require 'json' # Parses rbtrace memory dumps # Taken from # Instructions: # 0.- Prepare your local environment for production mode (since it should be more faithful): # Add `SslRequirement.disable_ssl_check = true` to `config/environments/production.yml`. # Edit `config/initializers/carto_db.rb` making `use_https?` return `false`. # 1.- Start server in production mode enabling memory profiling: # `MEMORY_REPORTING=true RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails s -p 3000` # DO NOT run with MEMORY_REPORTING=true in production environments # 2.- Use the features that you want to profile as much as possible. # 3.- Memory dump. Find server PID and request the dump: # `ps xah | grep ruby`, for example # `bundle exec rbtrace -p -e '{CartoDB::memory_dump("/tmp/dump")}'` # 4.- Run the Analyzer to get some insights about objects: # `ruby lib/cartodb/analyzer.rb /tmp/dump > /tmp/dump.analysis.csv` require 'json' class Analyzer def initialize(filename) @filename = filename end def analyze data = [] do |f| f.each_line do |line| data << (parsed=JSON.parse(line)) end end data.group_by { |row| row["generation"] } .sort { |a, b| a[0].to_i <=> b[0].to_i } .each do |k, v| puts "generation #{k} objects #{v.count}" end end end class Analyzer2 def initialize(filename) @filename = filename end def analyze (1..10).each do |i| bottom = 1 + (i - 1) * 10 top = i * 10 puts "-------- #{bottom}-#{top}" data = [] do |f| f.each_line do |line| parsed=JSON.parse(line) range = data << parsed if range.include?(parsed["generation"].to_i) end end data.group_by { |row| "#{row['file']}:#{row['line']}" } .sort { |a, b| b[1].count <=> a[1].count } .each do |k, v| puts "#{k} * #{v.count}" end end end end class AnalyzerClasses def initialize(filename) load(filename) end def load(filename) @classes = {} + '.classes') do |f| @classes = JSON.load(f) end @data = [] + '.dump') do |f| f.each_line do |line| @data << JSON.parse(line) end end end def analyze @data.group_by { |row| "#{row['type']}:#{row['class']}" }.each do |_, v| memsize = v.inject(0) { |s, x| s + x['memsize'].to_i } class_name = v[0]['class'].nil? ? '' : @classes[(v[0]['class'].hex / 2).to_s] puts "#{v[0]['type']},#{v[0]['class']},#{class_name},#{v.count},#{memsize}" end end end[0]).analyze