添加 'lib/assets/javascripts/new-dashboard/i18n/locales/cn.json'

zhongjin 6 months ago
parent daa6eee02c
commit 9f43680b7d

@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
"MapCard": {
"shared": {
"LINK": "链接",
"PUBLIC": "公开",
"PRIVATE": "私有",
"PASSWORD": "密码"
"views": "{views} views (30 days)",
"noViewsToDisplay": "-",
"sharedBy": "由 {owner} 分享",
"noDescription": "无备注",
"noTags": "无标签",
"lastUpdate": "Updated {date} ago",
"tags": "标签",
"type": {
"derived": "BUILDER",
"kuviz": "CARTOFRAMES",
"keplergl": "KEPLER.GL",
"data-observatory": "DATA OBSERVATORY"
"MapListHeader": {
"name": "名称",
"lastModified": "最后更新",
"views": "一个月内浏览",
"usage": "Usage",
"privacy": "私有",
"type": "类型"
"QuickActions": {
"title": "Quick actions",
"editInfo": "修改名称和备注",
"manageTags": "管理标签",
"createMap": "创建地图",
"changePrivacy": "修改隐私性",
"share": "Share with colleagues",
"duplicate": "复制",
"lock": "锁定",
"unlock": "解除锁定",
"delete": "删除",
"shareViaURL": "分享 URL",
"upgrade": "<a class='is-bold' href='{path}'>Upgrade</a>"
"BulkActions": {
"selected": "{count} selected",
"maps": {
"selectAll": "全选",
"deselectAll": "取消全选",
"changePrivacy": "修改隐私",
"duplicate": "复制",
"unlock": "解除锁定",
"lock": "锁定",
"delete": "删除"
"datasets": {
"selectAll": "Select all",
"deselectAll": "Deselect all",
"createMap": "创建地图",
"changePrivacy": "修改隐私",
"duplicate": "复制",
"unlock": "Unlock",
"lock": "锁定",
"delete": "删除",
"viewDataset": "浏览数据"
"DataPage": {
"header": {
"title": {
"mine": "数据集",
"shared": "Shared with you",
"favorited": "Your Favorited Datasets",
"locked": "Your Locked Datasets",
"public": "Your Public Datasets",
"link": "Your Link-shared Datasets",
"password": "Your Password-protected Datasets",
"private": "Your Private Datasets",
"subscribed": "Your Subscribed Datasets"
"warning": "<span class='is-bold'>{counter} datasets used.</span> <a href='{path}' class='is-bold'>Upgrade now</a> to get more datasets."
"createDataset": "新建数据表",
"zeroCase": {
"title": "Upload your first dataset",
"description": "Bring your data to CARTO to start your spatial analysis journey. Learn about importing your data <a href='https://carto.com/help/tutorials/import-data/'>here</a>.",
"createDataset": "新建数据表"
"emptyCase": {
"default": "There are no datasets here.",
"onlyShared": "No datasets here. Go to the <a href='{path}'>datasets shared with you</a>."
"tabs": {
"datasets": "数据集",
"subscriptions": "Your Subscriptions",
"catalog": "Spatial Data Catalog"
"MapsPage": {
"header": {
"title": {
"mine": "地图",
"shared": "Shared with you",
"favorited": "Your Favorited Maps",
"locked": "Your Locked Maps",
"public": "Your Public Maps",
"link": "Your Link-shared Maps",
"password": "Your Password-protected Maps",
"private": "Your Private Maps",
"builder": "Your Builder Maps",
"cartoframes": "Your CARTOframes Maps",
"external": "Your Kepler.gl Maps"
"warning": {
"counter": "{counter} {type} maps used.&nbsp",
"doubleCounter": "{publicCounter} public and {privateCounter} maps used.&nbsp",
"upgrade": "<a href='{path}' class='is-bold'>Upgrade now</a> to get more maps."
"createMap": "新建地图",
"zeroCase": {
"title": "Create your first map to predict key insights",
"description": "Build your first map and unlock new spatial insights. Learn about Builder <a href='https://carto.com/help/tutorials/builder/'>here</a>.",
"createMap": "New Map"
"emptyCase": {
"default": "There are no maps here.",
"onlyShared": "No maps here. Go to the <a href='{path}'>maps shared with you</a>."
