const _ = require('underscore'); const CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); const template = require('./password-confirmation.tpl'); const checkAndBuildOpts = require('builder/helpers/required-opts'); const REQUIRED_OPTS = [ 'modalModel', 'onPasswordTyped' ]; /** * Password Confirmation Modal * * Modal used for password validated forms, so * the user needs to type the password in to * save form changes */ module.exports = CoreView.extend({ events: { 'click .js-ok': '_onConfirm', 'click .js-cancel': '_closeDialog', 'keydown #password-confirmation-form': '_onEnterPressed', 'input .js-password': '_toggleConfirmButton' }, initialize: function (options) { checkAndBuildOpts(options, REQUIRED_OPTS, this); this._isConfirmDisabled = true; }, render: function () { this.$el.html( template({ isConfirmDisabled: this._isConfirmDisabled, updatePassword: this.options.updatePassword }) ); this._okButton = this.$('.js-ok'); return this; }, _toggleConfirmButton: function (event) { const passwordInput =; this._isConfirmDisabled = _.isEmpty(passwordInput.value); this._okButton.toggleClass('is-disabled', this._isConfirmDisabled); }, _onConfirm: function (event) { this.killEvent(event); if (this._isConfirmDisabled) { return; } const passwordValue = this.$('#password-confirmation').val(); this._onPasswordTyped && this._onPasswordTyped(passwordValue); this._closeDialog(); }, _onEnterPressed: function (event) { if (event.keyCode !== 13) { return; } this._onConfirm(event); }, _closeDialog: function () { this._modalModel.destroy(); } });