module Carto module Importer class TableSetup include ::LoggerHelper STATEMENT_TIMEOUT = 1.hour * 1000 def initialize(user:, overviews_creator:, log:, statement_timeout: STATEMENT_TIMEOUT) @user = user @overviews_creator = overviews_creator @log = log @statement_timeout = statement_timeout end # Store all indexes to re-create them after "syncing" the table by reimporting and swapping it # INFO: As upon import geom index names are not enforced, they might "not collide" and generate one on the new # import plus the one already existing, so we skip those def generate_index_statements(origin_schema, origin_table_name) # INFO: This code discerns gist indexes like lib/sql/CDB_CartodbfyTable.sql -> _CDB_create_the_geom_columns @user.in_database(as: :superuser)[%( SELECT indexdef AS indexdef FROM pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = '#{origin_schema}' AND tablename = '#{origin_table_name}' AND indexname NOT IN ( SELECT ir.relname FROM pg_am am, pg_class ir, pg_class c, pg_index i, pg_attribute a WHERE c.oid = '#{origin_schema}.#{origin_table_name}'::regclass::oid AND i.indrelid = c.oid AND i.indexrelid = ir.oid AND i.indnatts = 1 AND i.indkey[0] = a.attnum AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND NOT a.attisdropped AND am.oid = ir.relam AND ( ( (a.attname = '#{::Table::THE_GEOM}' OR a.attname = '#{::Table::THE_GEOM_WEBMERCATOR}') AND am.amname = 'gist' ) OR ( a.attname = '#{::Table::CARTODB_ID}' AND i.indisprimary = true ) ) ) )].map { |record| record.fetch(:indexdef) } end def run_index_statements(statements, database) statements.each do |statement| begin rescue StandardError => e log_error(exception: e) end end end def cartodbfy(table_name) schema_name = @user.database_schema qualified_table_name = "\"#{schema_name}\".#{table_name}" @user.transaction_with_timeout(statement_timeout: @statement_timeout) do |user_conn|{ SELECT cartodb.CDB_CartodbfyTable('#{schema_name}'::TEXT,'#{qualified_table_name}'::REGCLASS); }) end update_table_pg_stats(qualified_table_name) rescue StandardError => e log_error(message: 'Error in sync cartodbfy', exception: e, table: { name: table_name }) raise e end def copy_privileges(origin_schema, origin_table_name, destination_schema, destination_table_name) @user.in_database(as: :superuser).execute(%( UPDATE pg_class SET relacl=( SELECT r.relacl FROM pg_class r, pg_namespace n WHERE r.relname='#{origin_table_name}' and r.relnamespace = n.oid and n.nspname = '#{origin_schema}' ) WHERE relname='#{destination_table_name}' and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = '#{destination_schema}') )) rescue StandardError => e log_error( message: 'Error copying privileges', exception: e, origin_schema: origin_schema, origin_table_name: origin_table_name, destination_schema: destination_schema, destination_table_name: destination_table_name ) end def recreate_overviews(table_name) dataset = @overviews_creator.dataset(table_name) dataset.update_overviews! rescue StandardError => e # In case of overview creation failure we'll just omit the # overviews creation and continue with the process. # Since the actual creation is handled by a single SQL # function, and thus executed in a transaction, we shouldn't # need any clean up here. (Either all overviews were created # or nothing changed) @log.append("Overviews recreation failed: #{e.message}") log_error(message: 'Error creating overviews', exception: e, table_name: table_name) end def fix_oid(table_name) user_table = Carto::UserTable.find(@user.tables.where(name: table_name) user_table.sync_table_id end def update_table_pg_stats(qualified_table_name) @user.transaction_with_timeout(statement_timeout: @statement_timeout) do |user_conn|{ ANALYZE #{qualified_table_name}; }) end end def update_cdb_tablemetadata(name) @user.tables.where(name: name).first.update_cdb_tablemetadata end private def log_context super.merge(current_user: @user) end end end end