cartodb_errors: unknown_error: code: 0 message: "We're sorry, an error has occurred" hint: "Please try again, or contact our support team who will be happy to assist." empty_file: code: 1 message: The file you have tried to upload has no data hint: "In order to create a table from importing a file, the file must have data" file_error: code: 2 message: The file you are trying to upload has an invalid format hint: "Please note that supported formats are: CSV, XLS, SHP & ZIP" geometries_error: code: 3 message: An error has occurred when importing geometry hint: "" url_error: code: 4 message: An error has occurred when importing a URL hint: "Please note that supported formats are: CSV, XLS, SHP & ZIP" table_copy_error: code: 5 message: Error while duplicating table hint: "Please try again, or contact our support team who will be happy to assist." quota_error: code: 6 message: Disk Quota Exceeded! hint: "Please remove some tables or upgrade your plan" invalid_interval: code: 7 message: Invalid interval hint: "Sync interval must be at least 15 minutes"