namespace :carto do namespace :legends do namespace :migration do desc 'Migrate html type legends to custom' task migrate_html_to_custom: :environment do html_legends = Carto::Legend.where(type: 'html') html_legends_count = html_legends.count errored = [] puts "#{html_legends_count} html type legends..." html_legends.each_with_index do |legend, index| if Carto::Layer.exists?(legend.layer_id) && !legend.update_attributes(type: 'custom') errored << legend end printf "(#{index}/#{html_legends_count})" end 2.times { puts } unless errored.empty? puts "Errored legend migrations (#{errored.count}):" errored.each do |legend| puts "#{}: #{legend.errors.full_messages.join(',')}" end end end desc 'Fix custom legends with images' task migrate_custom_image: :environment do include Carto::MapcappedVisualizationUpdater CSS_URL_REGEX = /^(?:url\(['"]?)(.*?)(?:['"]?\))$/ STATIC_ASSETS_REGEX = /http:\/\/*)/ puts "Updating base layer urls" layers = Carto::Layer.joins(:legends).where(legends: { type: 'custom' }) total = layers.count acc = 0 errors = 0 puts "Updating #{total} layers" layers.find_each do |layer| acc += 1 puts "#{acc} / #{total}" if (acc % 100).zero? begin visualization = layer.visualization next unless visualization success = update_visualization_and_mapcap(visualization) do |vis, persisted| vis.data_layers.each do |l| acc_legend = 0 l.legends.each do |legend| acc_category = 0 categories = legend[:definition][:categories] categories && categories.each do |category| icon = category[:icon] css_url_match = icon && CSS_URL_REGEX.match(icon) if css_url_match icon = css_url_match[1] category[:icon] = icon end static_assets_match = icon && STATIC_ASSETS_REGEX.match(icon) if static_assets_match icon = "{static_assets_match[1]}" category[:icon] = icon end acc_category += 1 end if persisted acc_legend += 1 end end end raise 'MapcappedVisualizationUpdater returned false' unless success rescue StandardError => e errors += 1 STDERR.puts "Error updating layer #{}: #{e.inspect}. #{e.backtrace.join(',')}" end end puts "Finished. Total: #{total}. Errors: #{errors}" end end end end