"mfa_description":"Add an additional layer of security to your account to protect all data you store in CARTO. If you change the actual status you will be logged out and redirected to the login page",
"connect_external_datasources":"Connect to external data sources",
"save_changes":"Save changes",
"delete_account":"Delete account",
"confirm":"Are you sure?",
"delete_all":"Yes, delete my account and all my data",
"email_google":"Your account is linked to your Google account.",
"change_email":"You can change the email if you set a password."
"disclaimer":"<a href='https://github.com/mapbox/maki' target='_blank'>Maki Icons</a>, an open source project by <a href='http://mapbox.com' target='_blank'>Mapbox</a>"
"message":"CARTO Builder has been activated in your account. <a href='https://www.jingweiht.com/carto/learn/guides' class='onboardingNotification-link'>更多信息</a> about it and let us know what you think or <a href='mailto:builder-support@carto.com' class='onboardingNotification-link'>contact us</a>. Happy mapping!"
"description":"Layers can be renamed by double-clicking on the layer name, centered by clicking in the crosshair, and exported through their contextual menu."
"title":"How would you like to aggregate your data?",
"description":"Map types are called \"Aggregation\". Add Torque, Heatmap, and other aggregation styles to data."
"title":"Make it beautiful!",
"description":"Use these options to style your data in beautiful ways. For example, you can create thematic maps by altering the FILL option by value.",
"short-description":"Use these options to style your data in beautiful ways."
"title":"Dress it up with CartoCSS",
"description":"Further style data by using the CartoCSS view at the bottom of the screen."
"geometries-updated":"The geometries in your table were updated",
"new-column-added":"A new column has been added to your dataset.",
"new-columns-created":"New columns have been created as a new dataset.",
"new-column-included":"A new column has been included with your original data.",
"new-columns-included":"New columns has been included with your original data.",
"new-columns-included-based-on-input":"New columns have been included with your original data based on the columns chosen for the input.",
"title":"Subsample Percent of Rows",
"description":"A sample of your original table was randomly selected to give approximately a percentage of the rows from your base dataset."
"title":"Add Columns from Second Dataset",
"description":"This analysis performed a columnar JOIN in order to get columns from two different tables."
"title":"Select Points in Polygons",
"description":"This analysis performs a spatial intersection, returning only the rows from the target layer which intersect with geometries in the base layer.",
"source-cartodb-id":"This number represents the cartodb_id of the base geometry."
"title":"Create Travel or Distance Buffers",
"description":"Create Travel or Distance Buffers creates polygons according to the parameters set by the user.",
"the-geom":"This column was updated to show the travel or distance buffers requested."
"title":"Intersect and Aggregate",
"description":"This operation performs a spatial intersection and aggregates the geometry values from the target layer that intersect with the geometry of the base layer.",
"count-vals-density":"This column is added if COUNT was chosen as the aggregation operation.",
"extra-column":"This column is added if {operation_type} is chosen with column {column_name}."
"title":"Filter by Column Value",
"description":"Filter by Column Value allows you to quickly narrow down the total data you display on a map or input into an analysis node."
"title":"Link Second Layer",
"description":"Link Second Layer allows you to filter the data in your layer by propagating the filters in the target layer. Now if you filter on widgets added to the first node, the results in the second node would be also filtered."
"title":"Predict Trends and Volatility",
"trend":"The normalized trend for each geometry.",
"trend_up":"The probability that a geometry's value will move to a higher class.",
"trend_down":"The probability that a geometry's value will move to a lower class.",
"volatility":"A measure of the potential for a geometry to possess values in other classes.",
"description":"Trends and volatility are calculated based on the time series data input. Trends calculated from inputs with a longer history are more precise. Inputs for the time column should equally spaced (e.g., all one week/month/year apart)."
