var Backbone = require('backbone'); var _ = require('underscore'); var syncAbort = require('builder/data/backbone/sync-abort'); var LegendsState = require('./legends-state'); /* Base model for a legend. It should have a reference to a layerDefinitionModel. */ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { type: 'none', title: '', postHTMLSnippet: '', preHTMLSnippet: '' }, sync: syncAbort, parse: function (r) { var attrs = _.extend({}, _.omit(r, 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'definition', 'pre_html', 'post_html') ); if (r.conf && r.conf.columns) { attrs.customState = r.conf.columns; } attrs.preHTMLSnippet = r.pre_html; attrs.postHTMLSnippet = r.post_html; return attrs; }, urlRoot: function () { var baseUrl = this.configModel.get('base_url'); return baseUrl + '/api/v3/viz/' + this.vizId + '/layer/' + + '/legends'; }, initialize: function (attrs, opts) { if (!opts.layerDefinitionModel) throw new Error('layerDefinitionModel is required'); if (!opts.configModel) throw new Error('configModel is required'); if (!opts.vizId) throw new Error('vizId is required'); this.layerDefinitionModel = opts.layerDefinitionModel; this.configModel = opts.configModel; this.vizId = opts.vizId; }, getStyles: function () { return this.layerDefinitionModel && this.layerDefinitionModel.styleModel || null; }, fetch: function () { throw new Error('This model should not make any fetch calls. It should be created from the vizJSON.'); }, getType: function () { return this.get('type'); }, toJSON: function () { return _.extend( this.attributes, { type: this.getType() } ); }, getAttributes: function () { return _.extend( {}, _.pick(this.attributes, _.keys(this.defaults)), _.omit(this.attributes, 'pre_html', 'post_html', 'customState') ); }, setAttributes: function (attrs) { // Store the real values LegendsState.set(this.layerDefinitionModel, this.get('type') || attrs.type, attrs); this.set(attrs); }, // Overriding set set: function (key, val, options) { var attrs; if (typeof key === 'object') { attrs = key; options = val; } else { (attrs = {})[key] = val; } options || (options = {}); var layerDefinitionModel = this.layerDefinitionModel || options.layerDefinitionModel; var type = this.get('type') || attrs.type; // Override attributes with the current custom state var state = LegendsState.get(layerDefinitionModel, type); var attributes = _.extend({}, attrs, { customState: _.keys(state) }, state); return, attributes, options); }, hasCustomHtml: function () { return false; } });