namespace :cartodb do namespace :metrics do # service provider names PROVIDERS = ['heremaps', 'google', 'mapzen', 'mapbox', 'tomtom', 'geocodio'].freeze SERVICES = { geocoder: { method: :get_geocoding_calls, column: 'geocoder_provider' }, isolines: { method: :get_here_isolines_calls, column: 'isolines_provider' }, routing: { method: :get_mapzen_routing_calls, column: 'routing_provider' } }.freeze # e.g. bundle exec rake cartodb:metrics:ds_provider_metrics['heremaps','2018-01-01','2018-01-31'] # bundle exec rake cartodb:metrics:ds_provider_metrics['heremaps','2018-01-01','2018-01-31','/tmp/test.csv'] desc 'Get DS provider metrics in a defined period of time' task :ds_provider_metrics, [:provider, :from, :to, :output_file] => :environment do |_t, args| provider = args[:provider] from = args[:from].blank? ? nil : args[:from].to_date to = args[:to].blank? ? nil : args[:to].to_date if provider.nil? || from.nil? || to.nil? raise "Either the provider or one of the dates is not provided as argument" end unless PROVIDERS.include?(provider) raise "The provider passed as argument is not correct. The accepted values are #{DS_PROVIDERS}" end default_output_file = "/tmp/ds_metrics_#{provider}_#{from.strftime('%Y%m%d')}_#{to.strftime('%Y%m%d')}.csv" output_file = args[:output_file].blank? ? default_output_file : args[:output_file] date_from = from.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') date_to = to.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "wb") do |csv| SERVICES.each do |service, data| Carto::User.where(data[:column] => provider).find_each do |user| usage = nil organization_name = nil if user.organization_owner? usage = user.organization.public_send(data[:method], to: to, from: from) organization_name = elsif not user.organization_user? usage = user.public_send(data[:method], {to: to, from: from}) end if !usage.nil? and usage > 0 csv << [provider, service, date_from, date_to, organization_name, user.username, usage] end end end end end # e.g. bundle exec rake cartodb:metrics:ds_user_metrics['rtorre','2019-01-01','2019-01-31'] # bundle exec rake cartodb:metrics:ds_user_metrics['rtorre','2019-01-01','2019-01-31','/tmp/test.csv'] desc 'Get DS daily usage metrics for a user within a period of time' task :ds_user_metrics, [:username, :from, :to, :output_file] => :environment do |_t, args| username = args[:username] from = args.from.to_date to = default_output_file = "/tmp/ds_metrics_#{username}_#{from.strftime('%Y%m%d')}_#{to.strftime('%Y%m%d')}.csv" args.with_defaults(output_file: default_output_file) user = Carto::User.where(username: username).first, "wb") do |csv| SERVICES.each do |service, data| provider = user[data[:column]] from.upto(to) do |date| usage = user.public_send(data[:method], from: date, to: date, orgwise: false) if !usage.nil? && usage > 0 csv << [username, service, provider, date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), usage] end end end end end # e.g. bundle exec rake cartodb:metrics:ds_org_metrics['team','2019-01-01','2019-01-31'] # bundle exec rake cartodb:metrics:ds_org_metrics['team','2019-01-01','2019-01-31','/tmp/test.csv'] desc 'Get DS daily usage metrics for a user within a period of time' task :ds_org_metrics, [:orgname, :from, :to, :output_file] => :environment do |_t, args| orgname = args[:orgname] from = args.from.to_date to = default_output_file = "/tmp/ds_metrics_#{orgname}_#{from.strftime('%Y%m%d')}_#{to.strftime('%Y%m%d')}.csv" args.with_defaults(output_file: default_output_file) organization_id = Carto::Organization.where(name: orgname), "wb") do |csv| Carto::User.where(organization_id: organization_id).find_each do |user| SERVICES.each do |service, data| provider = user[data[:column]] from.upto(to) do |date| usage = user.public_send(data[:method], from: date, to: date, orgwise: false) if !usage.nil? && usage > 0 csv << [user.username, service, provider, date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), usage] end end end end end end end end