"title":"Detect Outliers and Clusters",
"description":"Detect Outliers and Clusters finds areas in your data where clusters of high values or low values exist, as well as areas which are dissimilar from their neighbors.",
"quads":"Classification of the geometry from the analysis.",
"significance":"The statistical significance of the geometry's classification of one of four quadrant types.",
"moran":"The local statistic calculated from the Moran's I analysis for each geometry/value in the dataset.",
"vals":"Value used in analysis. If a denominator is entered, this is the 'standardized' rate (centered on mean, normalized by standard deviation)."
"title":"Calculate Clusters of Points",
"cluster-no":"A numeric identifier for each cluster in your dataset. Values start at 1 and go up to the %{clusters} clusters you requested (or max rows if less).",
"description":"Point clustering uses k-means to calculate a predefined number of clusters from your data."
"title":"Enrich from Data Observatory",
"custom-column":"This column contains the data requested from the Data Observatory.",
"description":"The Data Observatory enrichment is the result of the geometry location and the measure requested."
"title":"Enrich from the Data Observatory",
"custom-columns":"These columns contain the data requested from the Data Observatory.",
"description":"The Data Observatory enrichment is the result of the geometry location and the measures requested."
"title":"Create Lines from Points",
"description":"Create Lines from Points using a single point, column values, or a second layer.",
"the-geom":"This column was updated to be lines according to the method chosen.",
"line-sequential":"This analysis creates a line by connecting all points in the dataset in a specified order.",
"line-source-to-target":"Link a source point to a target point based on a shared attribute.",
"line-to-single-point":"Connect the coordinate from latitude and longitude columns to the point geometry (`the_geom`) in your dataset."
"title":"Create Polygons from Points",
"the-geom":"This column was updated to polygons encompassing the base points.",
"category":"This will be the category over which the polygons were calculated.",
"description":"Group points into polygons to create new polygons."
"the-geom":"This column, which stores the geographic information in your dataset, has been updated to reflect the boundaries or locations from the inputs specified.",
"description":"Geocoding data is a service that uses information from many sources to get the geographical information associated with latitude/longitude columns, city names, postal codes, administrative boundaries, IP addresses, or street addresses."
"title":"Create Centroids of Geometries",
"description":"Centroids are calculated from all, groups, or singular geometries. Using the optional parameters of Categorize, Weight, and Operation, you can change how they are calculated and what information the result will contain.",
"the-geom":"Point geometries representing the centroid(s) of your base layer.",
"aggregated-value":"Stores the aggregate value for each centroid.",
"non-aggregated-value":"Contains the count of features considered for each centroid.",
"category":"Stores the category value for each centroid from the base layer."
"title":"Find Nearest",
"description":"Select points from second dataset nearest to the geometries in current layer.",
"source_cdb_id":"This column has been created with the related points id from the base layer.",
"the-geom":"This column has been updated with the target table geometries."
"international-date-line-west":"International Date Line West",
"midway-island-samoa":"Midway Island, Samoa",
"pacific-time-us-and-canada-tijuana":"Pacific Time (US and Canada); Tijuana",
"mountain-time-us-and-canada":"Mountain Time (US and Canada)",
"chihuahua-la-paz-mazatlan":"Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan",
"central-time-us-and-canada":"Central Time (US and Canada)",
"guadalajara-mexico-city-monterrey":"Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey",
"central-america":"Central America",
"eastern-time-us-and-canada":"Eastern Time (US and Canada)",
"indiana-east":"Indiana (East)",
"bogota-lima-quito":"Bogota, Lima, Quito",
"atlantic-time-canada":"Atlantic Time (Canada)",
"caracas-la-paz":"Caracas, La Paz",
"newfoundland-and-labrador":"Newfoundland and Labrador",
"description":"There was a problem geocoding your data",
"title":"Geocoding Error",
"try-again":"Please try again and if the problem persists, <a href='mailto:support@carto.com?subject=Geocoding error with id:%{id}'>contact us</a> with your username and the following code:",
"view-dataset":"view dataset"
"amount-charged":"<strong>$%{price}</strong> will be charged to your account",
"credits-consumed":"You have consumed all your credits during this billing cycle, price is $%{price} / 1,000 extra credits.",
"explanation":"Rows that are not geocoded could have errors in their column values, or don’t exist in our data. Try geocoding again and check the 'override all values' to try again.",
"no-extra-charge":"No extra charges have been done",
"remainingQuotaFormatted":"You still have %{remainingQuotaFormatted} credits left for this month.",
"title":"Data geocoded",
"try-again":"Unsuccessful rows don't count against your quota, so we encourage you to take a look and try again.",
"description":"These rows contained empty values or perhaps we just didn't know what the values meant. We encourage you to take a look and try again.",
"too-many-datasets":"NOTE: The file you uploaded contained too many datasets. No more than %{maxTablesPerImport} datasets can be imported from a single file.",
"unable-to-import-as-layers":"Unable to add all imported datasets as layers",
"upgrade-your-account":"<a href='https://carto.com/pricing/'>Upgrade your account</a> to add more than %{userMaxLayers} layers to your maps."
