var Backbone = require('backbone'); var _ = require('underscore'); var $ = require('jquery'); var MULTIPLIER = 1.2; // Multiply current interval for this number var INTERVAL = 1500; // Interval time between poll checkings var SYNC_GAP = 900000; // Gap (in ms) necessary to perform next synchronization var POLLING_GAP = 15000; // Gap (in seconds) necessary to start polling and checking synchronization /** * Synced table model */ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { name: '', url: '', state: '', run_at: 0, ran_at: 0, retried_times: 0, interval: 0, error_code: 0, error_message: '', service_name: '', service_item_id: '', content_guessing: true, type_guessing: true }, urlRoot: function () { var version = this._configModel.urlVersion('synchronizations'); var baseUrl = this._configModel.get('base_url'); return baseUrl + '/api/' + version + '/synchronizations/'; }, initialize: function (attrs, opts) { if (!opts.configModel) throw new Error('configModel is required'); this._configModel = opts.configModel; this.bind('destroy', function () { this.unset('id'); }); this._checkState(); this.bind('change:error_code change:error_message change:state', this._checkState, this); }, toJSON: function () { var c = _.clone(this.attributes); var d = { url: c.url, interval: c.interval, content_guessing: c.content_guessing, type_guessing: c.type_guessing, create_vis: c.create_vis }; if (c.type === 'remote') { _.extend(d, { remote_visualization_id: c.remote_visualization_id, create_vis: false, value: c.value }); } if ( !== undefined) { =; } // Comes from a service? if (c.service_name) { d.service_name = c.service_name; d.service_item_id = c.service_item_id; } return d; }, _checkState: function () { if (this.get('error_code') || this.get('error_message')) { this.set('state', 'failure'); } }, syncNow: function (callback) { if (!callback) throw new Error('callback is required'); $.ajax({ url: this.url() + '/sync_now', type: 'PUT' }).always(callback); }, // Checks for poll to finish pollCheck: function (i) { var self = this; var interval = INTERVAL; this.pollTimer = setInterval(request, interval); function request () { self.destroyCheck(); self.fetch({ error: function (m, e) { self.set({ error_message: e.statusText || '', state: 'failure' }); } }); interval = interval * MULTIPLIER; self.pollTimer = setInterval(request, interval); } }, destroyCheck: function () { clearInterval(this.pollTimer); }, isSync: function () { return !this.isNew() && this.get('interval') > 0; }, isSyncing: function () { return this.get('state') === 'syncing' || this.get('state') === 'queued'; }, canSyncNow: function () { var ranAt = new Date(this.get('ran_at')); var now = new Date(); var gap = SYNC_GAP; // Importer needs some time to perform the next sync, set 15 min as default. if (this.isSyncing()) { return false; } return (now.getTime() - ranAt.getTime()) > gap; }, linkToTable: function (tableModel) { var self = this; if (tableModel.has('synchronization')) { this.set(tableModel.get('synchronization')); } tableModel.bind('change:synchronization', function () { self.set(tableModel.get('synchronization')); }, tableModel); tableModel.bind('destroy', function destroy () { self.unbind(null, null, tableModel); self.destroy(); }, tableModel); } }, { SYNC_GAP: SYNC_GAP, POLLING_GAP: POLLING_GAP });