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6 months ago
namespace :cartodb do
namespace :saml do
# Sets (inserts or overrides) SAML configuration for an organization. The following environments variables are needed:
# ORGANIZATION_NAME: name of the organization. Example: 'orgname'.
# SAML_ISSUER: [OPTIONAL] Name of the service provider in the SAML server. Example: 'CARTO_SAML_Test'.
# Default: URL similar to `` or ``, depending on your configuration.
# SAML_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE: attribute with the user email. Example: 'email'.
# SAML_ASSERTION_CONSUMER_SERVICE_URL: [OPTIONAL] CARTO URL for SAML, including organization name. Examples: ''. Defaults to the URL built from configuration and organization name
# SAML_SINGLE_LOGOUT_SERVICE_URL: [OPTIONAL] CARTO URL for SAML logout, including organization name. Examples: ''. Defaults to the URL built from configuration and organization name
# SAML_SLO_DIGEST_METHOD: [OPTIONAL] Digest method to use in signed logout request. By default: ''
# SAML_SLO_SIGNATURE_METHOD: [OPTIONAL] Signature method to use in signed logout requests. By default: ''
# SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE: [OPTIONAL] Private key file used for signed logout requests
# SAML_SP_CERTIFICATE_FILE: [OPTIONAL] Certificate file used for signed logout requests, in .pem format
# Option 1. Manual configuration
# SAML_IDP_SSO_TARGET_URL: SAML Identity Provider login URL. Example: ''.
# SAML_IDP_SLO_TARGET_URL: [OPTIONAL] SAML Identity Provider logout URL. Example: ''.
# SAML_IDP_CERT_FINGERPRINT: SAML server certificate fingerprint. Command: `openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -in "./cert/server.crt`. Example: '8C:47:97:B1:E2:E4:6C:06:B5:56:11:8A:5A:8B:53:5C:01:05:CB:05'.
# SAML_NAME_IDENTIFIER_FORMAT: [OPTIONAL] Format of the name identifier parameter. Example: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified'. Defaults to 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress'.
# Option 2. Metadata parsing
# SAML_IDP_METADATA_FILE: Url or file that contains metadata about the IdP. Example: ''.
task :create_saml_configuration, [] => :environment do |_t, _args|
organization = Carto::Organization.where(name: ENV['ORGANIZATION_NAME']).first
raise "Organization not found: #{ENV['ORGANIZATION_NAME']}" unless organization
configuration = if ENV['SAML_IDP_METADATA_FILE'].present?
idp_metadata_parser =
settings = idp_metadata_parser.parse_remote(ENV['SAML_IDP_METADATA_FILE'])
idp_sso_target_url: settings.idp_sso_target_url,
idp_slo_target_url: settings.idp_slo_target_url,
idp_cert_fingerprint: settings.idp_cert_fingerprint,
name_identifier_format: settings.name_identifier_format
config = {
idp_sso_target_url: ENV['SAML_IDP_SSO_TARGET_URL'],
idp_cert_fingerprint: ENV['SAML_IDP_CERT_FINGERPRINT'],
name_identifier_format: ENV['SAML_NAME_IDENTIFIER_FORMAT']
config[:idp_slo_target_url] = ENV['SAML_IDP_SLO_TARGET_URL'] if ENV['SAML_IDP_SLO_TARGET_URL'].present?
configuration[:name_identifier_format].present? && configuration[:idp_slo_target_url].present?
configuration[:security] = {
logout_requests_signed: true,
logout_responses_signed: true,
digest_method: ENV['SAML_SLO_DIGEST_METHOD'] || XMLSecurity::Document::SHA256,
signature_method: ENV['SAML_SLO_SIGNATURE_METHOD'] || XMLSecurity::Document::RSA_SHA256
configuration[:private_key] =['SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE'])
configuration[:certificate] =['SAML_SP_CERTIFICATE_FILE'])
base_url = CartoDB.base_url(
configuration[:issuer] = ENV['SAML_ISSUER'] || base_url + '/saml/metadata'
configuration[:email_attribute] = ENV['SAML_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE']
configuration[:assertion_consumer_service_url] = ENV['SAML_ASSERTION_CONSUMER_SERVICE_URL'] || base_url + '/saml/finalize'
configuration[:single_logout_service_url] = ENV['SAML_SINGLE_LOGOUT_SERVICE_URL'] || base_url + '/logout'
configuration[:name_identifier_format] ||= 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress'
raise "Missing parameter: #{configuration}" unless configuration.values.all?(&:present?)
organization.update_attribute(:auth_saml_configuration, configuration)
puts "Configuration metadata is available at #{base_url}/saml/metadata"