"tabs": {
"carto": "CARTO",
"external": "Kepler.gl"
"ExternalMapsPage": {
"header": {
"title": {
"mine": "Your Kepler.gl Maps",
"link": "Your Link-shared Maps",
"private": "Your Private Maps"
"deleteModal": {
"confirm": "确定删除",
"cancel": "取消",
"desc": "The deleted map cannot be recovered, be sure before proceeding. | The deleted maps cannot be recovered, be sure before proceeding.",
"title": "You are about to delete the {name} map | You are about to delete {name} maps",
"error": "Error deleting map {name}: {error}",
"loading": "Removing the map {name}...",
"success": "Map {name} deleted"
"NotificationsPage": {
"header": {
"title": "通知"
"emptyState": "There are no notifications yet.",
"loadingState": "Loading your notifications."
"SettingsDropdown": {
"filter": "Filter",
"orderMaps": "排序",
"types": {
"maps": "Your maps",
"datasets": "Your datasets",
"shared": "Shared with you ({count})",
"favorited": "Favorited ({count})",
"locked": "Locked ({count})",
"publicPrivacy": "公开",
"privatePrivacy": "私有",
"linkPrivacy": "链接",
"passwordPrivacy": "密码",
"builderType": "Builder",
"kuvizType": "CARTOframes",
"subscribed": "Subscriptions ({count})"
"DatasetCard": {
"shared": {
"LINK": "链接",
"PUBLIC": "公开",
"PRIVATE": "私有",
"PASSWORD": "密码"
"copy": "Copy name",
"copySuccess": "Name copied!",
"lastSynced": "Synced {date} ago",
"lastUpdated": "Updated {date} ago",
"numberRows": "0 rows | 1 row | {count} rows",
"tags": "tags",
"maps": "0 maps | 1 map | {n} maps"
"DatasetListHeader": {
"name": "名称",
"lastModified": "最后更新",
"rows": "Rows",
"size": "Size",
"usage": "Builder Usage",
"privacy": "私有"
"UserDropdown": {
"settings": "设置",
"organizationSettings": "组织",
"apiKeys": "API Keys",
"publicProfile": "Public Profile",
"notifications": "通知",
"directDBConnection": "Direct DB Connection",
"feedback": "Share feedback",
"logout": "退出"
"SolutionsPage": {
"solutionsTitle": "Solutions for every business problem",
"solutionsDescription": "Consolidating your site network? Need to reduce fleet costs? Redesigning your sales territories? Answer your question through the lens of location.",
"talkUsTitle": "Like what you see?",
"talkUsDescription": "Our account management team will give you a firsthand view and discuss with you how we can help your organization to do the same.",
"talkUsButton": "Talk to us!",
"sitePlanning": {
"title": "Site Planning",
"description": "Drive site selection and investment decisions with always-on data streams, enabling more accurate revenue prediction and reduced risk of failed location decisions."
"territoryManagement": {
"title": "Territory Management",
"description": "Design and align sales and service territories to increase productivity and reduce costs using spatial field operations data."
"logisticsOptimization": {
"title": "Logistics Optimization",
"description": "Harness the power of geospatial to optimize your Supply Chain, enabling a smarter, more efficient operation."
"SolutionCard": {
"moreExamples": "查看更多示例",
"usedBy": "Used by:",
"goDemo": "Go to demo"
"SearchComponent": {
"placeholder": {
"default": "查找",
"active": "By name, description or tag"
"SearchPage": {
"title": {
"allFetching": "Loading results for \"{query}\"",
"searchTerm": "0 results for \"{query}\" | {n} result for \"{query}\" | {n} results for \"{query}\"",
"tag": "0 results for \"{query}\" tag | {n} result for \"{query}\" tag | {n} results for \"{query}\" tag"
"sections": {
"maps": "地图",
"data": "数据",
"tags": "标签"
"emptyText": {
"maps": "暂无地图.",
"datasets": "暂无数据.",
"tags": "暂无标签."