"too-many-rows":"You may have reached the maximum limit.",
"unable-to-import-all-rows":"For a database connector import, the number of rows allowed is %{maxRowsPerConnectorImport}. Some of your data may not be imported."
"dont-panic":"Don’t panic, here's some info that might help",
"remote-server-code":"The remote server returned a <span class='ErrorDetails-itemTextStrong'>%{httpResponseCode}</span> code.",
"send-us-the-error-code":"Persisting error? Please <a href='mailto:support@carto.com'>send us</a> your username and the following code",
"unknown-error":"An unknown error has happened"
"description":"Remove some of your datasets to gain available space or upgrade your account",
"info":"Keep your data and get a larger quota by upgrading your plan",
"title":"Your quota has run out"
"description":"You have reached the limit of datasets for your plan",
"info":"Remove some of your datasets or upgrade your account to get unlimited datasets",
"title":"Your dataset couldn't be created"
"description":"Remove any layer or upgrade your account",
"info":"Keep your maps and get more layer count quota by upgrading your plan",
"title":"You have reached your layer count limit"
"description":"You have reached the limit of public maps for your plan",
"info":"Make some of your maps private or upgrade your account to get unlimited public maps",
"title":"Your map couldn't be created or updated"
"new-type-created":"We've created a new dataset containing a total of %{datasetTotalRowsFormatted}<br/>tweet%{tweetPlural} with your search terms",
"credit-left":"You still have %{availableTweetsFormatted} credit left for this billing cycle.",
"credits-left":"You still have %{availableTweetsFormatted} credits left for this billing cycle.",
"no-more-credits":"You have consumed all your credits during this billing cycle (price is $%{blockPriceFormatted}/%{blockSizeFormatted} extra credits).",
"twitter-import-title":"Your Twitter dataset is created",
"free":"No extra charges have been applied",
"paid":"$%{tweetsCostFormatted} will be charged to your account"
"no-results":"Your search query was correct but returned no results, \n please try with a different set of parameters before running it again"
"desc":"Unfortunately we could not find anything with these parameters"
"title":"You are about to open an Editor map with the new Builder",
"explanation":"Builder offers an easy-to-use and intuitive drag and drop functionality to analyze and visualize your data. However, some of the old Editor features, such as overlays, are not currently available in Builder.",
"question":"Opening your map in Builder may cause the loss of any feature not supported yet. Are you sure you want to continue?",
"feedback-text":"Have feedback or questions about the %{brand} connector?",
"feedback-link":"Please let us know!",
"demo-email-title":"I am interested in the %{name} connector",
"demo-email-desc":"Hi, I am interested in testing the %{name} connector. Please contact me to schedule a demo of this feature.",
"no-key":"%{name} key is not specified and the panel can't be enabled",
"not-allowed":"%{name} data source is not available for your plan. Please upgrade.",
"limits-reached":"You've reached the limits for your account. Please upgrade.",
"no-credits":"You've reached the available %{name} credits for your account this month."
