steps: # Cancel previous job on the same branch - name: entrypoint: /bin/bash args: - '-c' - 'gcloud builds list --ongoing --filter="buildTriggerId=51a5fed6-3b1c-4b53-aa4c-9855ccb3f510 AND substitutions.BRANCH_NAME=${BRANCH_NAME} AND id!=${BUILD_ID}" --format="get(ID)" > jobs_to_cancel' - name: entrypoint: /bin/bash args: - '-c' - 'gcloud builds cancel $(cat jobs_to_cancel | xargs) || true' # Decrypt github key - name: args: - kms - decrypt - --ciphertext-file=script/ci/.gh_helper.enc - --plaintext-file=/root/.ssh/id_rsa - --location=global - --keyring=keyring-github-ci - --key=github-key volumes: - name: 'ssh' path: /root/.ssh # Set up git with key and domain - name: '' entrypoint: 'bash' args: - '-c' - | chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa cat </root/.ssh/config Hostname IdentityFile /root/.ssh/id_rsa EOF mv script/ci/known_hosts /root/.ssh/known_hosts volumes: - name: 'ssh' path: /root/.ssh # Clean working directory - name: alpine args: ['sh', '-c', 'rm -rf .* | true && rm -rf *'] # Checkout repo with submodules - name: '' entrypoint: 'sh' args: ['-c', 'git clone -b "${BRANCH_NAME}" --depth 1 --recursive .'] volumes: - name: 'ssh' path: /root/.ssh # Checkout ci-tools - name: '' args: ['clone', '-b', 'master', ''] volumes: - name: 'ssh' path: /root/.ssh - name: ubuntu args: ['bash', '-c', 'rm -rf .git && cp ci-tools/repos/cartodb/* . && cp config/app_config.yml.sample config/app_config.yml && cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml && cp lib/assets/javascripts/cdb/secrets.example.json lib/assets/javascripts/cdb/secrets.json && cp script/ci/* .'] - name: 'docker/compose:1.22.0' args: ['-f', 'docker-compose-pg12.yml', 'up', '--build', '-d'] timeout: 900s - name: args: ['exec', '-e', 'SLACK_TOKEN=$_SLACK_TOKEN', '-e', 'BUILD_ID=$BUILD_ID', '-e', 'BRANCH_NAME=$BRANCH_NAME', '-i', 'builder_1', 'bash', '-c', "trap '/cartodb/script/ci/' ERR && /cartodb/ 24" ] timeout: 2700s options: machineType: 'N1_HIGHCPU_32' timeout: 3600s