var secrets = require('../secrets.json'); var fs = require('fs'); var http = require('http'); var package_ = require('../package'); var _exec = require('child_process').exec; var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); // // contants // var S3_BUCKET_URL = ''; var JS_FILES = [ 'cartodb.js', 'cartodb.uncompressed.js', 'cartodb.core.js', 'cartodb.core.uncompressed.js', 'cartodb.nojquery.js', 'cartodb.mod.torque.js', 'cartodb.mod.torque.uncompressed.js', 'cartodb.noleaflet.js' ] var CSS_FILES = [ 'cartodb.css', '' ] var CSS_IMAGE_FILES = fs.readdirSync('themes/css/images') var IMG_FILES = fs.readdirSync('themes/img') var content_type = { 'png': 'image/png', 'gif': 'image/gif', 'css': 'text/css', 'js': 'application/x-javascript' }; AWS.config.update({ accessKeyId: secrets.S3_KEY, secretAccessKey: secrets.S3_SECRET }); var s3 = new AWS.S3({params: {Bucket: secrets.S3_BUCKET}}); // // global flags // var only_invalidate = process.argv.length > 2 && process.argv[2] == '--invalidate'; var only_current_version = process.argv.length > 2 && process.argv[2] == '--current_version'; var version = 'v' + package_.version.split('.')[0]; /** * check that the remote file is the same than local one to avoid errors */ function check_file_upload(local, remote, done) { var fs = require('fs'); var file = fs.createWriteStream(); var request = http.get("", function(response) { response.pipe(file); done && done(); }); } function put_file(local_path, remote_path, file, errors, done) { var local_file = file; // extract extension var ext = file.split('.'); ext = ext[ext.length - 1]; var headers = { 'Content-Type': content_type[ext] }; // define the function that actually puts the tile is S3 var _put = function() { var local = local_path + '/' + local_file; var remote = remote_path + '/' + file; // dont need to update content length, knox do it var size = fs.statSync(local).size; fs.readFile(local, function (err, data) { var opts = { Key: remote, Body: data, ACL:'public-read', ContentType: headers['Content-Type'], ContentLength: size }; if(headers['Content-Encoding']) { opts.ContentEncoding = headers['Content-Encoding']; } // send file to S3 s3.putObject(opts, function (err, data) { console.log("===>", file); if(err || !data) { errors.push(file + ' Failed to upload file to Amazon S3', err); console.log('Failed to upload file to Amazon S3', err); } console.log( local, ' => ', remote, size, "bytes"); done && done(); }); }); } // compress depending on the extension if(ext === 'js' || ext === 'css') { _exec('gzip -c -9 ' + local_path + '/' + file + ' > ' + local_path + '/' + file + '.gz', function(err) { if(err) { console.log("there was an error compressing file"); } local_file = file + '.gz'; headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'; _put(); }); } else { _put(); } } function put_files(files, local_path, remote_path, content_type, done) { var total = files.length; var errors = []; for(var i in files) { var file = files[i]; put_file(local_path, remote_path, file, errors, function() { total--; if(total === 0) { console.log("FINISHED"); done && done(errors); } }); } } function invalidate_files(files, remote_path) { var total = files.length; var uploaded = 0; var to_invalidate = { return remote_path + '/' + f; }); for(var i in to_invalidate) { var cmd = 'ruby ./scripts/cdn_invalidation.rb ' + to_invalidate[i]; _exec(cmd, function (error, stdout, stderr){ console.log('stdout: ' + stdout); console.log('stderr: ' + stderr); if(error) console.log(error); }); console.log(cmd); } } /** * invalidates faslty files. * this function invalidates all the files, including * previous or development versions but it shouldn't be a * big deal and it simplifies a lot the task */ function invalidate_fastly() { var cmd = "curl -H 'Fastly-Key: " + secrets.FASTLY_API_KEY + "' -X POST '" + secrets.FASTLY_CARTODB_SERVICE +"/purge_all'"; console.log(cmd); _exec(cmd, function (error, stdout, stderr) { var status = ''; try { status = JSON.parse(stdout).status; } catch(e) { } if (!error && status === 'ok') { console.log(" *** faslty invalidated") } else { console.log(" *** faslty invalidated FAIL", error, stdout); } }); } function invalidate_cdn() { invalidate_fastly(); return; // invalidate cloudfront console.log(" *** flushing cdn cache") if(!only_current_version) { invalidate_files(JS_FILES, 'cartodb.js/' + version + '') invalidate_files(CSS_FILES, 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/themes/css') invalidate_files(CSS_IMAGE_FILES, 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/themes/css/images') invalidate_files(IMG_FILES, 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/themes/img') } invalidate_files(JS_FILES , 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/' + package_.version) invalidate_files(CSS_FILES, 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/' + package_.version + '/themes/css') invalidate_files(CSS_IMAGE_FILES, 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/' + package_.version + '/themes/css/images') invalidate_files(IMG_FILES, 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/' + package_.version + '/themes/img') } if(!only_invalidate) { if(!only_current_version) { put_files(JS_FILES, '' + version + '', 'cartodb.js/' + version + '') put_files(CSS_FILES, '' + version + '/themes/css', 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/themes/css') put_files(CSS_IMAGE_FILES, '' + version + '/themes/css/images', 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/themes/css/images') put_files(IMG_FILES, '' + version + '/themes/img', 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/themes/img') } put_files(JS_FILES, '' + version + '', 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/' + package_.version) put_files(CSS_FILES, '' + version + '/themes/css', 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/' + package_.version + '/themes/css') put_files(CSS_IMAGE_FILES, '' + version + '/themes/css/images', 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/' + package_.version + '/themes/css/images') put_files(IMG_FILES, '' + version + '/themes/img', 'cartodb.js/' + version + '/' + package_.version + '/themes/img') } invalidate_cdn();