"member-pluralize":"member |||| members",
"item-pluralize":"item |||| items",
"drag-and-drop":"Drag & drop your file",
"error-desc":"Error. Your URL doesn’t look correct.",
"title":"Enter a URL",
"desc":"Paste a URL and start the import",
"import-url":"Import your data from a %{brand} URL",
"file-selected":"File selected",
"paste-url":"Paste a URL %{fileEnabled} ",
"select-a-file":"or select a file such as CSV, XLS, ZIP, KML, GPX, GPKG, FGDB,",
"see-all-formats":"see all formats",
"sync-enabled":"Keep it synchronized with the source",
"sync-disabled":"Sync options are not available",
"type-selected":"%{brand} selected",
"type-import":"%{brand} import",
"upload-file-url":"Upload a file or a URL |||| Upload a URL",
"import-data":"Import your data from a %{brand} instance",
"sync-options":"Sync options only available for a layer",
"account-connected":"Account connected",
"connect-with":"Connect with %{title}",
"found-in":"%{size} %{pluralize} found in %{title}",
"item-selected":"Item selected",
"many-more-formats":"many more formats",
"no-results-title":"Oouch! There are no results",
"no-results-desc":"We haven't found any valid file from your account",
"state-idle-login":"Login to your account and select any item.",
"state-error":"We are sorry that you can’t connect to your %{title} account. Be sure you have any pop-up blockers deactivated for this website.",
"state-token":"Checking Token.",
"state-oauth":"Requesting oAuth.",
"state-retrieving":"A list of your %{title} files will be displayed in a moment.",
"state-selected-sync":"You can choose when to sync the file.",
"state-selected-instagram":"A map containing all your geocoded photos will be created",
"state-selected-no-sync":"Sync options are not available.",
"try-again":"Try again"
"sync-my-data":"Sync my data",
"every-hour":"Every hour",
"every-day":"Every day",
"every-week":"Every week",
"every-month":"Every month",
"free-trial":"%{days} day free trial",
"more-features":"more features",
"upgrade-desc":"Upgrade your account to get sync options and %{features}",
"credits-consumed":"Twitter credits for this period consumed - %{extraTweets} will be charged",
"credits-left":"%{per}% of your %{remainingFormatted} Twitter credits left",
"credits-no-limit":"No limits - %{extraTweets} will be charged",
"extra-tweets":"extra tweets",
"fallback-title":"Enable the %{brand} connector",
"fallback-desc":"The %{brand} connector allows you to map %{brand} data activity related to your brand, event, or any term you may be interested in.",
"from-to":"From / to",
"terms-desc":"Enter up to four search terms using the category fields.",
"terms-placeholder":"Insert your terms separated by commas",
"title":"Twitter trends",
"twitter-gmt":"Time is in GMT+0",
"your-gmt":"You are in GMT"
"fallback-desc":"Enable the %{brand} connector in your account to connect your %{brand} data to CARTO and mantain it in sync with the source.",
"input-placeholder":"Paste your %{brand} table URL here",
"url-desc":"To retrieve a particular layer, add the layer index at the end of the URL"
"fallback-desc":"Enable the %{brand} connector to map your photos or videos from your account in CARTO."
"fallback-desc":"Enable the %{brand} connector in your account to map your %{brand} files in CARTO or mantain your CARTO maps in sync with your Box data."
"campaign-selected":"%{brand} campaign selected",
"fallback-desc":"Enable the %{brand} connector in your account to map your user lists from %{brand} in CARTO or mantain your CARTO maps in sync with your %{brand} data.",
"map-campaign":"Map your %{brand} campaigns",
"state-idle":"Connect your %{brand} account to select any of your campaigns.",
"state-error":"We are sorry, there has been an error while connecting to your %{brand} account. Just in case it helps, be sure you have the pop-up blocker deactivated for this website.",
"state-token":"Checking %{brand} token.",
"state-oauth":"Requesting oAuth.",
"state-retrieving":"A list of your %{brand} campaigns will be displayed in a moment.",
"state-selected":"Campaign selected."
