require 'openssl' require 'json' require 'securerandom' require 'sys_cmd' require 'google/apis/storage_v1' module Carto module Dbdirect # Private CA certificate manager for dbdirect class CertificateManager GCP_AUTH_URL = ''.freeze def initialize(config) @config = config end attr_reader :config def generate_certificate(username:, passphrase:, validity_days:, server_ca:, pk8:) certificates = nil arn = nil key = openssl_generate_key(passphrase) key_pk8 = openssl_converty_key_to_pkcs8(key, passphrase) if pk8 csr = openssl_generate_csr(username, key, passphrase) with_aws_credentials do arn = aws_issue_certificate(csr, validity_days) certificate = aws_get_certificate(arn) certificates = { client_key: key, client_crt: certificate } certificates[:server_ca] = get_server_ca if server_ca certificates[:client_key_pk8] = key_pk8 if pk8 end [certificates, arn] end def revoke_certificate(arn:, reason: 'UNSPECIFIED') with_aws_credentials do aws_revoke_certificate(arn, reason) end end private GET_CERTIFICATE_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 8 GET_CERTIFICATE_DELAY_S = 1 SIGNING_ALGORITHM = "SHA256WITHRSA".freeze TEMPLATE_ARN = "arn:aws:acm-pca:::template/EndEntityClientAuthCertificate/V1".freeze VALIDITY_TYPE_DAYS = "DAYS".freeze def get_server_ca # If not configured, the CA used to sign client certificates will be used (handy for development) return aws_get_ca_certificate_chain unless config['server_ca'].present? || config['server_ca'] == 'client_ca' # No server_ca file will be generated (it shouldn't be needed) if special value 'disabled' is used return if config['server_ca'] == 'disabled' # Otherwise the certificate chain should be stored and accessible through a url # TODO: cache based on URL (config['server_ca']) with TTL=? fetch config['server_ca'] end def openssl_generate_key(passphrase) key = 2048 if passphrase.present? cipher = 'AES-128-CBC' key.export(cipher, passphrase) else key.to_pem end end def openssl_converty_key_to_pkcs8(key, passphrase) cmd = SysCmd.command 'openssl pkcs8' do option '-topk8' option '-inform', 'PEM' option '-passin', "pass:#{passphrase}" if passphrase.present? input key option '-outform', 'DER' option '-passout', "pass:#{passphrase}" if passphrase.present? option '-nocrypt' unless passphrase.present? end run cmd cmd.output.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) end def openssl_generate_csr(username, key, passphrase) subj = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse("/C=US/ST=New York/L=New York/O=CARTO/OU=Customer/CN=#{username}") if passphrase.present? key = key, passphrase else key = key end csr = csr.version = 0 csr.subject = subj csr.public_key = key.public_key csr.sign key, csr.to_pem end def aws_acmpca_client @aws_acmpca_client ||= end def aws_issue_certificate(csr, validity_days) resp = aws_acmpca_client.issue_certificate( certificate_authority_arn: config['ca_arn'], csr: csr, signing_algorithm: SIGNING_ALGORITHM, template_arn: TEMPLATE_ARN, validity: { value: validity_days, type: VALIDITY_TYPE_DAYS }, idempotency_token: SecureRandom.uuid ) resp.certificate_arn end def aws_get_certificate(arn) resp = aws_acmpca_client.wait_until( :certificate_issued, { certificate_authority_arn: config['ca_arn'], certificate_arn: arn }, { max_attempts: GET_CERTIFICATE_MAX_ATTEMPTS, delay: GET_CERTIFICATE_DELAY_S } ) resp.certificate end def aws_get_ca_certificate_chain # TODO: we could cache this resp = aws_acmpca_client.get_certificate_authority_certificate({ certificate_authority_arn: config['ca_arn'] }) [resp.certificate, resp.certificate_chain].join("\n") end def aws_revoke_certificate(arn, reason) serial = serial_from_arn(arn) resp = aws_acmpca_client.revoke_certificate({ certificate_authority_arn: config['ca_arn'], certificate_serial: serial, revocation_reason: reason }) end def serial_from_arn(arn) match = /\/certificate\/(.{32})\Z/.match(arn) raise "Invalid arn format #{arn}" unless match match[1].scan(/../).join(':') end def with_aws_credentials(&blk) prev_config = Aws.config Aws.config = { access_key_id: config['aws_access_key_id'], secret_access_key: config['aws_secret_key'], region: config['aws_region'] } ensure Aws.config = prev_config end def with_env(vars) old = {} vars.each do |key, value| key = key.to_s old[key] = ENV[key] ENV[key] = value end yield ensure vars.each do |key, value| key = key.to_s ENV[key] = old[key] end end def run(cmd, error_message: 'Error') result = direct: true, error_output: :separate if cmd.error raise cmd.error elsif cmd.status_value != 0 msg = error_message msg += ": " + cmd.error_output if cmd.error_output.present? raise msg end result end def fetch(url) match = /\Ags:\/\/([^\/]+)\/(.+)\Z/.match(url) if match bucket = match[1] path = match[2] service = service.authorization = Google::Auth.get_application_default([GCP_AUTH_URL]) service.get_object(bucket, path, download_dest: else open(url) { |io| } end end end end end