require_relative '../spec_helper_min' describe PasswordResetsController do before(:all) do User.any_instance.stubs(:update_in_central).returns(true) @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) end after(:each) do @user.password_reset_token = nil @user.password_reset_sent_at = nil end after(:all) do @user.destroy end describe('#create') do it 'shows an error if the email is blank' do payload = { email: '' } post create_password_reset_path, payload, @headers response.status.should == 200 response.body.should include "Email cannot be blank" request.path.should eq create_password_reset_path end it 'redirects to the right page if the email does not exist' do payload = { email: '' } post create_password_reset_path, payload, @headers response.status.should == 302 follow_redirect! request.path.should eq sent_password_reset_path end it 'updates the user password_reset_token and password_reset_sent_at' do payload = { email: } post create_password_reset_path, payload, @headers @user.reload @user.password_reset_token.should_not be_nil @user.password_reset_sent_at.should_not be_nil end it 'redirects to the right page' do payload = { email: } post create_password_reset_path, payload, @headers response.status.should == 302 follow_redirect! request.path.should eq sent_password_reset_path end end describe('#update') do before(:each) do @user.password_reset_token = 'token' @user.password_reset_sent_at = end it 'shows an error if the passwords do not match' do payload = { carto_user: { password: 'newpass', password_confirmation: 'other' } } put update_password_reset_path(id: @user.password_reset_token), payload, @headers response.status.should == 200 response.body.should include "Please ensure your passwords match" end it 'shows an error if the password is the username' do payload = { carto_user: { password: @user.username, password_confirmation: @user.username } } put update_password_reset_path(id: @user.password_reset_token), payload, @headers response.status.should == 200 response.body.should include "must be different than the user name" end it 'shows an error if the password is a common one' do payload = { carto_user: { password: 'galina', password_confirmation: 'galina' } } put update_password_reset_path(id: @user.password_reset_token), payload, @headers response.status.should == 200 response.body.should include "be a common password" end it 'shows an error if the password is not strong' do organization = mock organization.stubs(:strong_passwords_enabled).returns(true) organization.stubs(:color) organization.stubs(:avatar_url) Carto::User.any_instance.stubs(:organization).returns(organization) payload = { carto_user: { password: 'galinaa', password_confirmation: 'galinaa' } } put update_password_reset_path(id: @user.password_reset_token), payload, @headers response.status.should == 200 response.body.should include "must be at least 8 characters long" Carto::User.any_instance.unstub(:organization) end it 'redirects to the initial password reset view if the token has expired' do payload = { carto_user: { password: 'newpass', password_confirmation: 'other' } } Delorean.jump(49.hours) do put update_password_reset_path(id: @user.password_reset_token), payload, @headers end response.status.should == 302 follow_redirect! request.path.should eq new_password_reset_path end it 'updates the user password' do original_password = @user.crypted_password payload = { carto_user: { password: 'newpass', password_confirmation: 'newpass' } } put update_password_reset_path(id: @user.password_reset_token), payload, @headers @user.reload @user.crypted_password.should_not == original_password end it 'resets the password_reset_token' do @user.password_reset_token.should_not be_nil payload = { carto_user: { password: 'newpass2', password_confirmation: 'newpass2' } } put update_password_reset_path(id: @user.password_reset_token), payload, @headers @user.reload @user.password_reset_token.should be_nil end it 'redirects to the right page' do payload = { carto_user: { password: 'newpass3', password_confirmation: 'newpass3' } } put update_password_reset_path(id: @user.password_reset_token), payload, @headers response.status.should == 302 follow_redirect! request.path.should eq changed_password_reset_path end end end