const CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); const $ = require('jquery'); const _ = require('underscore'); const L = require('leaflet'); const checkAndBuildOpts = require('builder/helpers/required-opts'); const template = require('./header.tpl'); const REQUIRED_OPTS = [ 'configModel' ]; /** * The header map in the data-library page, where the user can filter by country, e.g.: */ module.exports = CoreView.extend({ className: 'DataLibrary-header', initialize: function (opts) { checkAndBuildOpts(opts, REQUIRED_OPTS, this); _.bindAll(this, '_addGeojsonData'); }, render: function () { this.$el.html(template()); return this; }, load: function () { =$('#DataLibraryMap')[0], { zoomControl: false, attributionControl: false }).setView([44, -31], 3); var sqlDomain = this._configModel.get('sql_api_template').replace('{user}', this._configModel.get('common_data_user')); var geojsonURL = sqlDomain + '/api/v2/sql?q=' + encodeURIComponent('select * from world_borders') + '&format=geojson&filename=world_borders'; $.getJSON(geojsonURL).done(this._addGeojsonData); }, _addGeojsonData: function (geojsonData) { var style = { color: '#2E3C43', weight: 1, opacity: 1, fillColor: '#242D32', fillOpacity: 1 }; this.layer = L.geoJson(geojsonData, { style: style }).addTo(; } });