var _ = require('underscore'); var Notifier = require('builder/components/notifier/notifier'); var NOTIFICATION_ERROR_TEMPLATE = _.template("<%- title %>"); var NOTIFICATION_PREFIX = 'sql-notifications'; var SQLNotifications = { track: function (view) { // In order to not bloat the notification center we will create // only one notification, and update it along the way this._notificationId = NOTIFICATION_PREFIX; }, removeNotification: function () { Notifier.removeNotification(this._notificationId); }, showNotification: function (attrs) { this._addOrUpdateNotification(this._notificationId, attrs); }, showErrorNotification: function (errors) { var notificationAttrs = { status: 'error', info: _t('notifications.sql.error.body', { body: NOTIFICATION_ERROR_TEMPLATE({ title: _t('notifications.sql.error.title') }), error: this._transformErrors(errors) }), closable: false }; this._addOrUpdateNotification(this._notificationId, notificationAttrs); }, _transformErrors: function (errors) { return, function (err) { return err.message; }, this).join('. '); }, _addOrUpdateNotification: function (notificationId, notificationAttrs) { var notification = this._getNotification(notificationId); if (notification) { notification.set(notificationAttrs); } else { this._addNotification(notificationId, notificationAttrs); } }, _addNotification: function (notificationId, notificationAttrs) { notificationAttrs = _.extend({ id: notificationId }, notificationAttrs); Notifier.addNotification(notificationAttrs); }, _getNotification: function (notificationId) { return Notifier.getNotification(notificationId); } }; module.exports = SQLNotifications;