#!/bin/bash # Jesus Vazquez # reporter.sh: This script is the exit point for the tests execution. It reads from specfailed.log # the amount of tests that have failed. If there are none it sends a success status but if there are # 1 or more it sends a failure status to warn the developer filename="parallel_tests/specfailed.log" lines=$(cat $filename | wc -l) if [ "$lines" -eq "0" ]; then echo "Tests were OK"; # TODO # gsu "Backend tests were OK" "Backend" success exit 0; #OK else while read line; do # For each error cat its log file logfile=$(echo $line | grep -o '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].log') # cat $logfile; # Give feedback to github # spec=$(echo $line | sed 's/\s.*$//') # echo "GSU with spec $spec" TODO # gsu "$spec failed" "$spec" failure TODO done < $filename # TODO # gsu "Backend tests failed" "Backend" failure exit 1; # ERROR fi