"fallback-desc":"Contact us to learn more about %{brand} integration",
"input-placeholder":"Paste your %{brand} URL here"
"field-billing-project":"Billing Project ID",
"billing-project-hint":"Project ID for the Google Cloud project that will run the queries and be charged for the expenses. Example: my-project-identifier. More info <a href='https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/docs/creating-managing-projects#identifying_project' target='_blank'>here</a>.",
"placeholder":"SELECT *, ST_GeogPoint(longitude, latitude) AS the_geom FROM project.dataset.table"
"title":"Enter your %{brand} credentials",
"desc":"Get tables or custom SQL queries from your database and keep them in sync.",
"placeholder-server":"Paste your %{brand} Server URL",
"placeholder-port":"Type your port",
"placeholder-database":"Type your database name",
"placeholder-username":"Type your username",
"placeholder-password":"Type your password",
"placeholder-cluster":"Type your cluster name",
"placeholder-warehouse":"Type your warehouse name",
"connection-error":"The connection could not be established. Please, check the entered parameters.",
"general-error":"Unfortunately, there was an error. Please, try again.",
"field-sql-query":"SQL query",
"sql-hint":"If your query contains geographic data in EPSG:4326 format, name that column with an accepted name so that it’s imported correctly: “the_geom”, “geom“, “geometry“...",
"sql-error":"There has been an error parsing your query",
"import-as-field":"CARTO Dataset",
"import-as-hint":"Name of the new Dataset that will be created in your CARTO Dashboard with the imported data.",
"run":"Run SQL query",
"run-bq-go-to-connect":"Connect to BQ",
"title":"Getting connected",
"desc":"If you need to configure your firewall to ensure CARTO has access to your %{brand} database, please contact us to obtain a list of IPs",
"fallback-desc":"This connector is not currently enabled in your account. Please, contact us if you are interested.",
"request-sent":"Your request has been received.",
"fallback-error":"There has been an error requesting the connector."
"fallback-desc":"This connector is currently in beta. Please, contact us if you want to give it a try.",
"request-access":"Request beta access",
"request-sent":"Your request has been received.",
"fallback-error":"There has been an error requesting the access to the connector."
"text":"Is your data somewhere else? Please, let us know!",
"guessing-desc":"Let CARTO automatically guess data types and content on import.",
"deprecated-connector":"Deprecated connector.",
"twitter-contact-support":"Please <a href='mailto:support@carto.com'>contact support</a> for more information.",
"twitter-how-to-historical":"To get access to historical data (older than 30 days) you need to",
"contact-team":"contact our team",
"privacy-upgrade":"You cannot change the privacy of your new datasets. Click here to upgrade your account.",
"privacy-change":"Your new dataset will be %{privacy}",
"privacy-click":"Click to change it to %{nextPrivacy}",
"privacy-change-banned":"You cannot change the privacy of your new datasets.",
"add-layer":"Add layer"
"title":"This geometry is too big to edit from the web",
"desc":"Editing this geometry could freeze or crash your browser, and you could lose your work. We encourage you to edit this feature through the API.",
"locked":"Unlocking %{thisOrTheseStr} %{contentTypePluralized} will show %{itOrThemStr} on the dashboard again.",
"unlocked":"Locking %{thisOrTheseStr} %{contentTypePluralized} will hide %{itOrThemStr} from the dashboard. Reveal %{itOrThemStr} using the header menu or the bottom link."
