var specHelper = require('../spec-helper'); var WidgetModel = require('../../../../javascripts/deep-insights/widgets/widget-model'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var _ = require('underscore'); describe('widgets/widget-model', function () { describe('dataview enabled', function () { var dataviewModel; var layerModel; beforeEach(function () { var vis = specHelper.createDefaultVis(); var source = vis.analysis.findNodeById('a0'); // Use a category dataview as example dataviewModel = vis.dataviews.createCategoryModel({ column: 'col', source: source }); layerModel = new Backbone.Model({ id: 'first-layer', type: 'torque', visible: false }); this.model = new WidgetModel(null, { dataviewModel: dataviewModel, layerModel: layerModel }); }); it('should be enabled always although layer is not visible', function () { expect(dataviewModel.get('enabled')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should not change enable attribute although layer visibility changes', function () { layerModel.set('visible', true); expect(dataviewModel.get('enabled')).toBeTruthy(); layerModel.set('visible', false); expect(dataviewModel.get('enabled')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('when autostyle options is enabled', function () { var dataviewModel; var layerModel; beforeEach(function () { var vis = specHelper.createDefaultVis(); var source = vis.analysis.findNodeById('a0'); // Use a category dataview as example dataviewModel = vis.dataviews.createCategoryModel({ column: 'col', source: source }); dataviewModel.remove = spyOn(dataviewModel, 'remove'); layerModel = new Backbone.Model({ id: 'first-layer', type: 'torque', visible: true }); this.model = new WidgetModel(null, { dataviewModel: dataviewModel, layerModel: layerModel }, {autoStyleEnabled: true}); }); describe('.update', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.widgetChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('widgetModel change'); this.model.on('change', this.widgetChangeSpy); }); describe('when given empty object', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.result = this.model.update(); this.result = this.model.update({}) || this.result; }); it('should return false since did not change anything', function () { expect(this.result).toBe(false); }); it('should not change anything', function () { expect(this.widgetChangeSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.model.dataviewModel.changedAttributes()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when there are some attrsNames but no dataview attrs names defined', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.model.set({ attrsNames: ['title'] }, { silent: true }); this.result = this.model.update({ title: 'new title', column: 'col', aggregation: 'count', invalid: 'attr, should not be set' }); }); it('should return true since attrs were changed', function () { expect(this.result).toBe(true); }); it('should update widget', function () { expect(this.widgetChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should have changed the valid attrs and leave the rest', function () { expect(this.model.hasChanged('title')).toBe(true); }); it('should not change existing attrs', function () { expect(this.model.hasChanged('collapsed')).toBe(false); }); it('should not set any invalid attrs', function () { expect(this.model.get('invalid')).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should not update dataviewModel', function () { expect(this.model.dataviewModel.changedAttributes()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when there are both widget and dataview attrs names defined', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.model.set({ attrsNames: ['title'] }, { silent: true }); this.result = this.model.update({ title: 'new title', column: 'other', aggregation: 'sum', foo: 'attr, should not be set' }); }); it('should return true since attrs were changed', function () { expect(this.result).toBe(true); }); it('should update the widget', function () { expect(this.model.changedAttributes()).toEqual({ title: 'new title' }); }); it('should update the dataview model attrs', function () { expect(this.model.dataviewModel.changedAttributes()).toEqual({ column: 'other', aggregation: 'sum' }); }); }); }); describe('.remove', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.removeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('remove'); spyOn(this.model, 'stopListening'); this.model.on('destroy', this.removeSpy); this.model.remove(); }); it('should remove the model', function () { expect(this.removeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.model); }); it('should remove dataviewModel', function () { expect(this.model.dataviewModel.remove).