(titleView); }, _initBinds: function () { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:collapsed', this.render); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:normalized', this._onNormalizedChanged); if (this.model.get('hasInitialState') === true) { this._setInitialState(); } else { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:hasInitialState', this._setInitialState); } this.listenTo(this._layerModel, 'change:layer_name', this.render); }, _setInitialState: function () { var data = this._dataviewModel.getData(); if (data.length === 0) { this._dataviewModel.once('change:data', this._onInitialState, this); } else { this._onInitialState(); } }, _onNormalizedChanged: function () { var normalized = this.model.get('normalized'); this.histogramChartView.setNormalized(normalized); this.miniHistogramChartView.setNormalized(normalized); }, _onInitialState: function () { this.add_related_model(this._dataviewModel); this.render(); if (this.model.get('autoStyle') === true) { this.model.autoStyle(); } if (this._hasRange()) { this._numberOfFilters = 1; } // in order to calculate the stats right, we simulate the full zommmed range if (this._isZoomed()) { this._numberOfFilters = 2; } if (this._numberOfFilters !== 0) { this._setInitialRange(); } else { this._completeInitialState(); } }, _setupRange: function (data, min, max, updateCallback) { var lo = 0; var hi = data.length; var startMin; var startMax; if (_.isNumber(min)) { startMin = _.findWhere(data, {start: min}); lo = startMin ? startMin.bin : 0; } if (_.isNumber(max)) { startMax = _.findWhere(data, {end: max}); hi = startMax ? startMax.bin + 1 : data.length; } if ((lo && lo !== 0) || (hi && hi !== data.length)) { this.filter.setRange( data[lo].start, data[hi - 1].end ); this._onChangeFilterEnabled(); this.histogramChartView.selectRange(lo, hi); } updateCallback && updateCallback(lo, hi); }, _setInitialRange: function () { var data = this._dataviewModel.getData(); var min = this.model.get('min'); var max = this.model.get('max'); var filterEnabled = (min !== undefined || max !== undefined); this._setupRange(data, min, max, function (lo, hi) { this.model.set({ filter_enabled: filterEnabled, lo_index: lo, hi_index: hi }); this._dataviewModel.bind('change:data', this._onHistogramDataChanged, this); this._initStateApplied = true; // If zoomed, we open the zoom level. Internally it does a fetch, so a change:data is triggered // and the _onHistogramDataChanged callback will do the _updateStats call. if (this._isZoomed()) { this._onChangeZoomEnabled(); this._onZoomIn(); } else { this._updateStats(); } }.bind(this)); }, _completeInitialState: function () { this._dataviewModel.bind('change:data', this._onHistogramDataChanged, this); this._initStateApplied = true; this._updateStats(); }, _isZoomed: function () { return this.model.get('zoomed'); }, _hasRange: function () { var min = this.model.get('min'); var max = this.model.get('max'); return (min != null || max != null); }, _onHistogramDataChanged: function () { // When the histogram is zoomed, we don't need to rely // on the change url to update the histogram // TODO the widget should not know about the URL… could this state be got from the dataview model somehow? if (this._dataviewModel.changed.url && this._isZoomed()) { return; } // if the action was initiated by the user // don't replace the stored data if (this.lockedByUser) { this.lockedByUser = false; } else { if (!this._isZoomed()) { this.histogramChartView.showShadowBars(); this.miniHistogramChartView.replaceData(this._dataviewModel.getData()); } else { this._filteredData = this._dataviewModel.getData(); } this.histogramChartView.replaceData(this._dataviewModel.getData()); } if (this.unsettingRange) { this._unsetRange(); } this._updateStats(); }, _unsetRange: function () { this.unsettingRange = false; this.histogramChartView.replaceData(this._dataviewModel.getData()); this.model.set({ lo_index: null, hi_index: null }); if (!this._isZoomed()) { this.histogramChartView.showShadowBars(); } }, _addPlaceholder: function () { this.$('.js-content').append(placeholder()); }, _renderMainChart: function () { this.histogramChartView = new HistogramChartView(({ type: 'histogram', margin: { top: 4, right: 4, bottom: 4, left: 4 }, hasHandles: true, hasAxisTip: true, chartBarColor: this.model.getColor() || '#9DE0AD', width: this.canvasWidth, height: this.defaults.chartHeight, data: this._dataviewModel.getData(), dataviewModel: this._dataviewModel, layerModel: this._layerModel, originalData: this._originalData, displayShadowBars: !this.model.get('normalized'), normalized: this.model.get('normalized'), widgetModel: this.model })); this.