namespace :cartodb do namespace :blog do desc 'Get last posts' task :get_last_posts => :environment do #

Latest from the blog


World Database on Protected Areas

# hosts information on over 130,000 protected areas in a distributed CartoDB infrastructure. The UN Environment Programme is turning to the wiki-world in an attempt to... Read more



GROMS Migration data on CartoDB


The Global Registry of Migratory Species summarizes knowledge about Migratory Species for conservation. The old database was developed in Access and had the geospatial information attached as... Read more



A new status update on


Wanted to give everyone an update that we’ve disabled our status blog located at temporarily while we work out all of the kinks in our two shiny new product of two brothers of the man in red... Read more

feed_url = "" doc = Nokogiri.parse(open(feed_url)) content = "" items ='item') i = 0 items[0..2].each do |item| text ='description').first.inner_text.strip_tags.gsub(/^(.{150}[^\s]*)(.*)/m) {$2.empty? ? $1 : $1 + "... Read more"} content += <<-HTML

#{i == 0 ? "Latest from the blog" : ''}



HTML i+=1 end fd =, 'w+') fd.write(content) fd.close end end end