"HomePage": {
"WelcomeSection": {
"greeting": "欢迎, {name}",
"firstTime": {
"message": "Welcome to your new dashboard! We hope you like it. You can learn more about it <a class='welcome-first__link' href='https://carto.com/help/getting-started/new-dashboard' target='_blank'>here</a>.",
"planMessage": {
"free": "Remember that you're currently on the FREE plan.",
"free2020": "Welcome to CARTO. You're currently in your <span class='is-bold'>one-year free account</span>.",
"30day": "Remember that you're currently on the 30-day personal trial.",
"individual": "Remember that you're currently on the {trialLength}-day Individual trial.",
"organizationAdmin": "Remember that you're currently the admin of the {organizationName} organization.",
"organizationUser": "Remember that you're currently a member of the {organizationName} organization.",
"unknown": ""
"contactOrganizationAdmin": "Contact the admin",
"manageOrganization": "Manage my organization"
"trialMessage": "{date} days left in your trial.&nbsp;",
"accountMessage": "{date} days left in your account.&nbsp;",
"notificationsButton": "Go to Notifications",
"learnMoreButton": "更多",
"actions": {
"createMap": "新建地图",
"createDataset": "新建数据表"
"subscribeNow": " Subscribe now.",
"upgradeNow": " Upgrade now"
"MapsSection": {
"title": "你的地图",
"viewAllCarto": "VIEW ALL CARTO MAPS",
"viewAllKeplergl": "VIEW ALL KEPLER.GL MAPS"
"DatasetsSection": {
"title": "你的数据集",
"CreateMapCard": {
"header": "Create your first map to predict key insights",
"info": "Build your first Location Intelligence anañysis or take a look to our guides and help.",
"button": "Create your first Map"
"RecentSection": {
"title": "Recent content",
"viewTagsAction": "View your tags"
"TagsSection": {
"title": "你的标签",
"viewRecentContentAction": "View recent content",
"emptyState": {
"title": "You have no tags.",
"subtitle": "Add one to your maps or datasets and start organizing your <a href=\"https://carto.com/help/getting-started/new-dashboard/\">dashboard</a>."
"loading": "Asking the server politely for your tags."
"TrialExpired": {
"ExpirationMessage": {
"title": "Your trial has expired",
"description": {
"phrase1": {
"withDate": "We couldnt log you in because your trial expired on {expirationDate}.",
"noDate": "We couldnt log you in because your trial expired."
"phrase2": "All of your data will be safe for the next {expirationDays} days, but no one will be able to log in until your account is upgraded. If you have any question after your trial, please <a class='is-underline is-txtDarkBlue' href='mailto:sales@carto.com'>contact sales</a>."
"actions": {
"addPayments": "Add payment method",
"deleteAccount": "Delete account"
"QuotaSection": {
"title": "Your Usage Metrics",
"header": {
"remaining": "Remaining",
"used": "Used",
"total": "Total",
"perMonth": "per month"
"account": "Your Account",
"dataServices": "Data Services",
"storage": "存储",
"publicMaps": "Public Maps",
"privateMaps": "Private Maps",
"datasets": "Datasets",
"apiKeys": "Custom API keys",
"geocoding": "Geocoding",
"isolines": "Isolines",
"routing": "Routing",
"credits": "Your credits are reset on the {day} of each month.",
"upgrade": "Not included in your current plan. <a class='is-bold' href='{path}'>Upgrade now</a>"
"Footer": {
"HelpCenter": {
"title": "帮助中心",
"description": "Explore our guides, tutorials, and FAQs to work with spatial data, create maps, manage your account, and more."
"DeveloperCenter": {
"title": "开发中心",
"description": "Learn everything you need to know to build the next generation of Location Intelligence applications with the CARTO platform."
"GISStackExchange": {
"title": "GIS StackExchange",
"description": "Explore and share your CARTO-related questions with the GIS StackExchange Community."
"TechSupport": {
"title": "技术支持",
"description": "Found a bug or technical issue? Contact our support team and let us know about it."
"DedicatedSupport": {
"title": "Dedicated Support",
"description": "Contact our dedicated support team and let us know how we can help you."