"description":"Region must match your geometry location"
"title":"Select measurements",
"description":"Contextual data to augment your layer"
"label":"Base layer"
"error":"Error getting regions.",
"placeholder":"Select a region",
"search-placeholder":"Search by region"
"placeholder":"Select a measurement"
"placeholder":"Select a metric",
"disabled-placeholder":"Enable Normalization"
"placeholder":"Select a timespan"
"data-type":"Data type",
"define-columns":"Define column to find similarities with",
"define-how-connect-points":"Define how to connect your points",
"define-two-layers":"Define two layers",
"choose-function":"Choose the function to run on this node",
"choose-function-small":"Choose function",
"define-params":"define your parameters below",
"params":"Your Function's Parameters",
"target":"target node",
"title":"SQL Function"
"disabled-by-config":"This analysis type is disabled",
"dissolved-help":"Combine polygons tracts which have equal ranges",
"enter-latitude":"Enter latitude",
"enter-longitude":"Enter longitude",
"enable-normalize":"Enable Normalize",
"filter-aggregate":"Aggregate your results",
"filter-column":"Target column",
"geometry-from":"Geometry from",
"description":"Geocode to get location coordinates",
"postal-code-help":"Select a column with postal codes",
"admin-region-help":"Select a column with region names",
"admin-region-extended-help":"Specify an administrative region or select a column with region names",
"admin-region":"Administrative Regions",
"city-help":"Select a column with city names",
"city-extended-help":"Specify a city or select a column with city names",
"country-help":"Select a column with country names",
"country-extended-help":"Specify a country or select a column with country names",
"enter-city-name":"Or enter city name",
"enter-country-name":"Or enter country name",
"enter-region-name":"Or enter region name",
"enter-state-name":"Or enter state name",
"ip-address-column":"IP Address",
"ip-address-help":"Select a column with IP addresses",
"ip-address":"IP Addresses",
"long-lat":"Latitude and Longitude",
"postal-code":"Postal Codes",
"select-a-country":"Select a country column",
"select-admin":"Select a region column",
"select-city":"Select a city column",
"select-country":"Select country column",
"select-ip":"Select an IP column",
"select-latitude":"Select a latitude column",
"select-longitude":"Select a longitude column",
"select-postal-code":"Select a postal code column",
"select-state":"Select state column",
"select-street-address":"Select an address column",
"state-help":"Specify a state or select a column with state names",
"street-address-column":"Street Address",
"street-address-column-help":"Select a column with street addresses",
"street-address-help":"Use columns or free text to compose your address schema. <a href='https://carto.com/learn/guides/analysis/geocode-street-addresses-into-point-geometries' target='_blank'>More info.</a>",
"street-address":"Street Addresses",
"advance":"Advanced mode",
"normal":"Normal mode"
"group-by":"Group by",
"input-layer":"Define your input layer",
"intact-help":"Keep all polygon tracts as individual polygons",
"select-your-points":"Select your points",
"intersect-help":"Only keep the rows matching your target data (Inner Join).",
"keep-data":"Select the data you want to keep from each",
"key-columns":"Choose a shared column",
"key-columns-desc":"Columns must have the same type of data",
"line-source-to-target":"To Source",
"line-to-single-point":"To Single Point",
"link-layer":"Link to col.",
"link-layer-desc":"This layer's widgets will link both",
"linked-layer":"Target layer",
"markov-desc":"One for each time period",
"max-or-equal":"Max or equal",
"measure-by":"Measure by",
"merge-step-one-title":"Select a target to join",
"min-or-equal":"Min or equal",
"moran-desc":"Find spatially clustered values and outliers",
"categorized":"Per group",
"categorized-help":"Calculate results per each category of the chosen column",
"max-results":"max results",
"modal-desc":"Select points from second dataset nearest to the geometries in current layer.",
"modal-title":"Find Nearest",
"workflow-title":"Find Nearest"
"neighbors-help":"Define the local neighborhood as this many nearest-neighbors",
