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var Backbone = require('backbone');
var TorqueLayer = require('../../../src/geo/map/torque-layer');
var TorqueLayerViewBase = require('../../../src/geo/torque-layer-view-base');
var _ = require('underscore');
var createEngine = require('../fixtures/engine.fixture.js');
describe('geo/torque-layer-base-view', function () {
var engineMock;
beforeEach(function () {
spyOn(TorqueLayerViewBase, '_cartoCSSChanged').and.callThrough();
spyOn(TorqueLayerViewBase, '_onUpdateDuration').and.callThrough();
engineMock = createEngine();
this.model = new TorqueLayer({
type: 'torque',
table_name: 'table',
sql_wrap: 'select * from (<%= sql %>) as _cdbfromsqlwrap',
query_wrapper: 'select * from (<%= sql %>) as _cdbfromquerywrapper',
cartocss: 'Map {}',
dynamic_cdn: 'dynamic-cdn-value'
}, { engine: engineMock });
describe('_getQuery', function () {
describe('without source', function () {
it('should take sql_wrap in case it is defined', function () {
var query = TorqueLayerViewBase._getQuery(this.model);
expect(query).toBe('select * from (select * from table) as _cdbfromsqlwrap');
it('should not take query_wrapper in case sql_wrap is not defined', function () {
var query = TorqueLayerViewBase._getQuery(this.model);
expect(query).toBe('select * from table');
describe('with source', function () {
var sourceMock = new Backbone.Model({
query: 'select * from new_table'
beforeEach(function () {
this.model.set('source', sourceMock);
it('should take sql_wrap in case it is defined', function () {
var query = TorqueLayerViewBase._getQuery(this.model);
expect(query).toBe('select * from (select * from new_table) as _cdbfromsqlwrap');
it('should not take query_wrapper in case sql_wrap is not defined', function () {
var query = TorqueLayerViewBase._getQuery(this.model);
expect(query).toBe('select * from new_table');
afterEach(function () {
describe('_initBinds', function () {
var test;
beforeEach(function () {
var FakeObj = function () {};
FakeObj.prototype = _.extend(
stopListening: function () {}
test = new FakeObj();
test.model = this.model;
test.nativeTorqueLayer = {
setCartoCSS: function () {},
animator: {
duration: function () {}
spyOn(test.nativeTorqueLayer.animator, 'duration');
it('should apply cartocss to native torque layer', function () {
this.model.set('cartocss', 'Map { -torque-animation-duration: 30 }');
it('should change animation durator when customDuration changes', function () {
this.model.set('customDuration', 10);