const Backbone = require('backbone'); const POLL_TIMER = 2000; // Interval time between poll checkings const TIMER_MULTIPLY = 2.5; // Multiply interval for this number const MAX_TRIES = 30; // Max tries until interval change const STATES = { success: 'success', failure: 'failure' }; /** * User creation model * */ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { email: '', google_sign_in: false, requires_validation_email: false, state: '', username: '' }, url: function (method) { return `/api/v1/user_creations/${}`; }, initialize: function () { this._initBinds(); }, _initBinds: function () { this.bind('change:state', this._checkState, this); }, _checkState: function () { if (this.hasFinished() || this.hasFailed()) { this.destroyCheck(); } }, pollCheck: function () { if (this.pollTimer) return; let tries = 0; const request = () => { this.destroyCheck(); this.fetch(); tries += 1; // Multiply polling timer by a number when a max // of tries have been reached const multiply = tries > MAX_TRIES ? TIMER_MULTIPLY : 1; this.pollTimer = setInterval(request, POLL_TIMER * multiply); }; this.pollTimer = setInterval(request, POLL_TIMER); // Start doing a fetch request(); }, destroyCheck: function () { clearInterval(this.pollTimer); delete this.pollTimer; }, hasUsedGoogle: function () { return this.get('google_sign_in'); }, requiresValidationEmail: function () { return this.get('requires_validation_email'); }, hasFinished: function () { return this.get('state') === STATES.success; }, hasFailed: function () { return this.get('state') === STATES.failure; } });