"normalize-help":"A column to normalize the target column",
"should-match":"Column types should match",
"numerator":"Target column",
"numerator-help":"Measure spatial autocorrelation of this column",
"order-by":"Order by",
"order-results":"Order your results",
"output-data":"Define output data",
"parameters":"Define your parameters",
"parameters-description":"Tune your analysis",
"placeholder-text":"Analysis allow you to build reproducible workflows for analyzing and explaining your data.",
"label":"Add new analysis",
"tooltip":"Add a new node to your analysis workflow"
"edit-analysis-tooltip":"Edit Analysis",
"points_source":"Point source",
"polygons_source":"Polygon source",
"postal-code":"Postal Code",
"title":"confirm your analysis",
"loading":"Obtaining your quotas...",
"credits-left-body":"This might incur into an extra cost. Extra credits will be charged at $%{blockPrice}/%{blockSize}.",
"credits-left-message":"%{smart_count} credit left |||| %{smart_count} credits left",
"enough-quota":"You need to use approximately %{credits} of your credits.",
"hard-limit-not-enough-quota":"We're sorry the current quota is insufficient to enrich your data. Rows will be set to null and analysis may not complete. Please %{contact} us to extend your quota for this function.",
"soft-limit-enough-quota":"We're sorry the current quota is insufficient to enrich your data. This might need about %{credits} extra credits. Extra credits will be charged at $%{blockPrice}/%{blockSize}.",
"no-quota-assigned-body":"To get access to the %{analysis} function, %{contact}.",
"no-credits-body":"You have consumed all your credits during this billing cycle. %{contact} to get some more.",
"no-credits-message":"No credits available",
"regular":"Contact us",
"organization":"Contact your organization admin"
"regular":"contact our team",
"organization":"contact your organization admin"
"quota-fetch-error":"There was an error obtaining your quota: %{error}.",
"quota-dataservice-down":"Dataservices API unreacheable.",
"trade-area":"Trade area",
"georeference-street-address":"Geocode street address",
"georeference-cities":"Geocode cities",
"data-observatory-measure":"Enrich from Data Observatory"
"public_transport":"Public transport",
"reference-layer-pluralize":"Define your reference layer |||| Define your reference layers",
"sampling-desc":"Select a sample of the data",
"sampling-rate":"Percent of data ",
"search-by-column-name":"Search by column name",
"second-geom-required":"This analysis requires a second geometry column",
"select-column":"Select a column",
"select-type-placeholder":"Select a type",
"select-columns":"Select columns",
"select-data-source":"Select a data source",
"select-layer":"Select a layer",
"select-second-source":"Select a second data source to join",
"select-type":"Select data type",
"select-value":"Select a value",
"setup-analysis":"Setup analysis",
"significance-help":"Filter outliers and clusters to this significance. Smaller numbers are more significant.",
"source-col":"Base col.",
"source-column":"Base column",
"spatial-markov-trend-desc":"One for each time period",
"spatial-markov-trend-time-columns-help":"Each column should contain values for a time period",
"help":"% of data to show"
"target-layer":"Target layer",
"base-layer":"Base layer",
"target-col":"Target col.",
"target-column":"Target column",
"target-data":"Target data",
"target-percent":"Target percent",
"target-percent-help":"Convex hull lookalike",
"target-layer-dataset":"Target can be a layer or a dataset",
"time-seconds":"Time (Seconds)",
"to-closest":"To closest",
"top-range":"Top range",
"to-filter-by":"To filter by",
"tracts-help":"Number of AOIs evenly spaced between 0 and RADIUS",
"tune-analysis":"Tune your analysis",
"tune-centroid":"Tune your centroid",
"tune-clusters":"Tune your clusters",
"value-aggregation":"Value aggregation",
"value-aggregation-desc":"Aggregate the desired value in your polygon(s)",
"value-aggregation-centroids":"Aggregate the desired value in your centroid(s)",
"valid-type":"This kind of data is not valid for this type",
"weight-column":"Weight column",
"weight-type":"Weight type",
"weighted-by":"Weighted by",