$('.js-chart').append(this.histogramChartView.el); this.addView(this.histogramChartView); this.histogramChartView.bind('on_brush_end', this._onBrushEnd, this); this.histogramChartView.bind('hover', this._toggleTooltip, this); this.histogramChartView.render().show(); this._updateStats(); }, _renderMiniChart: function () { this.miniHistogramChartView = new HistogramChartView(({ type: 'histogram', className: 'CDB-Chart--mini', mini: true, margin: { top: 0, right: 4, bottom: 4, left: 4 }, height: 40, showOnWidthChange: false, dataviewModel: this._dataviewModel, layerModel: this._layerModel, data: this._dataviewModel.getData(), normalized: this.model.get('normalized'), chartBarColor: this.model.getColor() || '#9DE0AD', originalData: this._originalData, widgetModel: this.model })); this.addView(this.miniHistogramChartView); this.$('.js-mini-chart').append(this.miniHistogramChartView.el); this.miniHistogramChartView.bind('on_brush_end', this._onMiniRangeUpdated, this); this.miniHistogramChartView.render(); }, _setupBindings: function () { this._dataviewModel.bind('change:bins', this._onChangeBins, this); this.model.bind('change:zoomed', this._onChangeZoomed, this); this.model.bind('change:zoom_enabled', this._onChangeZoomEnabled, this); this.model.bind('change:filter_enabled', this._onChangeFilterEnabled, this); this.model.bind('change:total', this._onChangeTotal, this); this.model.bind('change:nulls', this._onChangeNulls, this); this.model.bind('change:max', this._onChangeMax, this); this.model.bind('change:min', this._onChangeMin, this); this.model.bind('change:avg', this._onChangeAvg, this); }, _unbinds: function () {'change:bins', this._onChangeBins, this);'change:zoomed', this._onChangeZoomed, this);'change:zoom_enabled', this._onChangeZoomEnabled, this);'change:filter_enabled', this._onChangeFilterEnabled, this);'change:total', this._onChangeTotal, this);'change:nulls', this._onChangeNulls, this);'change:max', this._onChangeMax, this);'change:min', this._onChangeMin, this);'change:avg', this._onChangeAvg, this); }, _onMiniRangeUpdated: function (loBarIndex, hiBarIndex) { this.lockedByUser = false; this._clearTooltip(); this.histogramChartView.removeSelection(); var data = this._originalData.getData(); this.model.set({lo_index: loBarIndex, hi_index: hiBarIndex, zlo_index: null, zhi_index: null}); this._applyBrushFilter(data, loBarIndex, hiBarIndex); }, _onBrushEnd: function (loBarIndex, hiBarIndex) { if (this._isZoomed()) { this._onBrushEndFiltered(loBarIndex, hiBarIndex); } else { this._onBrushEndUnfiltered(loBarIndex, hiBarIndex); } }, _onBrushEndFiltered: function (loBarIndex, hiBarIndex) { var data = this._filteredData; if ((!data || !data.length) || (this.model.get('zlo_index') === loBarIndex && this.model.get('zhi_index') === hiBarIndex)) { return; } this._numberOfFilters = 2; this.lockedByUser = true; this.model.set({filter_enabled: true, zlo_index: loBarIndex, zhi_index: hiBarIndex}); this._applyBrushFilter(data, loBarIndex, hiBarIndex); }, _onBrushEndUnfiltered: function (loBarIndex, hiBarIndex) { var data = this._dataviewModel.getData(); if ((!data || !data.length) || (this.model.get('lo_index') === loBarIndex && this.model.get('hi_index') === hiBarIndex)) { return; } this._numberOfFilters = 1; this.model.set({filter_enabled: true, zoom_enabled: true, lo_index: loBarIndex, hi_index: hiBarIndex}); this._applyBrushFilter(data, loBarIndex, hiBarIndex); }, _applyBrushFilter: function (data, loBarIndex, hiBarIndex) { if (loBarIndex !== hiBarIndex && loBarIndex >= 0 && loBarIndex < data.length && (hiBarIndex - 1) >= 0 && (hiBarIndex - 1) < data.length) { this.filter.setRange( data[loBarIndex].start, data[hiBarIndex - 1].end ); this._updateStats(); } else { console.error('Error accessing array bounds', loBarIndex, hiBarIndex, data); } }, _onChangeFilterEnabled: function () { this.$('.js-filter').toggleClass('is-hidden', !this.model.get('filter_enabled')); }, _onChangeBins: function (mdl, bins) { this._resetWidget(); }, _onChangeZoomEnabled: function () { this.$('.js-zoom').toggleClass('is-hidden', !this.model.get('zoom_enabled')); }, _renderAllValues: function () { this._changeHeaderValue('.js-nulls', 'nulls', ''); this._changeHeaderValue('.js-val', 'total', 'SELECTED'); this._changeHeaderValue('.js-max', 'max', ''); this._changeHeaderValue('.js-min', 'min', ''); this._changeHeaderValue('.js-avg', 'avg', ''); }, _changeHeaderValue: function (className, what, suffix) { if (this.model.get(what) == null) { this.$(className).text('0 ' + suffix); return; } this._addTitleForValue(className, what, suffix); var animator = new AnimateValues({ el: this.