module Carto class SamlService include ::LoggerHelper def initialize(organization) raise "organization can't be nil" unless organization @organization = organization end def enabled? carto_saml_configuration.present? end def authentication_request end def get_user_email(saml_response_param) response = get_saml_response(saml_response_param) response.is_valid? && email_from_saml_response(response) rescue OneLogin::RubySaml::ValidationError debug_response("Invalid SAML response", response) end def logout_url_configured? saml_settings.idp_slo_target_url.present? end # SLO (Single Log Out) request initiated from CARTO # Returns the SAML logout request that to be redirected to def sp_logout_request(user) settings = saml_settings if logout_url_configured? settings.name_identifier_value = else raise "SLO IdP Endpoint not found in settings for #{@organization}" end end # Method to handle IdP initiated logouts. # Yields a block that should handle the actual logout def idp_logout_request(saml_request_param, relay_state_param) settings = saml_settings logout_request = if !logout_request.is_valid? raise "IdP initiated LogoutRequest was not valid!" end yield,, nil, RelayState: relay_state_param) end # After sending an SP initiated LogoutRequest to the IdP, we need to accept # the LogoutResponse, verify it, then actually delete our session. # Yields a block that should handle the actual logout def process_logout_response(saml_response_param) settings = saml_settings logout_response =, settings) unless logout_response.validate && logout_response.success? raise "SAML Logout response error. Validate: #{logout_response.validate}; Success: #{logout_response.success?};" end end def saml_metadata, true) end private def email_from_saml_response(saml_response) email = saml_response.attributes[email_attribute] email.present? ? email : debug_response("SAML response lacks email", saml_response) end def debug_response(message, response) log_info( message: message, response: { settings: response.settings.to_json, options: response.options, errors: response.errors, body: response.response, attributes: response.attributes.try(:to_h) } ) nil end def get_saml_response(saml_response_param) saml_response_param, settings: saml_settings, allowed_clock_drift: carto_saml_configuration[:allowed_clock_drift] || 3600 ) end def email_attribute carto_saml_configuration[:email_attribute] || 'name_id' end # Our SAML library expects object properties # Adapted from def saml_settings(settings_hash = carto_saml_configuration) settings = # Make validations throw an error settings.soft = false settings_hash.each do |k, v| if k.to_s == 'security'!(v.symbolize_keys) else method = "#{k}=" settings.__send__(method, v) if settings.respond_to?(method) end end settings end def carto_saml_configuration @organization.try(:auth_saml_configuration).try(:deep_symbolize_keys) end end end