const _ = require('underscore'); const Backbone = require('backbone'); /** * Represents a URL. * Provides common semantics to manipulate a URL without having to resort to manipulating strings manually. * Rather don't subclass but you composition if you need to extend some functionality. * * Can safely be coerced into a string implicitly, e.g.: * const myUrl = UrlModel.byBasePath('') * alert(myUrl); // will output '' */ const UrlModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ initialize: function (attrs) { if (!attrs.base_url) { throw new Error('base_url is required'); } }, /** * Get a new URL object with new basepath. * @param {String,*} path new sub path. Slashes are not necessary, e.g. 'my_path' * @return {Object} instance of cdb.common.Url */ urlToPath: function () { return UrlModel.byBaseUrl(this.toString.apply(this, arguments)); }, /** * @return {String} Path of this URL, e.g. '/some/path' */ pathname: function () { return this.toString().match(/^.+\/\/[^\/]+(.*)$/)[1]; }, toString: function () { return this._joinArgumentsWithSlashes( this.get('base_url'),, 0) ); }, _joinArgumentsWithSlashes: function () { return _.chain(arguments).flatten().compact().value().join('/'); } }, { byBaseUrl: function (url) { return new UrlModel({ base_url: url }); } }); module.exports = UrlModel;