"weighted-by-help":"Weights contribution by a value for each point",
"workflow":"Your workflow",
"write-min-or-equal-value":"Write min or equal value",
"write-max-or-equal-value":"Write max or equal value",
"write-min-value":"Write min value",
"write-max-value":"Write max value",
"select-fields":"Select fields",
"no-fields":"You haven’t selected any fields to be shown in the popup.",
"placeholder-interactivity-text":"Popups are disabled because interactivity is not available for this layer.",
"placeholder-columns-text":"Popups are disabled because there are no columns available for this layer.",
"select-style":"Select style",
"label":"Window size",
"help":"Change Pop-Up width"
"header-color":"Header color",
"none":"No Pop-Up applied",
"infowindow_light":"Pop-Up Light",
"infowindow_dark":"Pop-Up Dark",
"infowindow_color":"Pop-Up with header color",
"infowindow_header_with_image":"Pop-Up with header image"
"title-label":"Show items",
"description":"Add items",
"help":"Change text field"
"title-label":"Show items",
"description":"Add items"
"is-equal-to":"Is equal to",
"is-greater-than":"Is greater than",
"is-greater-or-equal-than":"Is greater than or equal to",
"is-less-than":"Is less than",
"is-less-or-equal-than":"Is less than or equal to"
"loading":"Calculating coordinates...",
"success":"Map centered",
"error":"Error centering map"
"visualize":"Layer doesn't have geometry"
"title":"You have reached your maximum layer limit.",
"body":"Your account does not support more than %{maxLayers} layers.",
"contact":"Contact us",
"body":"Upgrade your account to add more than %{maxLayers} layers to your map.",
"upgrade":"Upgrade your account"
"body":"Increase your layer limit by contacting the account's administrator.",
"upgrade":"Contact admin"
"body":"Increase the layer limit for your organization by contacting CARTO support.",
"upgrade":"Contact support"
"message":"This layer is empty. Add data to start working.",
"action-message":"Click the blue button on the bottom right to add points (%{pointIcon}), lines (%{lineIcon}) or polygon (%{polygonIcon})."
"add-widget":"Add as a widget",
"top-cat":"% in top 10 cat.",
"trues":"% true",
"null":"% null",
"feature-count":"feature count",
"help":"Edit widget"
"tooltip":"Switch to SQL view"
"tip":"CMD + S to apply your query. CTRL + Space to autocomplete.",
"quota-data-services-warning":"You're about to execute a function that will consume several Data Services credits, so we advise you to be mindful of your quota consumption when using this function here.",
"quota-data-services-warning-link":"You can read more about our Data Services API in our <a href='https://carto.com/developers/data-services-api/reference/#geocoding-functions' target='_blank'>guides</a>."
"sql-alter-loading":"Modifying table…",
"sql-alter-error":"Error in SQL query.",
"sql-alter-success":"Modification applied.",
"sql-applying":"Applying query…",
"sql-error":"Error in SQL query.",
"sql-success":"SQL query applied."
"title":"SQL READ-ONLY",
"body":"You just applied an analysis to this layer. The SQL is now read- only.",
"body":"There is no data available to be displayed."
"tooltip":"Switch to HTML view"
"save":"CMD + S to apply your html.",
"sanitize":"Use {{{column}}} to sanitize values.",
"empty":"Template can't be empty."
"body":"You just applied custom html with HTML editor. You can continue or clear all custom HTML.",
"accept":"Clear custom html"
"invalid-dimension":"Invalid dimension, max %{limit}x%{limit}px",
"size-subtitle":"Manually enter the image size",
"format-subtitle":"Choose a lossless (PNG) or lossy (JPG) format",
"options-subtitle":"Configure display options"
"no-geometry-data":"There's no geometry in your data to add a legend.",
"tooltip":"Switch to HTML view"
"save":"CMD + S to apply your html.",
"empty":"Template can't be empty."
"pre-html":"<!-- insert your custom html code below this line -->",
"post-html":"<!-- insert your custom html code above this line -->"
"size-disabled":"Style your layer by value to enable this type of legend"
"body":"You just applied custom html with HTML editor. You can continue or clear all custom HTML.",
"accept":"Clear custom html"
"body":"The legends setting is disabled. Changes made will not be shown until you enable legends.",