var C = require('../../../src/constants'); var VizJSON = require('../../../src/api/vizjson'); describe('src/vis/vizjson', function () { it('should expose the vizjson attributes', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }); expect(vizjson.key1).toEqual('value1'); expect(vizjson.key2).toEqual('value2'); }); it('should have an attribution overlay by default', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({}); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType(C.OVERLAY_TYPES.ATTRIBUTION)).toEqual({ type: C.OVERLAY_TYPES.ATTRIBUTION }); }); describe('.isNamedMap', function () { it("should return false if datasource doesn't have a template_name", function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ datasource: { } }); expect(vizjson.isNamedMap()).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should return true if datasource has a template_name', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ datasource: { template_name: 'tpl0123456789' } }); expect(vizjson.isNamedMap()).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('.hasZoomOverlay', function () { it("should return true if there's a zoom overlay", function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ overlays: [{ type: C.OVERLAY_TYPES.ZOOM }] }); expect(vizjson.hasZoomOverlay()).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('.hasOverlay', function () { it("should return true if there's an overlay with the given type", function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ overlays: [{ type: 'something' }] }); expect(vizjson.hasOverlay('something')).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should return false if there isn't an overlay with the given type", function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ overlays: [{ type: 'something' }] }); expect(vizjson.hasOverlay('else')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('.getOverlayByType', function () { it("should return the overlay if there's an overlay with the given type", function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ overlays: [{ type: 'something' }] }); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType('something')).toEqual({ type: 'something' }); }); it("should return nothing if there isn't an overlay with the given type", function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ overlays: [{ type: 'something' }] }); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType('else')).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('.addHeaderOverlay', function () { it('should add a header Overlay', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ url: '', title: 'title', description: 'description' }); vizjson.addHeaderOverlay('show_title', 'show_description', 'is_shareable'); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType('header')).toEqual({ type: 'header', order: 1, shareable: 'is_shareable', url: '', options: { extra: { title: 'title', description: 'description', show_title: 'show_title', show_description: 'show_description' } } }); }); }); describe('.addSearchOverlay', function () { it('should add a search overlay', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({}); vizjson.addSearchOverlay(); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType('search')).toEqual({ type: 'search', order: 3 }); }); }); describe('.removeOverlay', function () { it('should remove the overlay of the given type', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ overlays: [{ type: 'something' }] }); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType('something')).toBeDefined(); vizjson.removeOverlay('something'); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType('something')).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('.removeLoaderOverlay', function () { it('should remove the loader overlay', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ overlays: [{ type: C.OVERLAY_TYPES.LOADER }] }); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType(C.OVERLAY_TYPES.LOADER)).toBeDefined(); vizjson.removeLoaderOverlay(); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType(C.OVERLAY_TYPES.LOADER)).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('.removeZoomOverlay', function () { it('should remove the zoom overlay', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ overlays: [{ type: C.OVERLAY_TYPES.ZOOM }] }); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType(C.OVERLAY_TYPES.ZOOM)).toBeDefined(); vizjson.removeZoomOverlay(); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType(C.OVERLAY_TYPES.ZOOM)).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('.removeSearchOverlay', function () { it('should remove the search overlay', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ overlays: [{ type: C.OVERLAY_TYPES.SEARCH }] }); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType(C.OVERLAY_TYPES.SEARCH)).toBeDefined(); vizjson.removeSearchOverlay(); expect(vizjson.getOverlayByType(C.OVERLAY_TYPES.SEARCH)).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('.enforceGMapsBaseLayer', function () { it('should replace the existing base layer by a GMaps one', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ map_provider: C.MAP_PROVIDER_TYPES.LEAFLET, layers: [{ options: { type: 'Tiled', url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', name: 'Positron', className: 'httpsbasemapscartocdncomlight_nolabelszxypng', attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO', urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' } }] }); vizjson.enforceGMapsBaseLayer('roadmap', { color: 'blue' }); expect(vizjson.layers[0]).toEqual({ options: { type: 'GMapsBase', url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', name: 'roadmap', className: 'httpsbasemapscartocdncomlight_nolabelszxypng', attribution: '', urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', baseType: 'roadmap', style: {color: 'blue'} } }); expect(vizjson.map_provider).toEqual(C.MAP_PROVIDER_TYPES.GMAPS); }); it('should NOT replace the existing base layer by a GMaps one if map_provider is not leaflet', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ map_provider: 'something', layers: [{ options: { type: 'Tiled', url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', name: 'Positron', className: 'httpsbasemapscartocdncomlight_nolabelszxypng', attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO', urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' } }] }); vizjson.enforceGMapsBaseLayer('roadmap', { color: 'blue' }); expect(vizjson.layers[0]).toEqual({ options: { type: 'Tiled', url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', name: 'Positron', className: 'httpsbasemapscartocdncomlight_nolabelszxypng', attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO', urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' } }); expect(vizjson.map_provider).toEqual('something'); }); it('should NOT replace the existing base layer by a GMaps one if the given type is not valid', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ map_provider: C.MAP_PROVIDER_TYPES.LEAFLET, layers: [{ options: { type: 'Tiled', url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', name: 'Positron', className: 'httpsbasemapscartocdncomlight_nolabelszxypng', attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO', urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' } }] }); vizjson.enforceGMapsBaseLayer('invalid type', { color: 'blue' }); expect(vizjson.layers[0]).toEqual({ options: { type: 'Tiled', url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', name: 'Positron', className: 'httpsbasemapscartocdncomlight_nolabelszxypng', attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO', urlTemplate: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' } }); expect(vizjson.map_provider).toEqual(C.MAP_PROVIDER_TYPES.LEAFLET); }); }); describe('.setZoom', function () { it('should set a new zoom and unset bounds', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ zoom: 'old_zoom', bounds: 'bounds' }); vizjson.setZoom('new_zoom'); expect(vizjson.zoom).toEqual('new_zoom'); expect(vizjson.bounds).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('.setCenter', function () { it('should set a new center and unset bounds', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ center: 'old_center', bounds: 'bounds' }); vizjson.setCenter('new_center'); expect('new_center'); expect(vizjson.bounds).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('.setBounds', function () { it('should set bounds', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ bounds: 'old_bounds' }); vizjson.setBounds('new_bounds'); expect(vizjson.bounds).toEqual('new_bounds'); }); }); describe('.setVector', function () { it('should set vector', function () { var vizjson = new VizJSON({ vector: true }); vizjson.setVector(false); expect(vizjson.vector).toBeFalsy(); }); }); });