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4 years ago
## Grunt tasks list
These are the tasks(\*) we provide:
- [x] ```grunt publish_s3``` => publish CARTO.js library in S3 (you need secret keys).
- [x] ```grunt clean``` => clean temporary and dist folders.
- [x] ```grunt invalidate``` => invalidate library files through fastly.
- [x] ```grunt test``` => run library test suite in the console (it will generate a SpecRunner.html file in test folder).
- ```grunt test -d``` => if you need to print failing tests.
- ```grunt test -f``` => if you need to know where was the problem.
- [x] ```grunt build``` => generate library in dist folder.
- [X] ```grunt build:js``` => create uncompressed javascript files in dist (useful for developing)
- [X] ```grunt build:css``` => create uncompressed stylesheets files in dist (useful for developing)
Dev tasks are as useful while in development, watches files and updates the bundles accordingly:
- [x] ```grunt dev:js``` => only JS
- [x] ```grunt dev:css``` => only CSS
- [x] ```grunt dev``` => both JS and CSS
*Remember to install all the things you need, check main, how to build section.