"OrganizationAdmin": {
"title": "Your organization's administrator",
"description": "Contact the administrator of your organization if you have issues regarding your account, quotas, etc."
"TagCard": {
"maps": "0 地图 | {maps} 地图 | {maps} 地图",
"datasets": "0 数据 | {datasets} 数据 | {datasets} 数据"
"FeedbackMessage": {
"title": "Let us know what you think.",
"message": "Missing something? Should we be doing something differently?"
"SharedBrief": {
"sharedWith": "Shared with",
"org": "all your organization",
"groups": "{groupname} | {n} groups",
"users": "{username} | {n} users",
"and": "and"
"Wizards": {
"Distributor": {
"cta": "开始",
"extendedCta": "Let's get started!",
"headerTitle": "Getting started",
"title": "What do you want to do?",
"feedback": {
"text": "Looking for a different geospatial workflow?",
"link": "Let us know."
"engineWarning": {
"text": "Needs access to API Keys.",
"link": "https://carto.com/help/getting-started/get-api-key/#why-do-you-need-this",
"linkText": "Learn more"
"footer": {
"back": "返回",
"next": "Next: {nextStep}",
"goToDashboard": "Go to your dashboard"
"cartovl": {
"title": "Develop an interactive custom web map",
"subtitle": "Develop impressive interactive maps and use them on your websites and apps.",
"tags": ["JavaScript", "CARTO VL"],
"sections": {
"summary": "Summary",
"howto": "How To",
"extras": "Extras",
"learnmore": "Learn more"
"step1": {
"title": "Develop an interactive web map",
"text1": "Our platform provides a set of libraries and APIs to develop customizable and interactive maps. CARTO VL is a JavaScript library to develop beautiful interactive web maps.",
"text2": "In this guide, you will learn how to load the library in your project, create a map with one of CARTO's basemaps, add a data layer, and style it.",
"text3": "Interested in other libraries or APIs? Visit our <a href='https://carto.com/developers' target='_blank'>Developer Center</a>."
"step2": {
"summary": "Create an HTML file using the template below that loads both the CARTO VL and Mapbox GL libraries.",
"howto": {
"instruction1": "Create an HTML file and add the following scripts."
"extras": {
"resource1": "CARTO VL is our more advanced rendering library and new features are constantly being added. You can read about the newest capabilities in our <a href='https://carto.com/blog/categories/product-updates/' target='_blank'>Product Updates</a> blog.",
"resource2": "You can also <a href='https://www.npmjs.com/package/@carto/carto-vl' target='_blank'>install and load CARTO VL using npm</a>."
"step3": {
"summary": "Define the <code>&ltdiv&gt</code> element that will contain your map.",
"howto": {
"instruction1": "Define the <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> element that will contain the map in the <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> of your file. The map, layers and controls will be displayed in this element.",
"instruction2": "Paste the following CSS code in the bottom of the <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> element to define some basic styles for the map container."
"step4": {
"summary": "Add a CARTO basemap with the Mapbox GL map constructor.",
"howto": {
"instruction1": "Add the following script below your <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> container to load CARTO's Voyager basemap centered on the world at zoom level 2."
"extras": {
"resource1": "CARTO VL relies on <a href='https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/' target='_blank'>Mapbox GL</a> render basemaps. Choose between <code>carto.basemaps.voyager</code>, <code>carto.basemaps.positron</code>, and <code>carto.basemaps.darkmatter</code> basemaps."
"step5": {
"summary": "Connect to a CARTO account and add a data layer to your map. In this example, were using an account named public and the default public API key.",
"howto": {
"instruction1": "Connect to a CARTO account by specifying the username and API key you want to use. In this case, we're using a test account and a test access key.",
"instruction2": "Now that CARTO VL has access, you can add any of the datasets in that account as a source layer to display on the map."
"extras": {
"resource1": "Want to use your own account? Learn about <a href='https://carto.com/developers/fundamentals/authorization/' target='_blank'>API Authorization</a>."
"step6": {
"summary": "Use styling properties to overwrite default symbology.",
"howto": {
"instruction1": "You can overwrite the default symbology applied to features on the map by adding custom styles inside of the <code>Viz</code> object."
