var $ = require('jquery'); var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); var DEFAULTS = { width: 160, speedIn: 150, speedOut: 300, verticalPosition: 'down', horizontalPosition: 'right', tick: 'right', verticalOffset: 0, horizontalOffset: 0 }; module.exports = CoreView.extend({ className: 'dropdown', initialize: function (options) { _.bindAll(this, 'open', 'hide', '_handleClick', '_keydown', '_onDocumentClick'); this.options = {}; // Extend options _.defaults(this.options, options, DEFAULTS); if (options.template) { this.template = options.template; } // Bind to target $('click', this._handleClick); $(document).on('keydown', this._keydown); $(document).on('click', this._onDocumentClick); this.modelView = new Backbone.Model({ open: false }); this.modelView.on('change:open', function (model, isOpen) { isOpen ? this.hide() :; }, this); }, render: function () { // Render var $el = this.$el; $el .html(this.template && this.template(this.options)) .css({ width: this.options.width }); return this; }, _handleClick: function (event) { if (event) { event.preventDefault(); } var isOpen = this.modelView.get('open'); this.modelView.set('open', !isOpen); }, _onDocumentClick: function (e) { var $el = $(; var $target = $(; var isTarget = $el.get(0) === $target.get(0); if (!isTarget && $el.closest('.Dropdown').length === 0) { this.modelView.set({open: false}, {silent: true}); this.hide(); } }, _keydown: function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 27) { this.modelView.set('open', false); } }, hide: function () { this.$el.hide(); }, show: function () { this.$el.css({ display: 'block', opacity: 1 }); }, open: function (event, target) { // Target var $target = target && $(target) ||; = $target; // Positionate var targetPos = $target[this.options.position || 'offset'](); var targetWidth = $target.outerWidth(); var targetHeight = $target.outerHeight(); var elementWidth = this.$el.outerWidth(); var elementHeight = this.$el.outerHeight(); var verticalPosition = this.options.verticalPosition; var verticalOffset = this.options.verticalOffset; var horizontalPosition = this.options.horizontalPosition; var horizontalOffset = this.options.horizontalOffset; this.$el.css({ top: + parseInt((verticalPosition === 'up') ? (-elementHeight - 10 - verticalOffset) : (targetHeight + 10 - verticalOffset)), left: targetPos.left + parseInt((horizontalPosition === 'left') ? (horizontalOffset - 15) : (targetWidth - elementWidth + 15 - horizontalOffset)) }) .addClass( // Add vertical and horizontal position class (verticalPosition === 'up' ? 'vertical_top' : 'vertical_bottom') + ' ' + (horizontalPosition === 'right' ? 'horizontal_right' : 'horizontal_left') + ' ' + // Add tick class 'tick_' + this.options.tick );; }, isOpen: function () { return this.modelView.get('open'); }, clean: function () { const target = $(; &&'click', this._handleClick); $(document).off('keydown', this._keydown); $(document).off('click', this._onDocumentClick); CoreView.prototype.clean.apply(this); } });