$el }); animator.animateValue(this.model, what, className, animationTemplate, { formatter: formatter.formatNumber, templateData: { suffix: ' ' + suffix } }); }, _onChangeNulls: function () { this._changeHeaderValue('.js-nulls', 'nulls', ''); }, _onChangeTotal: function () { this._changeHeaderValue('.js-val', 'total', 'SELECTED'); }, _onChangeMax: function () { this._changeHeaderValue('.js-max', 'max', ''); }, _onChangeMin: function () { this._changeHeaderValue('.js-min', 'min', ''); }, _onChangeAvg: function () { this._changeHeaderValue('.js-avg', 'avg', ''); }, _addTitleForValue: function (className, what, unit) { this.$(className).attr('title', this._formatNumberWithCommas(this.model.get(what).toFixed(2)) + ' ' + unit); }, _formatNumberWithCommas: function (x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ','); }, _calculateBars: function (data) { var min; var max; var loBarIndex; var hiBarIndex; var startMin; var startMax; if (this._isZoomed() && this._numberOfFilters === 2) { min = this.model.get('zmin'); max = this.model.get('zmax'); loBarIndex = this.model.get('zlo_index'); hiBarIndex = this.model.get('zhi_index'); } else if (this._numberOfFilters === 1) { min = this.model.get('min'); max = this.model.get('max'); loBarIndex = this.model.get('lo_index'); hiBarIndex = this.model.get('hi_index'); } if (data.length > 0) { if (!_.isNumber(min) && !_.isNumber(loBarIndex)) { loBarIndex = 0; } else if (_.isNumber(min) && !_.isNumber(loBarIndex)) { startMin = _.findWhere(data, {start: min}); loBarIndex = (startMin && startMin.bin) || 0; } if (!_.isNumber(max) && !_.isNumber(hiBarIndex)) { hiBarIndex = data.length; } else if (_.isNumber(max) && !_.isNumber(hiBarIndex)) { startMax = _.findWhere(data, {end: max}); hiBarIndex = (startMax && startMax.bin + 1) || data.length; } } else { loBarIndex = 0; hiBarIndex = data.length; } return { loBarIndex: loBarIndex, hiBarIndex: hiBarIndex }; }, _updateStats: function () { if (!this._initStateApplied) return; var data; if (!this._isZoomed() || (this._isZoomed() && this._numberOfFilters === 2)) { data = this.histogramChartView.model.get('data'); } else { data = this.miniHistogramChartView.model.get('data'); } if (data == null) { return; } var nulls = this._dataviewModel.get('nulls'); var bars = this._calculateBars(data); var loBarIndex = bars.loBarIndex; var hiBarIndex = bars.hiBarIndex; var sum, avg, min, max; var attrs; if (data && data.length) { sum = this._calcSum(data, loBarIndex, hiBarIndex); avg = this._calcAvg(data, loBarIndex, hiBarIndex); if (loBarIndex >= 0 && loBarIndex < data.length) { min = data[loBarIndex].start; } if (hiBarIndex >= 0 && hiBarIndex - 1 < data.length) { max = data[Math.max(0, hiBarIndex - 1)].end; } if (this._isZoomed() && this._numberOfFilters === 2) { attrs = {zmin: min, zmax: max, zlo_index: loBarIndex, zhi_index: hiBarIndex}; } else if (!this._isZoomed() && this._numberOfFilters === 1) { attrs = {min: min, max: max, lo_index: loBarIndex, hi_index: hiBarIndex}; } attrs = _.extend( { total: sum, nulls: nulls, avg: avg }, attrs); this.model.set(attrs); } }, _calcAvg: function (data, start, end) { var selectedData = data.slice(start, end); var total = this._calcSum(data, start, end); if (!total) { return 0; } var area = _.reduce(selectedData, function (memo, d) { return (d.avg && d.freq) ? (d.avg * d.freq) + memo : memo; }, 0); return area / total; }, _calcSum: function (data, start, end) { return _.reduce(data.slice(start, end), function (memo, d) { return d.freq + memo; }, 0); }, _onChangeZoomed: function () { if (this.model.get('zoomed')) { this._onZoomIn(); } else { this._resetWidget(); this._dataviewModel.fetch(); } }, _showMiniRange: function () { var loBarIndex = this.model.get('lo_index'); var hiBarIndex = this.model.get('hi_index'); this.miniHistogramChartView.selectRange(loBarIndex, hiBarIndex);; }, _zoom: function () { this.model.set({ zoomed: true, zoom_enabled: false }); this.histogramChartView.removeSelection(); }, _onZoomIn: function () { this.lockedByUser = false; this._showMiniRange(); this.histogramChartView.setBounds(); this._dataviewModel.enableFilter(); this._dataviewModel.fetch(); }, _resetWidget: function () { this._numberOfFilters = 0; this.model.set({ zoomed: false, zoom_enabled: false, filter_enabled: false, lo_index: null, hi_index: null, min: null, max: null, zlo_index: null, zhi_index: null, zmin: null, zmax: null }); this.filter.unsetRange(); this._dataviewModel.disableFilter(); this.histogramChartView.unsetBounds(); this.miniHistogramChartView.hide(); this._clearTooltip(); this._updateStats(); }, clean: function () { window.removeEventListener('resize', this._onWindowResized.bind(this)); CoreView.prototype.clean.apply(this); } });