# This is the style file that matches the old version of osm2pgsql, which # did not make distinctions between tags for nodes and for ways. There are a # number of optimisations that can be applied here. Firstly, certain tags # only apply to only nodes or only ways. By fixing this we reduce the amount # of useless data loaded into the DB, which is a good thing. Possible # optimisations for the future: # 1. Generate this file directly from the mapnik XML config, so it's always # optimal # 2. Extend it so it can understand that highway=tertiary is for ways and # highway=bus_stop is for nodes # Flags field isn't used much yet, expect if it contains the text "polygon" # it indicates the shape is candidate for the polygon table. In the future I # would like to be able to add directives like "nocache" which tells # osm2pgsql that it is unlikely this node will be used by a way and so it # doesn't need to be stored (eg coastline nodes). While in essence an # optimisation hack, for --slim mode it doesn't matter if you're wrong, but # in non-slim you might break something! # Also possibly an ignore flag, for things like "note" and "source" which # can simply be deleted. (In slim mode this is, does not apply to non-slim # obviously) # OsmType Tag DataType Flags node,way note text delete # These tags can be long but are useless for rendering node,way source text delete # This indicates that we shouldn't store them node,way created_by text delete node,way access text linear node,way addr:housename text linear node,way addr:housenumber text linear node,way addr:interpolation text linear node,way admin_level text linear node,way aerialway text linear node,way aeroway text polygon node,way amenity text nocache,polygon node,way area text # hard coded support for area=1/yes => polygon is in osm2pgsql node,way barrier text linear node,way bicycle text nocache node,way brand text linear node,way bridge text linear node,way boundary text linear node,way building text polygon node capital text linear node,way construction text linear node,way covered text linear node,way culvert text linear node,way cutting text linear node,way denomination text linear node,way disused text linear node ele text linear node,way embankment text linear node,way foot text linear node,way generator:source text linear node,way harbour text polygon node,way highway text linear node,way historic text polygon node,way horse text linear node,way intermittent text linear node,way junction text linear node,way landuse text polygon node,way layer text linear node,way leisure text polygon node,way lock text linear node,way man_made text polygon node,way military text polygon node,way motorcar text linear node,way name text linear node,way natural text polygon # natural=coastline tags are discarded by a hard coded rule in osm2pgsql node,way oneway text linear node,way operator text linear node poi text node,way population text linear node,way power text polygon node,way power_source text linear node,way place text polygon node,way railway text linear node,way ref text linear node,way religion text nocache node,way route text linear node,way service text linear node,way shop text polygon node,way sport text polygon node,way surface text linear node,way toll text linear node,way tourism text polygon node,way tower:type text linear way tracktype text linear node,way tunnel text linear node,way water text polygon node,way waterway text polygon node,way wetland text polygon node,way width text linear node,way wood text linear node,way z_order int4 linear # This is calculated during import way way_area real # This is calculated during import node,way height text # If you're interested in bicycle routes, you may want the following fields # To make these work you need slim mode or the necessary data won't be remembered. #way lcn_ref text linear #way rcn_ref text linear #way ncn_ref text linear #way lcn text linear #way rcn text linear #way ncn text linear #way lwn_ref text linear #way rwn_ref text linear #way nwn_ref text linear #way lwn text linear #way rwn text linear #way nwn text linear #way route_pref_color text linear #way route_name text linear # The following entries can be used with the --extra-attributes option # to include the username, userid, version & timstamp in the DB #node,way osm_user text #node,way osm_uid text #node,way osm_version text #node,way osm_timestamp text