"extras": {
"resource1": "Learn more about <a href='https://carto.com/developers/carto-vl/guides/style-with-expressions/' target='_blank'>styling with expressions</a>."
"step7": {
"congrats": {
"title": "Congratulations!",
"message1": "You've just created your first map with CARTO VL!",
"message2": "<a href='{url}' class='is-bold'>Download</a> the full code example."
"extras": {
"resource1": "Learn more with the following examples from our <a href='https://carto.com/developers/carto-vl/' target='_blank'>Developer Center</a>."
"cards": {
"card1": {
"title": "Style features by category",
"subtitle": "Learn how to change the style of the features by a given column",
"button": "Go to example",
"link": "https://carto.com/developers/carto-vl/examples/#example-style-by-category"
"card2": {
"title": "Add hover popups",
"subtitle": "Learn how to display info about a feature when user mouses over it.",
"button": "Go to example",
"link": "https://carto.com/developers/carto-vl/examples/#example-add-pop-ups-on-hover"
"card3": {
"title": "Animate the features",
"subtitle": "Learn how to animate the features of the map by different columns.",
"button": "Go to example",
"link": "https://carto.com/developers/carto-vl/examples/#example-animate-and-color-by-date"
"cartoframes": {
"title": "Add spatial data to your data science workflow",
"subtitle": "Bring spatial data into your data science models using our Python library.",
"tags": ["Python", "CARTOframes"],
"step1": {
"title": "Bring spatial analysis to your Python notebooks with CARTOframes",
"sections": {
"summary": "How can CARTOframes help you?",
"howto": "What does it look like?"
"text1": "No more context switching—visualize your data straight out of your notebook",
"text2": "Access location data services, such as geocoding our routing, and create your areas of influence",
"text3": "Spend less time enriching your data by accessing Data Observatory, our location data repository",
"text4": "Share your work right away, publicly or privately",
"text5": "...and much more!",
"footer": {
"returnToDashboard": "Return to your dashboard",
"learnMore": "Learn more"
"builder": {
"title": "Create a web map from your browser",
"subtitle": "Uncover insights from your location data with our online drag and drop tool.",
"tags": ["Online", "Builder"],
"sections": {
"summary": "Summary",
"howto": "How To",
"extras": "Extras",
"learnmore": "更多"
"step1": {
"title": "Build a map with our drag & drop editor",
"text1": "Builder is our drag & drop tool to design, build and publish interactive web maps with your location data. Maps can be easily shared or embedded on any website or blog.",
"text2": "In this guide, you will learn how to upload a .csv file and create your first dataset, create a simple map, and publish it."
"step2": {
"summary": {
"text": "Download and upload a comma-separated values (CSV) file to create your first dataset."
"howto": {
"instruction1": "Download the following dataset:",
"instruction2": "Visit the Data page and click the “New Dataset” button",
"instruction3": "In the Connect dataset section click “Browse”, select the file, and click “Connect dataset”"
"extras": {
"resource1": "You can also <a href='https://carto.com/help/working-with-data/quick-data-import/' target='_blank'>import your data</a> by dragging and dropping your files into your dashboard."
"cards": {
"dataset1": {
"title": "World Ports",
"rows": "3,669 rows",
"size": "708 kB",
"button": "Download",
"link": "https://public.carto.com/api/v2/sql?q=select%20*%20from%20public.world_ports&format=csv&filename=world_ports"
"step3": {
"summary": {
"text": "Explore your new dataset and learn how to manipulate it."
"howto": {
"instruction1": "Once the upload has finished and the new dataset has been created, you will be redirected to the Dataset view. Here, you can explore your data.",
"instruction2": "Double-click on any cell to edit it.",
"instruction3": "Click on any of the columns to change the order, rename it, change its data type, remove it, or even add new columns.",
"instruction4": "You can also add new rows and export your data in different formats."
"extras": {
"resource1": "Use the little switch on the bottom left of the screen to explore your dataset using SQL."
"step4": {
"summary": {
"text": "使用你的数据创建地图."
