Sequel.migration do up do TABLE_LIST = { 'assets' => ['id', 'user_id'], 'automatic_geocodings' => ['id', 'table_id'], 'client_applications' => ['id', 'user_id'], 'data_imports' => ['id', 'user_id', 'table_id'], 'geocodings' => ['id', 'user_id', 'table_id', 'automatic_geocoding_id'], 'layers_maps' => ['id', 'map_id', 'layer_id'], 'layers_users' => ['id', 'user_id', 'layer_id', ], 'layers_user_tables' => ['id', 'user_table_id', 'layer_id'], 'layers' => ['id'], 'maps' => ['id', 'user_id'], 'oauth_nonces' => ['id'], 'oauth_tokens' => ['id', 'user_id', 'client_application_id'], 'overlays' => ['id'], 'synchronizations' => ['user_id'], 'tags' => ['id', 'user_id', 'table_id'], 'user_tables' => ['id', 'user_id', 'map_id', 'data_import_id'], 'users' => ['id'], 'visualizations' => ['map_id', 'active_layer_id'] } manual_uuid_migration_steps = <<-EOS The database migration has been stopped. Your database needs manual upgrade in order to use this CartoDB version or any other newer one. In this version we have moved from integer based ids to UUID based integers. Your database already contains data so we believe it's dangerous letting the rails migration do this task for you. We have created a script to help you migrate your database. We highly encourage to make a FULL backup of your database. This backup involves both PostgreSQL metadata and user data databases and redis metadata database. In order to run this migration you need to stop your application and make sure that there is not any connection to your databases while you run the script. After you run the migration script manually you need to run again the rails migration task. This migration will detect that your database is already in the right state and will continue normally. Notice that this migration is mandatory in order to use this CartoDB version and any other future version. Also, versions starting with this one are incompatible with the old database schema with integer based ids. These are the steps you need to follow in order to run the manual script: $ cd $ export RAILS_ENV= $ export DBNAME= $ export DBHOST= $ export DBPORT= $ export DBUSER= $ export REDIS_HOST= $ bundle exec ./script/migrate_to_uuid.rb schema $ bundle exec ./script/migrate_to_uuid.rb meta $ bundle exec ./script/migrate_to_uuid.rb data $ bundle exec ./script/migrate_to_uuid.rb clean EOS fields_count = 0 outdated_fields = {} tables_data = true TABLE_LIST.each do |table_name,columns| fields_count = fields_count + columns.length table_rows = SequelRails.connection[table_name.to_sym].count if table_rows == 0 tables_data = false else tables_data = true end columns.each do |column| result = SequelRails.connection.fetch(%Q{ SELECT data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='#{table_name}' AND column_name='#{column}'; }).first if result[:data_type] != 'uuid' if outdated_fields[table_name].nil? outdated_fields[table_name] = [] end outdated_fields[table_name] << column end end end outdated_fields_count = 0 outdated_fields.each do |k,v| outdated_fields_count = outdated_fields_count + v.length end ## Check results. Do actions # if tables_data == false if outdated_fields_count > 0 # one or more ids are not uuid uuid_extension = SequelRails.connection.fetch(%Q{ SELECT count(*) as count FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name='uuid-ossp' }).first if uuid_extension[:count] == 0 puts "This migration cannot continue. You need to have postgresql extension 'uuid-ossp' installed" else{ CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp" }) end SequelRails.connection.transaction do TABLE_LIST.each do |table_name,columns| columns.each do |column|{ ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP COLUMN #{column} }) if column == 'id'{ ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD COLUMN id uuid UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() }) else{ ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD COLUMN #{column} uuid }) end end end end end # end not all uids else # contains data if outdated_fields_count > 0 # one or more ids are not uuid if outdated_fields_count == fields_count # all integers puts manual_uuid_migration_steps exit(1) else # end all integers unexpected_uuid_migration_message = <<-EOS The database migration has been stopped. Your database needs manual upgrade in order to use this CartoDB version or any other newer one. However your metadata database schema doesn't seem to be in the expected state. You only have #{outdated_fields_count} outdated fields of a #{fields_count} total. You should have either all fields outdated or all fields updated. Please, drop a line in our community forums in order to get help. EOS puts unexpected_uuid_migration_message exit(1) end # end not all integers end # end not all uuids end # if there are outdated fields end # migration up down do raise "Integer to UUID based IDs migration cannot be rolled back" end end