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should call stop listening to events', function () { expect(this.model.stopListening).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('getState', function () { it('should only return states different from default', function () { this.model.setState({ collapsed: true }); expect(this.model.getState()).toEqual({collapsed: true}); }); }); describe('isAutoStyleEnabled', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.model.set('type', 'category'); }); it('should return true without style options', function () { expect(this.model.isAutoStyleEnabled()).toBe(true); }); it('should return true with empty object style options', function () { this.model.set('style', {}); expect(this.model.isAutoStyleEnabled()).toBe(true); }); it('should return true with style options', function () { var style = { auto_style: { allowed: true } }; this.model.set('style', style); expect(this.model.isAutoStyleEnabled()).toBe(true); }); it('should return false with style options', function () { var style = { auto_style: { allowed: false } }; this.model.set('style', style); expect(this.model.isAutoStyleEnabled()).toBe(false); }); it('should be false if type is not category or histogram', function () { var model = new WidgetModel(null, { dataviewModel: dataviewModel, layerModel: layerModel, type: 'time-series' }, {autoStyleEnabled: true}); expect(model.isAutoStyleEnabled()).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('.getAutoStyle', function () { it('should not provide any info if auto-style is not enabled', function () { spyOn(this.model, 'isAutoStyleEnabled').and.returnValue(false); var data = this.model.getAutoStyle(); expect(data).toEqual({}); }); it('should not provide any info if autoStyler is not defined', function () { spyOn(this.model, 'isAutoStyleEnabled').and.returnValue(true); this.model.autoStyler = undefined; var data = this.model.getAutoStyle(); expect(data).toEqual({}); }); it('should return proper definition and cartocss when no style model present', function () { var definition = 'a definition'; var cartocss = 'some cartocss'; spyOn(this.model, 'isAutoStyleEnabled').and.returnValue(true); this.model.autoStyler = { getDef: function () { return definition; } }; layerModel.set('cartocss', cartocss); var expectedData = { definition: definition, cartocss: cartocss }; var data = this.model.getAutoStyle(); expect(_.isEqual(data, expectedData)).toBe(true); }); it('should return proper definition and cartocss when auto_style property already present', function () { var definition = 'a definition'; var cartocss = 'some cartocss'; var style = { auto_style: { definition: 'other definition', cartocss: 'other cartocss', anotherProperty: 'another property' } }; spyOn(this.model, 'isAutoStyleEnabled').and.returnValue(true); this.model.set('style', style); this.model.autoStyler = { getDef: function () { return definition; } }; layerModel.set('cartocss', cartocss); var expectedData = { definition: definition, cartocss: cartocss, anotherProperty: 'another property' }; var data = this.model.getAutoStyle(); expect(_.isEqual(data, expectedData)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('.hasColorsAutoStyle', function () { it('should return false if autostyle or auto-style definition is empty', function () { spyOn(this.model, 'getAutoStyle').and.returnValue({ cartocss: '#dummy {}', definition: {} }); expect(this.model.hasColorsAutoStyle()).toBe(false); this.model.getAutoStyle.and.returnValue({}); expect(this.model.hasColorsAutoStyle()).toBe(false); }); it('should return false if color or range doesn\'t exist', function () { spyOn(this.model, 'getAutoStyle').and.returnValue({ cartocss: '#dummy {}', definition: { point: {} } }); expect(this.model.hasColorsAutoStyle()).toBe(false); this.model.getAutoStyle.and.returnValue({ cartocss: '#dummy {}', definition: { point: { color: {} } } }); expect(this.model.hasColorsAutoStyle()).toBe(false); }); it('should return false if there is no colors defined', function () { spyOn(this.model, 'getAutoStyle').and.returnValue({ cartocss: '#dummy {}', definition: { point: { color: { range: [] } } } }); expect(this.model.hasColorsAutoStyle()).toBe(false); this.model.getAutoStyle.and.returnValue({ cartocss: '#dummy {}', definition: { point: { color: { range: {} } }, line: { color: { range: {} } }, polygon: { color: { range: {} } } } }); expect(this.model.hasColorsAutoStyle()).toBe(false); }); it('should return true if autostyle return any color', function () { spyOn(this.model, 'getAutoStyle').and.returnValue({ cartocss: '#dummy {}', definition: { point: { color: { range: ['#red'] } } } }); expect(this.model.hasColorsAutoStyle()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('.autoStyle', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.model, 'isAutoStyleEnabled').and.returnValue(true); this.model.autoStyler = { getStyle: jasmine.createSpy('getStyle') }; layerModel.set('initialStyle', 'foo'); layerModel.set('cartocss', 'wadus'); }); it('should generate autostyle styles when dataview has data', function () { this.model.dataviewModel.set('data', [{ name: 'foo' }, { name: 'bar' }]); this.model.autoStyle(); expect(this.model.autoStyler.getStyle).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(layerModel.get('initialStyle')).toBe('wadus'); }); it('should not generate autostyle styles when dataview has data', function () { this.model.dataviewModel.set('data', []); this.model.autoStyle(); expect(this.model.autoStyler.getStyle).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(layerModel.get('initialStyle')).toBe('foo'); }); }); }); describe('when autostyle option is disabled', function () { beforeEach(function () { var vis = specHelper.createDefaultVis(); this.layerModel =; var source = vis.analysis.findNodeById('a0'); // Use a category dataview as example this.dataviewModel = vis.dataviews.createCategoryModel({ column: 'col', source: source }); this.dataviewModel.remove = spyOn(this.dataviewModel, 'remove'); }); describe('isAutoStyleEnabled', function () { it('should be true if without autostyle option', function () { var model = new WidgetModel(null, { dataviewModel: this.dataviewModel, layerModel: this.layerModel }); model.set('type', 'category'); expect(model.isAutoStyleEnabled()).toBe(true); }); it('should be false if passed autostyle option as false', function () { var model = new WidgetModel(null, { dataviewModel: this.dataviewModel, layerModel: this.layerModel }, {autoStyleEnabled: false}); model.set('type', 'category'); expect(model.isAutoStyleEnabled()).toBe(false); }); it('should be true if passed autostyle option as true', function () { var model = new WidgetModel(null, { dataviewModel: this.dataviewModel, layerModel: this.layerModel }, {autoStyleEnabled: true}); model.set('type', 'category'); expect(model.isAutoStyleEnabled()).toBe(true); }); }); }); describe('.getWidgetColor', function () { beforeEach(function () { var vis = specHelper.createDefaultVis(); this.layerModel =; var source = vis.analysis.findNodeById('a0'); // Use a category dataview as example this.dataviewModel = vis.dataviews.createCategoryModel({ column: 'col', source: source }); this.model = new WidgetModel(null, { dataviewModel: this.dataviewModel, layerModel: this.layerModel }, {autoStyleEnabled: false}); }); describe('when widget_color_changed is true', function () { it('should return color', function () { var style = { widget_style: { definition: { color: { fixed: '#fabada' } }, widget_color_changed: true } }; this.model.set('style', style); expect(this.model.getWidgetColor()).toBe('#fabada'); }); }); describe('when widget_color_changed is false', function () { it('should not return color', function () { var style = { widget_style: { definition: { color: { fixed: '#9DE0AD' } }, widget_color_changed: false } }; this.model.set('style', style); expect(this.model.getWidgetColor()).toBe(false); }); describe('and widget color value has changed', function () { // this is the case for existing widgets it('should return color', function () { var style = { widget_style: { definition: { color: { fixed: '#fabada', opacity: 1 } } } }; this.model.set('style', style); expect(this.model.getWidgetColor()).toBe('#fabada'); }); }); }); }); describe('forceResize', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.model = new WidgetModel(null, { dataviewModel: new Backbone.Model(), layerModel: new Backbone.Model() }); }); it('should trigger forceResize event if it is a time-series', function () { spyOn(this.model, 'trigger'); this.model.set('type', 'time-series'); this.model.forceResize(); expect(this.model.trigger).toHaveBeenCalledWith('forceResize'); }); it('should not trigger force Resize event if it is not a time-series', function () { spyOn(this.model, 'trigger'); this.model.set('type', 'category'); this.model.forceResize(); expect(this.model.trigger).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('forceResize'); }); }); });