"howto": {
"instruction1": "From the dataset view, click “CREATE MAP” (on the bottom right of your screen).",
"instruction2": "Your map will be created and you will be redirected to Builder, CARTOs map editor:",
"instruction3": "Double click on the name of the map (Untitled Map) and rename it to “My first map”. This will be the name that you will see on your dashboard as well.",
"instruction4": "Change the style of the features on the map (eg: point size, point color, strike size, strike color) by clicking on the layer name and playing with the styling options."
"extras": {
"resource1": "Alternatively, you can also create maps directly from your dashboard. You can select one or more datasets from the Data page to create a map with multiple layers, or you can create a map from your Maps page."
"step5": {
"summary": {
"text": "发布和分享."
"howto": {
"instruction1": "Click “Publish” to publish your map.",
"instruction2": "Click on the red privacy button to make your map “Public”.",
"instruction3": "Click “Publish” to publish this version of your map.",
"instruction4": "Your map has now been published and you can use the link or embed code to share your map."
"extras": {
"resource1": "Until you re-publish your map again, you can make as many changes as you need to without affecting the published version."
"step6": {
"congrats": {
"title": "完成!",
"message1": "You've just created your first web map using Builder",
"message2": "<a href='{url}' class='is-bold'>Download</a> the example."
"extras": {
"resource1": "Learn more with the following examples from our <a href='https://carto.com/help/tutorials/' target='_blank'>Help Center</a>."
"cards": {
"card1": {
"title": "Understanding map layers in Builder",
"subtitle": "Learn how to add data layers to your maps, style them, and more.",
"button": "Go to example",
"link": "https://carto.com/help/building-maps/understanding-map-layers-in-builder/"
"card2": {
"title": "Customizing Pop-Ups with HTML",
"subtitle": "Learn how to setup and customise popups with HTML.",
"button": "Go to example",
"link": "https://carto.com/help/building-maps/customizing-pop-ups-with-html/"
"card3": {
"title": "Exploring Data with Widgets",
"subtitle": "Learn how to add interactive widgets to explore your data.",
"button": "Go to example",
"link": "https://carto.com/help/building-maps/exploring-widgets/"
"MaintenancePage": {
"title": "Well be up and running soon",
"text": "Your account is under maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience!"
"OAuthAppsPage": {
"title": "Apps",
"description": "Build your app allowing users to authenticate through CARTO to share specific data with your app. You can read more in our <a href='https://carto.com/developers/fundamentals/oauth-apps/' target='_blank'>developer documentation</a>.",
"emptyDescription": "Want to build something that integrates with and extends CARTO?",
"newAppButton": "New OAuth App",
"editButton": "Edit",
"deleteModal": {
"title": "You are about to delete <span class='is-bold'>{name}</span> app.",
"subtitle": "The datasets created by the app won't be deleted.</br>The deleted app cannot be recovered, be sure before proceeding.",
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"deleteButton": "OK, delete"
"regenerateModal": {
"title": "You are about to reset the client secret of your <span class='is-bold'>{name}</span> app.",
"subtitle": "The existing secret will be revoked immediately, and the new secret immediately available. This cannot be undone.",
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"regenerateButton": "Regenerate client secret"
"form": {
"newTitle": "New OAuth App",
"optional": "(optional)",
"appName": "App name",
"appNameDesc": "The name of your OAuth app",
"webUrl": "Website URL",
"webUrlDesc": "The homepage URL of your website",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionDesc": "This is displayed to users of your OAuth app.</br>e.g: Find the neighborhood of your dreams",
"callbackUrls": "Callback URLs",
"callbackUrlsDesc": "The full URL to redirect to after a user authorizes an installation.</br>More than one can be setup for development purposes.",
"callbackUrlDelete": "Delete",
"callbackUrlAddMore": "Add More",
"callbackUrlPlaceholder": "https://",
"logo": "Logo",
"logoUpload": "Upload a logo",
"logoUploadLink": "Upload a picture from your computer",
"logoUploadDesc": "Maximum size is 1MB",
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"saveButton": "Save Changes",
"editTitle": "About your app",
"ownedby": "Owned by:",
"clientId": "Client ID:",
"clientSecret": "Client Secret:",
"clientSecretWarning": "Client secret must be kept secret",
"clientSecretButton": "Reset client secret",
"clientSecretDesc": "OAuth apps can use OAuth credentials to identify users. Learn more about identifying users by reading our <a href='https://carto.com/developers/fundamentals/oauth-apps/#oauth-flow' target='_blank'>integration developer documentation.</a>",
"appInformationTitle": "App Information",
"deleteAppButton": "Delete my app"
"ConnectedAppsPage": {
"title": "App permissions",
"description": "These are the apps you gave access to some of your CARTO information.",
"emptyDescription": "No apps connected. You haven't allowed any applications to access your CARTO account.",
"emptyTipTitle": "Are you looking to create an OAuth application?",
"emptyTipDescription": "You can do it from your <a href='{url}'>developer settings</a>.",
"listTitle": "App permissions",
"removeAccessButton": "Remove Access",
"removeModal": {
"title": "You are about to remove access <span class='is-bold'>{name}</span> app to your account data.",
"subtitle": "The datasets of your account wont be affected.",
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"removeButton": "OK, remove"
"SettingsPages": {
"sidebar": {
"profile": "Profile",
"account": "Account",
"connectedApps": "App permissions",
"billing": "Billing",
"organizationSettings": "Organization Settings",
"developerSettings": "Developer Settings",
"connections": "Connections"
"tabs": {
"apiKeys": "API Keys",
"oAuthApps": "OAuth apps",
"mobileApps": "Mobile apps"
"Subscriptions": {
"emptyCase": "No subscriptions yet",
"exploreDescription": "Explore the Spatial Data Catalog and subscribe to one of our Public or Premium datasets; then you will find it here.",
"new": "New subscriptions",
"exploreNotebook": "Explore Notebook",
"datasetSize": "Dataset size"
"Catalog": {
"back": "返回"
"Dialogs": {
"ShareViaURL": {
"map": "地图",
"headerText": "Share current map via URL",
"close": "close"
"InputList": {
"add": "Add",
"delete": "Delete",
"addOnGoing": "Adding..."
"DBConnectionPage": {
"errors": {
"ipNotValid": "IP is not valid"
"CertificateCreation": {
"errors": {
"passwordsDoNotMatch": "密码不正确"
"form": {
"name": {
"title": "Friendly name",
"placeholder": "A name to help you identify your certificate"
"submit": {
"description": "Click on Generate Certificate to download your certificate",
"action": "Generate Certificate",
"performingAction": "Generating..."
"CertificateCard": {
"expiration": "Expires {expirationDate}",
"revoke": "撤销",
"revocation": {
"title": "You are about to revoke your certificate",
"description": "You won't be able to connect to your CARTO database again using this certificate",
"confirm": "确定撤销",
"cancel": "取消"
"CertificateDownloadModal": {
"title": "Your <span class='is-bold'>new certificate</span> has been created",
"description": "The ZIP file contains the certificate files along with information about the parameters to set up your connection.",
"warning": "⚠️ Before closing this dialog, please make sure you download your certificate. You will not be able to access the file after the dialog box is closed.",
"download": {
"download": "DOWNLOAD .ZIP",
"waiting": "DOWNLOADING",
"ready": "CLOSE WINDOW"
"DBConnection": {
"description_fl": "To connect to CARTO's database from third-party tools, you first need to add the IP address you are connecting from and then optionally generate a certificate to add extra security to your connection.",
"description_sl": "You can read more about this in our <a href='https://carto.com/help/working-with-data/direct-sql-connection/' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>help center</a>.",
"ipsSection": {
"title": "1. Your IPs",
"ipList": {
"title": "Allowed IP addresses",
"placeholder": "",
"description": "Computer or device IP address.",
"getCurrentIP": "Get your IP address",
"allowAll": "To allow connections from any IP, use as allowed IP"
"certificatesSection": {
"title": "2. Your certificates ({certificatesLength} of {certificateLimit})",
"createNewCertificate": "New Certificate",
"noCertificates": "You have not generated any certificates yet."
"Connections": {
"sections": {
"directSQLConnection": "直接 SQL 连接"